Saw quite a few boats today, tour boats, fishing boats and sailboats
Seems like the seals and sea lions spent most of the day either lazing in the sun or cooling off in the water, the gulls seem to be extra rowdy today, not sure why
the batteries don’t seem to be taking in enough solar power, I find it odd that I still have to run the generator today even though its been very sunny for the past few days
The males were moving around a bit today but the pups mostly stayed in their spots, the little one really likes being away from the rest up there on the helicopter pad
Had the guys working on the project by the student house here today
Kyle came by with a student as well to show him around a bit
Had an ecotour and a couple fishing boats and a sailboat cruise by today as well
Both pups still around this morning, the younger pup found a safe spot away from the males near the helicopter pad, so she did a bit of rock climbing to get there
Some boats were cruising by today, fishing and ecotour
The oldest pup is nowhere to be found today, she was near the boat shed last night and I have walked around the island a couple times today but I have not seen her anywhere
there is a fourth male elephant seal swimming around, he looks pretty young and I think he has been here before
The youngest pup has been trying to fend off the other males today