- Visibility: 15 miles
- Wind: 20-25 knots West in the morning, picking up to 30-35 by noon.
- Sky: overcast
- Water: 3′ chop
- I oversaw an enthusiastic day long census with Maya, Tazi, and Ali.
- Discovered a new Black Oystercatcher nest with 3 eggs!
- Maya and Tazi discovered a new Canada Goose nest.
- I begin to suspect that our new elephant seal male is actually Chuckles.
- If he did nothing but eat for 3 months straight, that would explain his girth.
- Saw a Steller Sea Lion branded 9628.
- We found a blood star, and Maya showed us various chitons.
- Maya and Tazi did a transect.
- Harbour Seals: 190
- California Sea Lions: 42
- Steller/Northern Sea Lions: 39
- Elephant Seals: 15 (13 on Great Race, 2 in the Southern waters)
- Seagulls: 225 (Glaucous-winged)
- Pigeon Guillemots: 82
- Canada Geese: 36 (14 on Great Race, 22 flyovers)
- Black Oystercatchers: 8 (plus 2 nests with a total 5 eggs)
- Harlequin Ducks: 3 (2 male, 1 female)
- Cormorants: 3
- Barn Swallows: 2
- Harbour Seals
- Blood Star
- Blood Star
- Mossy Chiton
- 2 Elephant Seals
- Harlequin Ducks
- Oystercatcher nest!
- 3 eggs!
- Stellar Sea Lion brand 9628
- We cleaned the solar panels.
- Finished cleaning the boathouse floor with T.S.P.
- Repainted some rusty propane tanks.
- Sanded the westward facing bench by the Students’ house.
- Several eco-tours came by in the morning, but as wind picked up they disappeared.
- Too close?
- Too close?