Weather-wise, yesterday was wild weather and today dramatic. After yesterday’s log was posted and the internet was out, the wind turned to southeast and sustaining over 50 knots. The barometer bottomed out at ~987 hPa in the early hours of the morning and then started to rise again. As today’s entry goes on the web-site ~17:00 it is at 1006 and climbing.
This morning, the sea was still in motion with a substantial swell (~1m) from the southeast that was knocked down later by the flood tide and west wind. The wind switched to west fairly early in the morning and it has been blowing 20 – 30 knots all afternoon. (Oh for a wind turbine that doesn’t harm birds.)
The forecast for Friday is a switch to east overnight, 5 – 15 knots, turning back to west 10 – 15, by late afternoon. Showers to continue.
No vessels were observed in the Ecological Reserve today. Explosions resumed around noon, with the red flags flying a warning to all.
Geese are starting to prefer Rocky Point’s grassy areas and that is a good thing. The high density of eagles here could be unsettling. A Bald Eagle was observed taking a cormorant today. The big adult ate about half of it. Another slightly smaller, adult (male?) approached, waited and they switched off carefully in the wind so the carcass would not fly off. The male (?) ate most of the rest, before taking off with remains in talons, as gulls moved in to clean up. There were a few different species gulls resting here today. The Harbour Seals didn’t show up yesterday or today, nor did the Pigeon Guillemots.
One tagged California Sea Lion was photographed; tag and brand # X79. A necklaced Steller’s Sea Lion was observed and photographed. It look a lot like one that was here last fall except that the plastic on the neck may be coming apart. The animal is vigorous. While under observation, it climbed off one rock, swam across head held high and climbed up another rock, to the top of the ‘dog pile’.
Today was census day and here are the results.
2016 | 10-Mar |
River Otter | 0 |
Northern Elephant Seal | 0 |
Harbour Seal | 0 |
Northern Sea Lion (Steller’s) | 26 |
California Sea Lion | 82 |
Canada Goose | 2 |
Harlequin Duck | 11 |
Surf Scoter | 12 |
Common Merganser | 2 |
Brandt’s Cormorant | 25 |
Double-crested Cormorant | 50 |
Pelagic Cormorant | 18 |
Cormorant | ~100 |
Bald Eagle (juvenile) | 3 |
Bald Eagle (adult) | 2 |
Killdeer | 2 |
Black Oystercatcher | 13 |
Black Turnstone | 21 |
Surfbird | 7 |
Rock Sandpiper | 2 |
Dunlin | 2 |
Mew Gull | 0 |
Glaucous-winged Gull (+ Xs) | 138 |
Thayer’s Gulls | 61 |
California Gulls | 12 |
Common Murres | 6 |
Pigeon Guillemot | 0 |
Northwestern Crow | 2 |
Fox Sparrow | 1 |
Song Sparrow | 0 |
Chores were routine and there were no visitors.
- Gulls roosting and resting after the wild storm.
- You can see the difference in leg colour here from yellow on left, to greeny yellow at right.
- California Gulls and others.
- Tricky to tell some of the gulls apart.
- Notice the black as well as red on this California Gull’s bill.
- Dunlin (?) in the sunshine.
- Two animals of note the ring-necked Seller’s and tagged Californian.
- Necklaced Steller’s Sea Lion at top and down to right tagged (yellow tag left fore flipper) and branded (lower back) Californian; X79.