Back on Fence Duty

Saturday, September 14, 2024

We made some improvements to our last stretch and started on a new section that has been totally wrecked by the sealions. We are again converting from the old-style block anchors to metal stanchions that are bolted into the rock. We chose a course that provided good anchor locations and uses the natural geography to work with the sealions preferred nap spots. We also cleaned the windows of the various buildings because with 715 gulls…well you get the idea.

While having our morning coffee we saw our first Orcas. 5-6 with a baby was a treat for sure. Another notable siting was three ocean canoes coming through middle channel around 2pm, pretty rowdy if you ask me.

Whale Watching Vessels: 15

Private Vessels: 5

Weather: Calm and overcast in the morning. Cleared in the afternoon with winds reaching 14-16kts.