Temperature rise

temperature rise today is reflected in the return of the seagulls and 150 cormorants +60 starlings, 25 black Turnstons, 15 black oyster catchers, 16 crows, 21 bald eagles [10 mature

5 sealions hauled out on North  rock.  120  sealions  on West race. 22 on great race .

143/32  second nature  was out with BCTEL  learning Channel promo visit. Angus, Garry, and Chris with them.


at 1405 Spring Tide tour boat came through the reserve. There are a large group of gulls,  and cormorants, as well as a flock of 60+ European starlings around the reserve today. The 16 oyster catchers are still in the East Bay area. Three elephant seals are hauled out on the South Shore by the engine room for some part of each day.