Sunny Days

Ecological Notes:

  • 1 Male Elephant Seal, spent most of this hot sunny day in the water around the boat ramp. I conferred with the Waterfront Coordinator, and this is not one of the two males who was here this winter, but has been out here before.

Taking it cool


  • The Waterfront Coordinator came out today, to deliver 2 loads of fresh water, and helped work on the water system.

Facility Work:

  • Drained, cleaned and rinsed the freshwater tank. then refilled with fresh water brought over by boat.
  • Cleaning and prepping the wooden stairs at the student house for new preservative.

Noted Vessel Traffic:

  • Several commercial and private vessels in the reserve today, sightseeing, and diving.

 Noted Infractions:

  • 2 private vessels went through the main channel at high speed.

Weather Events:

  • Westerly winds overnight shifted to primarily southerly winds at about 10 knots for the day. Calm seas and warm sunny skies.Winds returned to westerly in the evening.


** All wildlife photos taken at the furthest distance possible, and may be cropped to improve detail! **


Weather – Current:


Weather – Past:

Elephant Seal

Ecological Notes:

  • A large Male Elephant Seal came to the Island today, laid by the path in the sun for a while, and then went and settled in in the shade of the student house. I gave him plenty of room!

Soaking up some sun



  • Yesterday. the Waterfront Coordinator delivered diesel fuel and repair parts.

Facility Work:

  • In preparation for the servicing of the desalinator , the large saltwater cistern was drained. As there has never been any chemicals or grey water added to the cistern, it was drained back to the ocean. Long firehose material was used to ensure no bird nests would be affected.

DND events:

  • Many inshore detonations over the last few days.

Weather Events:

  • Sunny with a few cloudy spots throughout the day, giving way to heavy fog in the evening. Westerly winds 20 – 30 knots. Slight chop all day.


** All wildlife photos taken at the furthest distance possible, and may be cropped to improve detail! **


Weather – Current:


Weather – Past:

Viewing from the Tower

Ecological Notes:

  • I gave it a couple days to be sure, but it does appear that the last 2 elephant seals have left the island. Checked the outer rocks from the top of the tower as well. It was time for them to head to open water and regain the weight they lost during their molt.

(Photo from a previous day!)

  • Only 11 sealions left as well, 8 California sealions and 3 Stellers. One remaining Steller is relatively young.

DND events:

  • Several loud blasts, but no boat sentinels or flags, so it looked like it was further inland.

Noted Vessel Traffic:

  • 2 Ecotourism vessels, following all guidelines properly.

 Feature Event:

  •  Weekly Wildlife Census is an all day event. Counting occurs early morning through to late evening, as activity changes throughout the day.
  • Low tide is a good time to count Oystercatchers and surf birds foraging in the inter-tidal zone. Right now, I’m limiting walking around the island edge due to all the various bird nesting locations.
  • The view from the top of the tower gives the best overview of the seal haulouts, surrounding rocks, and bird counts on the main island.
  • Other than Oystercatchers and Pigeon Guillemots , it’s best to count birds from the tower
  • Although not in the reserve, Biggs Orca (also known as Transient Orca) were  also observed from the tower today. Identified by a friend as the T46Bs

Weather Events:

  • Other than a short early morning fluctuation, winds were consistently from the west at 10 – 15knots all day. Cloudy with a few sunny breaks and good visibility all day.


** All wildlife photos taken at the furthest distance possible, and may be cropped to improve detail! **

Weather – Current:

Weather – Past:




  • Bald eagle adult 3
  • Bald eagle juvenile 5
  • Turnstones 3
  • Sparrow 5
  • Gulls, Glaucous and Western  114
  • Caspian Terns 2
  • Cormorants 18
  • Pigeon Guillemots 72
  • Oyster catcher 27
  • Canadian goose 15
  • Canada Goose Goslings 7
  • Surf Birds 6



  • Steller sea lion 3
  • Harbour seal 171
  • California sea lion 8
  • Sea Otter 1

Nice View

The Elwa Valley, from Race Rocks

Ecological Notes:

  • 2 Elephant Seals still on the island
  • Every time I think there can’t be more Gull nests, there is!

They’re everywhere!


  • Yesterday the Waterfront Coordinator delivered some fresh groceries, parts, and tools I had ordered.

Facility Work:

  • 2 of the things my father taught me – “If something in a system has failed, you’d better check the rest” and “Do you want it done now?, or do you want it done right?” ….. what looked like a couple leaks, turned into a full strip down!
  • Completed the install and venting of the NaturesHead Composting Toilet. Although temporary, it might as well work properly.
  • Interesting note: when worked and turned properly, there is no smell! The vent and fan is just to increase airflow for the compost to work better.

Noted Vessel Traffic:

  • Several EcoTourism boats visited the reserve today, all showing proper viewing and speed protocols.

Weather Events:

  • Daily winds of 5 -13 knots ran the full circle of the compass today, but the weather stayed stable with high overcast. Very light rain briefly late in the evening. Calm seas throughout.

** All nature photos taken at the furthest distance possible, and may be cropped to improve detail! **


Weather – Current:


Weather – Past:

Gulls not deterred

Ecological Notes:

  • 2 Elephant Seals, 1 Female, 1 Juvenile Male
  • No Oyster Catcher or Gull hatchlings noted yet
  • Heard lots of extended ruckus over by the helipad last night, found the feathery remains of a gull there this morning.

Facility Work:

  • Firewood cutting
  • Redid mount for Camera 5, cleaned and fixed mount, new screws
  • Repairs to the gas powered pressure washer

Noted Vessel Traffic:

  • 1 EcoTourism vessel
  • 1 coastguard type Zodiac, appeared to be sightseeing
  • Both followed proper viewing procedures and speeds
  • 1 private vessel did not

 Noted Infractions:

  • Small private vessel(set up for fishing), raced through the main passage, close to the pier

 Feature Event:

  •  A couple of days ago, I scrubbed and cleaned the east deck on the house. It’s normally out of the wind, and a nice place to sit for sunrises as well. I mounted a couple plastic Owls there, hoping to discourage the gulls.

  • Interestingly, 3 or 4 Eagles flew by quite close to check the “owls” out.
  • ………….Today, when I went to the deck, there were 2 Gulls, sitting between the owls.

Weather Events:

  • Westerly winds, 5 – 10 knots all day. Calm seas with good visibility, some haze across the strait towards Port Angeles  Sunny skies in the morning, giving way to overcast and clouds late afternoon. Then back to mostly clear skies in the evening.


Weather – Current:


Weather – Past:

Seawater Salinity and Temperature, May, 2021

Institute of Ocean Sciences, North Saanich, B.C., V8L 4B2
Observer Derek Sterling MAY
YSI ID: 24 Year: 2021
Temp Sal
Day Time ºC ppt
1 18:15 8.4 32.4
2 19:20 8.6 32.4
3 21:00 8.5 32.3
4 22:00 8.4 32.4
5 23:00 8.9 31.8
6 23:45 8.4 31.9
7 12:35 8.9 31.7
8 13:20 8.9 31.5
9 13:50 9.0 31.4
10 14:20 9.3 31.5
11 14:40 9.4 31.4
12 15:15 9.0 31.8
13 15:40 8.9 32.0
14 16:10 8.9 31.8
15 16:50 9.0 31.9
16 17:30 9.1 31.8
17 18:00 9.0 31.8
18 19:10 8.9 31.7
19 20:20 8.9 31.8
20 21:30 9.1 31.7
21 22:30 9.0 31.8
22 11:20 9.0 31.7
23 12:08 9.1 31.8
24 12:50 9.3 31.7
25 13:45 9.4 31.9
26 14:20 9.3 31.8
** 27 15:10 9.1 32.5 **
28 15:50 9.3 32.8
29 17:00 9.1 32.6
30 17:45 9.1 32.7
31 19:30 9.5 32.2
** double checked sensor, extreme high and low tides and 2 storms (?)
readings dropped back to normal range after about 5 days



  • Harlequin duck 2

  • Bald eagle adult 2

  • Bald eagle juvenile 4

  • Turkey Vultures 2

  • Turnstones 6

  • Gulls, Glaucous and Western 135, many nests!

  • Cormorants 21

  • Pigeon Guillemots 63

  • Oyster catcher 23

  • Canada Goose 14

  • Canada Goose Goslings 7

  • Killdeer 5


  • Steller sea lion 10

  • Harbour seal  105

  • California sea lion 42

  • Elephant seal male (juvenile) 1

  • Elephant seal female 1

  • Sea otter 1

Fishing in a Rockfish Conservation Area

DFO Reference :

June 6, 2021

Vessel – Abigail fishing in Race Rocks RCA

First observed at location *F with binoculars at 0857, they saw me on the deck and reeled in lines. I returned to deck and took photo 1 as they jetted away. (high speed within the reserve)

They returned to the RCA at 0922, photos 2,3,4 taken for overview of location and ID.

After photo 5 and 6, I attempted to contact them on VHF 16 and 68 (was just going to politely suggest they check the regulations for Rockfish Conservation information). They were even closer to the North Rock by this time.

They looked up, reeled in lines fast, and again jetted off.

Reported to DFO Fisheries Violations Hotline – 1-800-465-4336

Emailed in this report to DFO, as requested during phone conversation

New and Old

Ecological Notes:

  • 1 Juvenile Male and 1 female Elephant Seal still on the island
  • Fewer Sealions over the last couple stormy days


  • Yesterday, the waterfront coordinator brought over some packages, drinking water, and a tank of water for the large tank. Hopefully this will be the last large tank, as we’re finishing the maintenance on the desalinator and cistern this month!

Facility Work:

  • Learned how to sharpen and service the chainsaw blade properly today (thank you YouTube). Probably not perfect, but it cuts way better now.

New files really helped

  • Although done on a regular basis it was a nice day to clean the solar panels, albeit windy. This picture shows a nice juxtaposition of the new and the old, realizing that the builders of the lighthouse never envisioned what the future would hold …… yet the installation of the panels wouldn’t be needed in the absence of the lighthouse and facilities.

Daylight, converted to power, for the Night Light

Noted Vessel Traffic:

  • 4 Private vessels

Weather Events:

  • Last night’s wind and rain storm, with gusts up to 45 knots gave way to more westerly winds, rising from 15 knots in the morning to 35 knots by late afternoon. Wind with tide most of the day led to 2 meter swells. Cloudy with sunny patches throughout the day.


Weather – Current:


Weather – Past: