- Visibility: 15+ miles, Mt. Baker clearly visible
- Wind: 20-25 knots NE in the morning and evening, down to near zero in the middle
- Sky: mix of sun and clouds
- Water: 1′ chop
- Sunrise
- Olympics
- Mt. Baker
- ditto
- The weaner went on a few adventures around the house. He even wiggled his way into the doorway, temporarily blocking me from entering the house.
- Quite a few Canada Geese on the island.
- Also some eagle action.
- I saw one eagle flying around with a fish, but I couldn’t get a good photo.
- Started checking the water levels in the battery room.
- Tried to manually pump diesel into the day tank without much success.
- Several eco-tours came by today.
- A tug pulling a barge that had a couple of boats on it passed to the north of the reserve.
- A bit redundant, transporting a boat over water, isn’t it?
- Boats on Boats!
- It was my birthday today.
- Funny how it seems just like any other day when you are alone with no one to remind you.
- A unique birthday vibe.