I am back on Race Rocks, this is my third year but I’m only staying for 3 months this time. I am very happy to be back and look forward to a beautiful and productive autumn.
Today I plan to take a good look around the island and see if any of the sea lions have any injuries and just do a good once over.
I’ve spent the last 5 months with the whale watching community and here are some things I have learned. The whale watchers care about these animals as much as I do and our goal is education. We enjoy sharing this beautiful ocean and our knowledge of these animals with other people. The observations I’ve made during this summer are that many commercial boats do keep a respectful distance. The whale watching boats actually help me out as an ecoguardian. There are plenty of areas in the reserve that are out of my sight and if they see an injured animal they notify me and tell me where it is so I can monitor it and let marine mammal rescue know. If someone is doing activity within the reserve that shouldn’t be like fishing or snorkeling in a dangerous area they let that boat know that they can’t do that. I have a very difficult time trying to get a hold of pleasure crafts because they are always on different radio channels so this really helps me when others look out for the safety of the reserve and others within the reserve.
This island is a special place for many people and so much goes into protecting this ecological reserve and I just wanted to acknowledge a group of people who have helped in many ways to protect Race Rocks.