Wind: yesterday 0-10 knots from N to SE, today 0-20 knots from S to E to N
Sea State: yesterday rippled with swells up to 1 m in afternoon, today calm, then rippled with swells up to 1 m in afternoon
Visibility: yesterday 10-15 NM, today 3-10 NM
Sky: yesterday hail then clear, today overcast, snow and rain
Temperature: yesterday 3-5 °C, today 1-4 °C
Atmospheric CO2: 414.32 ppm (recorded by NOAA at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii)
There has been a variety of weather over the past two days. Yesterday began with hail at sunrise, quickly becoming clear skies for the rest of the day. Today was foggy with a light snowfall in the morning, turning into rain for the rest of the day.
This evening, one of the female elephant seals left the island. She had been here since January 3, for a total of 32 days without eating. She gave birth to the second pup of the season on January 11 and nursed that pup for 24 days. That pup is still hanging out with the harem, which now consists of the alpha male, second pup, female that lost her pup, third pup and her mother. The first pup has been nearby the harem since his mother left the island two weeks ago, but he doesn’t sleep in the same spot as the rest of the group. Lately, the first pup has been spending a lot of time around the rock ledges by the water shed and desalinator building.
There was one visitor to the island in the past two days. Greg stopped by the jetty briefly to drop off fuel: gas for the generator and groceries for the ecoguardian. No other boats were seen in the ecological reserve.
- One of the beta male elephant seals looking worse for wear after a recent fight with another male. Soon after this photo was taken he was scared away by the alpha male, after getting too close to the harem.
- A sunset selfie of Nick the ecoguardian
- A low tide sea level perspective of the tower, as seen from the east side of the island.