oil spill

At 1400 hrs. as sports fisher reported oil on water in   Whirl  Bay.

coastguard was contacted they said the matter was taken care of. At 15:00 hrs. A second sports-fisher  reported that the area was very contaminated. Military police and at rigid hull inflatable wear out around North rocks. At  15:15- 15:25 Hyaku  was out to check oil –Garry called and reported spill to Vancouver Coast Guard radio

tide line feeding

Chris out with Second Nature and seven divers. Students tested second nature emergency motor. Approximately 2500 gulls and cormorants were feeding in the tide lines. 21bald eagles   including nine immature,  in reserve.  The bald eagles were also feeding in tide lines. One elephant seal was hauled out on the South side of great race. Approximately 250 goals are wintering on the East Ridge. These birds stay very close together and are very quiet.