- Visibility: 15+ miles (Mt. Baker visible)
- Wind: 5-10 knots North
- Sky: clear and sunny
- Water: calm
- A very beautiful day, with a nice sunset
- A good night for stargazing!
- Conducted the weekly animal census.
- Saw several branded sea lions today.
- California sea lions: U690, U105, and 8427 (I think I got those correct)
- Steller sea lions: 420Y and 347Y (those are definitely correct)
- Also saw one sea lion with a neck ring, presumable from plastic.
- No harlequin ducks today.
- One of the male elephant seals was trying to mate with the female.
- This seems like an odd time of year for that?
- California Sea Lions: 728
- Northern (Steller) Sea Lions: 493
- Harbour Seals: 48
- Elephant Seals: 5 Great Race (4 males, 1 that I think is a female)
- Seagulls unspecified: 672
- Thayer’s Gulls: 247
- Glaucous-winged Gulls: 30
- Cormorants unspecified: 329
- Double Crested Cormorants: 24
- Pelagic Cormorants: 11
- Brandt’s Cormorants: 2
- Black Turnstones: 19
- Canada Geese: 6
- Black Oystercatchers: 6
- Dunlins: 2
- Savannah Sparrows: 2
- U690?
- 8427?
- 420Y
- 347Y
- Neck Ring
- Scar
- Jetty Lions
- E-seals four
- Dunlin
- Dunlin
- Cleaned the solar panels.
- Tidied up a few odds and ends.
- The usual chores.
- A few eco-tours today.
- One rental boat came through the middle of the reserve.
- No visitors today.
- Quite a nice, relaxing day today.
- The kind of day that makes one appreciate being alone.