- Sky overcast
- Visibility 15+ NM
- Wind 20-25 knots W
- Sea state: chop, whitecaps breaking at .5 m
Visitors/Marine Traffic:
- On Thursday an electrician came to work and Greg brought us some supplies- Thanks Greg!
- Also on Thursday, Daniel came to do a bird count and take recordings of bird calls. He was able to spot and identify many more species than we are able to, and it was fantastic to learn more about what is here! He also found owl pellets near where we heard an owl in April, and we are excited to see what information can be concluded from them.
- On Friday Greg delivered water
- Also on Friday, there were many RCMP boats just outside of the reserve.
- There have been a few pleasure crafts, some fishing within the reserve boundaries.
- One whale watching vessel today, which approached the animals and the jetty very closely
- Daniel also spotted two new observations: a fern growing out of a crack on the lighthouse, and some beautiful harvest brodiaea.
- There is now only one elephant seal, the large male.
- There is one goose still sitting on a nest underneath camera 5. She’s been there for a long time and we are wondering if the eggs will still hatch since it is so late in the season. There are no goslings currently, but still a constant 16 adult geese total.
- In the past two weeks we have been observing many jellyfish in the water, including sea nettles, fried egg jellyfish, and the occasional water jelly still.
- On Thursday morning we watched as two eagles chased one seagull into the water and continuously took turns diving at it. They dove at it until it was completely wet and unable to fly away. At this point, one of the eagles swooped down and carried the seagull away by its neck.
- 280 Seagulls
- 12 Adult oystercatchers
- 2 Oystercatcher chicks
- 157 Harbor seals
- 1 Adult male elephant seal
- 16 Adult Canada geese
- 11 California sealions
- 3 Stellar sealions
- 9 Pigeon Guillemots
- 2 Adult bald eagles
- 1 Barn swallow
- Eagle diving at seagull in water (1)
- (2)
- (3)
- Fern growing on lighthouse!
- Oyster catcher nest and eggs
- Dried gumboot chiton in intertidal
- Harvest brodiaea
- Seagull nest and eggs
- Nap time for this california sea lion
- Boris and the female elephant seal in their favorite spot. It seems as if they like the company.
- Large male elephant seal enjoying the soft pineapple weed