- Mid-morning of May 29. 2006, a boat from Pedder Bay marina with four passengers aboard runs aground on Race Rock
- The tide was ebbing at 5 knots, so it pulled the boat onto the reef where it remained hung up for some time.
- The Pearson College vessel Second Nature was first on the scene as it had just departed from Race Rocks. A Mayday had been issued and with the military doing exercises nearby, it was no time until the boat was surrounded by vessels. G.Fletcher Photos.
- Photo by Mike Slater
- With only a damaged prop, this vessel got off rather lightly. It was towed to safety by a marine Rescue inflatable that had responded to the distress. Operating a boat safely in the Race Rocks area at any time means knowing where the reefs are located. At a tidal of 0.3m this morning, one has to be particularly cautious.