- Visibility: 15 Miles
- Wind: 5-15 SW
- Sky: Overcast
- Water: Flat
- had a little tour from the college come by this morning
- the day before there were a couple of people from UVIC setting up equipment to monitor earthquake activity
- The blue water tank at the side of the house is being cleaned out and filled at the college and will be transported here to fill up our freshwater tank until we get a new desalinator put in place
- Maybe 15 stellers and 30 Californias around, the numbers have gone down
- two adorable little barn swallows have been hanging around the house
- 11 elephants, the numbers will be dropping soon as everyone has finished molting and will need to go hunting soon
- a couple of hundred pigeon guillemots around today
- about 8 oystercatchers who should be setting up their nests soon
- still around 16 geese and at least 14 goslings, three nests hatched
- a few hundred seagulls buildings their nests
- the cormorants and harbour seals are sticking to the outer rocks
- two bald eagles out on north rock today
- was stuck in a fog bank yesterday and it has been very cloudy today so I will run the generator a bit
- I leave on Tuesday and our new eco-guardians Mara and Kai will be taking over for the summer

Barn Swallows on the deck railing