Wind: W 2-19 knots
Sea State: calm in morning, rippled in afternoon
Visibility: 15 NM
Sky: clear, partly cloudy in evening
Temperature: 11-16 °C
Atmospheric CO2: 412.58 ppm (recorded by NOAA at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii)
There were not a lot ecological happenings to note from today. The sea lions are continuing to grow in numbers in the main haul out spots on the southwest side of the main island, southeast side near the lighthouse, jetty area, and Middle Rock. Stay tuned for the weekly census tomorrow to get the official numbers to see how the population has grown since last week.
I have been keeping track of the two steller sea lions seen recently with flashers hooked to their mouths. I only saw one this morning near the jetty. I thought I saw one which was possibly the same one on Middle Rock, although I couldn’t get a good look at it because it was facing away.
I transferred diesel to the furnace tanks in each house, in the ongoing effort to get everything stocked up for the colder months.
There were a lot of eco tourism and pleasure boats in the area, taking advantage of the nice weather.
Here are two photos from today:
- This california sea lion seems to prefer solitude in the centre of the island. Victoria can be seen in the background.
- The southwest side of the main island, home of the CODAR ocean sensor and a sea lion haul out that is growing each day.