
Thursday, December 06, 2001
Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max 8.8C — Min 4.5C — Reset 7.7C Rain 5.0 mm — Windy day
WEATHER: A great weather day! Very noisy with the howling and whistling 35-46knt. winds out of the west.At times the rain, moderate and horizontal, reduced visibilty to 1/2 mile as some of you may have noticed on cameras #1 and #3. The constant pounding of the waves,especially during high tide causes the house to ‘rumble’ not unlike small earthquakes.
MARINE LIFE: The dead mammal is a very small Harbour Seal, looked to be about 8 or 9 kilos and 70cms. There are no external wounds, however the seal seems under sized with not much body fat, and for some reason failed to thrive.It would appear that it has been dead for 2 or 3 days and came ashore on a flooding tide in a knot of kelp and driftwood.
Many of the sea lions rafted about in the relative calm sea in the lee of Gr. Race while 40-50 Harbour Seals spent several hours ‘surfing’ in the 3-4metre breakers between the Southeast Rocks and Gr. Race
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:08 PM
Good Morning
WEATHER: Sky Overcast — Vis. 15 Miles — Light Rain Shower — Wind South West 23 Knots — Sea 4 Foot Moderate
posted by Carol or Mike S at 7:19 AM

Tour Boat Disturbance

Wednesday, December 05, 2001
Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max 6.1C — Min 3.3C — Reset 4.9C — Rain 0.8 mm
HUMAN INTERACTION: Two groups of students came over in 2nd Nature this afternoon to learn the intricacies of the desalination plant that provides our fresh water. Two tour boats were in the reserve at 14:40 one of which did approach Middle Rock a little too close and caused some Sea Lions to take to the water. I think actually having people standing so high on an observation deck was very threatening to the animals. Garry happened to be in the tower so obtained this video of the disturbance:
Sadly we have a dead marine mammal at the base of the ridge along the east shore of Great Race. Even with the telescope I cannot tell whether it is a Harbour Seal,an Elephant Seal or a California Sea lion and I can’t get close enough without disturbing the 50 or so Sea Lions and 2 Elephant Seals hauled out all around to make a positive ID.MARINE LIFE: At approximately 16:00 we saw 6 or 7 Orca just east of North Rocks, unfortunately it was too dark for filming but what a sight! There was one very large bull in the group and one quite small Orca, possibly a calf. They were breaching and slapping their tails and really churning up the sea. They started out in fairly large circles diving, porpoising and rolling and the large bull breaching quite often. After about 10 minutes the circles got smaller and they started swimming very fast on their sides with their dorsals at about a 45 degree angle to the water. They were quite low in the water and were sort of ‘plowing’ the water,back and forth,around and around.Finally with the telescope we did see the reason for all the activity, one unlucky California Sea Lion. Twice the Sea Lion was tossed in the air. We watched until it was too dark to see anything except a few white splashes. As all this was going on there was a group of 30-40 sea gulls circling over-head ready to snatch up any ‘crumbs’ that might come their way -nothing is wasted in this example of the food chain.
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:08 PM
Good Morning
WEATHER: Sky Cloudy — Vis. 15 Miles — Wind North West 5 Knots — Sea Rippled
posted by Carol or Mike S at 7:19 AM

Rosedale Breakers!

Tuesday, December 04, 2001

 Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 6.9C — Min 2.9C — Reset 4.8C — Rain 5.6 mm no Snow
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:19 PM
HUMAN IMPACT: The group went to the island today to drop off a Sony camera with Carol and Mike. Carol and Mike have been requested by Fisheries (DFO) to record the ecological impact of the DND blasting that is to occur tomorrow at Rocky Point. Often, by the third blast, the sealions are scared off the rocks, possibly resulting in injury. Many of the sealions on Race Rocks have quite large scars on their undersides. Sealions are also scared by boats passing too close to the rocks.
ENVIRONMENT: We were treated to the rare sight of two Rosedale breakers. These breaking waves are the result of long, high energy waves, generated in the Pacific Ocean. When the waves reach Rosedale Reef, the most shallow point in the area, the pent up energy causes the wave to break. Refer to get a link to NOAA/NCEP Wavewatch for more information.We can see that the snow is building up on the Olympic Mountains with the snow line moving down almost daily. At this time of year the clearcuts are quite visible.
posted by Damien Guihen at 5:19 PM
Good Morning
WEATHER: Sky Overcast — Vis 15 Miles — Wind West South West 15 Knots — Sea 2 – 3 Foot Chop
posted by Carol or Mike S at 7:22 AM

Bald Eagle takes seagull

Monday, December 03, 2001
Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max 7.1C — Min 4.3 Reset 4.7C — Rain 0.6 mm
Marine Life:Three mature Bald Eagles arrived in the area this morning about 11:15 ,one perched on the ‘look-out’ log on N.Rks while the other two shared a high point on the SE Rocks. all was quiet for over an hour when one of the two took flight, circled the rock twice,swooped behind the rock and reappeared with an immature gull in it’s talons.As the eagle with the gull landed the other two eagles started harassing the successful hunter to the point the it flew off leaving the now dead gull.I expected to see the other two eagles move in on the prey however they just remained on the ridge about a metre away from the gull just watching.Finally the third eagle came back,the other two took flight and the three eagles spent about 5 minutes flying at each other often with their talons out-stretched.At last one eagle left the fray swooped down made an unsuccessful grab for the gull then just continued flying north towards Pedder Bay.The other two flew over to West Race, sat there about 10 minutes then flew off towards Whirl Bay.Why the eagles left the gull I don’t know but it did not go to waste as the ever vigilant crows soon moved in for a meal!
A Great Blue Heron spent 11/2 hours in the East Bay area just below the tower then flew off towards Pedder Bay.Also a group of Black Oyster Catchers arrived just at sunset and settled among the rocks on the east side of Gr. Race.
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:10 PM
Good morning
WEATHER: Sky Cloudy — Vis. 15 Miles — Wind West 7 Knots — Sea Rippled — Occasional Light Rain Shower
posted by Carol or Mike S at 7:32 AM

Students out for weekend

Sunday, December 02, 2001
Good evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 8.9C — Min. 5.1C — Reset 5.1C — Rain 5.5 mm
Human Interaction: A group of students under the direction of Laura Verhegge spent the weekend on Race Rocks doing some field work in environmental systems studies. Wanting to take advantage of the low tides which are occurring after dark the students arrived late Friday afternoon.The weather at times was cold,wet and windy -so windy in fact the the return to campus scheduled for 11:30 Saturday had to be postponed to Sunday forenoon.
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:10 PM
Good morning
WEATHER: Sky Part Cloudy — Vis. 15 Miles – Wind East 8 Knots — Sea Rippled
posted by Carol or Mike S at 7:22 AM


Tuesday, November 27, 2001
Good evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 7.9ºC — Min. 5.0ºC — Reset 6.0ºC — Rain 0.4 mm
MARINE LIFE: 1 Mature bald Eagle arrived north Race Rocks 11:50 perched on the popular log – look out. where it stayed until 13:20, The Eagle then flew off towards Bentinck Island with out visiting any other areas of the M.P.A.
HUMAN INTERACTION: Prince of Whales tour boat 13:00 – 13:20 9 – 10 Passengers.
Good morning
WEATHER: Sky overcast — Vis. 15 miles — Wind north east 5 knots — Sea rippled

Harbour seal antics

Monday, November 26, 2001
Good evening
TEMPERATURE: Max 8.1ºC — 5.0ºC — Reset 7.1ºC — Rain 1.2 mm — total so far this month 122.1 mm rain
MARINE LIFE: A great day -a bonus really when you consider it is now the last week of November. The Sea Lions did what they do best on calm days-catch up on their sleep.Most of the Northern S.L’s hauled out on Middle Rock while the Californias preferred to raft about in the kelp beds East and South of Gr. Race. The 5 Harlequins were back in the east bay and spent the afternoon by the boat dock.2 Mature Bald Eagles arrived about 9:30,one took up position on the high point on West Race and the other maintained look-out on the log on North Rocks.They stayed about 45 minutes then flew off towards Whirl Bay. 4 Harbour Seals enjoyed what I can only describe as the quintessential log rolling competition in the kelp,east side of Gr.Race. 3 seals on the log,3 seals off the log! It was the 4th seal wanting on that log that kept me watching for 35 minutes and yes, that 4th seal finally succeeded,unfortunately success was short lived. The log was caught up in the tide between the South East Rks. and Gr. Race and just twirled too much for the seals to stay on it.
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:23 PM
Good morning
WEATHER: Sky clouydy — Vis. 15 miles — Wind calm — Sea rippled
posted by Carol or Mike S at 7:29 AM

students webcast

Sunday, November 25, 2001
Good evening
TEMPERATURE: Max 8.1ºC — Min. 5.3ºC — Reset 5.4ºC — Rain 9.8 mm
HUMAN INTERACTION:The 2nd Nature in to the dock a little after 9:00 with the students working on the live web presentation at the R.B.C.M.The sea was much calmer than yesterday but the rain was a definite inconvenience. One charter Dive boat in West Race area from 11:00 until just after 14:00. The students departed approximately 15:30 to return to campus.
MARINE LIFE: There was a group of 3 male and 2 female Harlequin Ducks in the East Bay most of the afternoon.
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:08 PM
Good morning
WEATHER: Sky overcast — Vis. 15 miles — Wind west 5 knots — Sea rippled
posted by Carol or Mike S at 7:18 AM

Webcasting Crew out

Saturday, November 24, 2001
Good evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 8.5ºC — Min. 7.3 — Reset 8.1ºC — Rain 0.2 mm
HUMAN INTERACTION: Not the best weather for live web casting -however the “crew” arrived after a bumpy ride in the 2nd Nature and braved the very cold North Easterly.There were also the hardy divers on the ‘Juan de Fuca Warrior’ diving the West Race Area.
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:05 PM
Good morning
WEATHER: Sky overcast — Vis. 15 miles — Wind north east 23 knots — Sea 3 foot moderate
posted by Carol or Mike S at 7:27 AM

DND Blasting


Thursday, November 22, 2001
Good evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 9.5ºC — Min 7.8ºC — Reset 8.7ºC — Rain 12.8 mm
MARINE LIFE: A typical November day weather wise however the Military detonation exercises on Bentinck Island were particularly disturbing for the Harbour Seals and Sea Lions. Once the blasting was done for the day the animals were still quite nervous and in fact when a Cuda Marine Whale Watching boat went by one rock(15:15-15:30) with approximately 120 sea lions hauled out over half of them stampeded into the water!
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:11 PM
Good morning
WEATHER: Sky overcast — Vis. 10 miles — Rain — Wind north 21 knots — Sea 4 foot moderate — Low north east swell
posted by Carol or Mike S at 7:24 AM