- Sky: partially overcast
- Wind: 10-20 knots
- Water: lightly rippled
- Visibility: 15+ miles
- Yesterday a small boat came through the reserve and had mechanical problems. Its engine would not start, and it drifted onto the rocks a few times. We were able to throw them a rope and secure them at the jetty where they were able to restart their motor. They decided to immediately depart, and once they got into the current their motor died again. After being pushed back into the rocks, a passing fishing boat was able to tow them back to Pedder Bay.
- We have been seeing the the usual volume of eco-tourism boats, 20-25 per day. They consistently come within 100m of marine mammals.
- We noticed one seagull attacking another’s chick today, as well as another deceased chick nearby.
- 10 sea lions
- 5 elephant seals
- 52 harbour seals
- 300 seagulls, many seagull chicks
- 8 oyster catchers
- 2 families of geese, another adult pair
- Shortly after hitting the rocks for the second time.
- Heading back to Pedder Bay