- If visibility of the guy wires for flying birds is found to be a problem, visible marking devices will be attached to the wires.
1. The antennae will pose no impairment on existing line of site from the observatory as it is below the existing tree canopy in elevation. Anchors for guy wires will be embedded in bedrock, with minimal damage to surrounding vegetation.3. It is anticipated that delivery of the structure will be by helicopter, so there will be no vehicular impact on the existing roadway.
4. The laying of a conduit from the antennae to the observatory to tie in with the college’s fibre optic network will be done as carefully as possible using existing ground where there is little if any native plant cover. Any disruption of plant cover will be re-seeded with native grasses.
5. Further information will be added here as it becomes available.MITIGATION
1. A detailed list of mitigation items on the racerocks.com project has been made available to the Government of Canada Millennium Bureau in the form of an EIA preliminary screening form .
2. Any disruption of plant cover will be re-seeded with native grasses. This file on building the Local Area Network for racerocks.com presents pictures taken from the tower that show the location of the conduit installed at Race Rocks and the excavation for the conduit behind the observatory.By Garry Fletcher, Project Director for “racerocks.com”.Return to the Index of the racerocks.com Project |