Wind: Yesterday 5-35 knots N to W; Today 25-35 knots W with gust of 44 knots
Sea State: up to 2.5 m waves
Visibility: 5-10 NM
Sky: overcast with clear patches today
Temperature: 7-12 C
Atmospheric CO2: 413.20 ppm (recorded by NOAA at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii)
The forecasted gale warning materialized right on time on Tuesday evening. Overnight and throughout today, the westerly winds were between 25 to 35 knots with gusts as strong as 44 knots. There are lots of whistles and creaks in the 1960’s house. The storm also showed a few leaks in the various outbuildings. The strong winds brought clear skies and slightly warmer temperatures. For most of the day, rainbows were visible to the north, between Rocky Point and Victoria.
Yesterday, even though it was stormy, several hours were spent working outside on various maintenance and month end tasks around the island, which was made easier due to the animals and birds being less spread out as they hunkered down out of the wind.
Today, four branded sea lions were recorded and reported to researchers, who study sea lion ranges and lifespans.
The island’s population of elephant seals is currently at seven. One recently came back from a solo retreat on the West Rocks. The four non dominant males appear to be keeping their distance from each other at cardinal points of the island. The alpha male is hanging out in the middle of the island with the mother and pup. This morning, two of the beta males had fresh wounds on their backs, suggesting a possible disagreement with each other overnight. The elephant seal pup is continuing to nurse. Pups gain a whopping 4.5 kg per day from their 35 kg birth weight. Between all those pounds the pup is packing on and the rain, no wonder its coat is looking less wrinkled.
- When the skies were clear, the solar panels were producing 2kW of power, which is quite good for this time of year.
- This large male elephant seal was seen this morning by the jetty with numerous fresh puncture wounds on its back. Another male, who is about three quarters in size also has fresh wounds.
- The elephant seal family basking in the sun after a wet and windy night. Notice the mother has tucked itself under the bush, seemingly to get shelter from the strong westerly wind.
- Branded california sea lion
- Branded california sea lion
- Branded california sea lion
- Branded california sea lion
- This california sea lion appears to be the one that was spotted by the Pearson staff member Corey, on December 19. At that point its neck was entangled with rope. Now it does not appear to have any rope, but does have wounds. The Marine Mammal Rescue Centre has been notified.
- Looking north from the house, a rainbow stretches from William Head to Victoria.
- Sea lions pack onto the jetty like sardines.
- The anemometer at the top of the lighthouse has been picking up some high numbers for wind speed. The number on the left is the speed in knots. 42.1 knots equals 78 km/h. The number on the right is the wind direction in degrees on the compass.