Weather and Sea Conditions
Winds: 5 – 15 knots, variable (North-northeast to South-southwest)
Sky: Partially overcast, scattered showers
Visibility: good, 10 to 15 nm
Barometer: 101.8 kPa rising Monday evening
Forecast: a few showers changing to chance of showers tonight and Tuesday morning.
Vessels in Ecological Reserve
Whale watching vessels: 12 observed working in Ecological Reserve
No other other commercial operators or sport fishing vessels, noted in Reserve today.
First Bald Eagle, this shift noted today on West Rocks
California Gulls feeding on surface in Middle Channel
Large mixed species flocks feeding in Race Passage and near North Rock
Sea lion brands (see photos)
Downspout on energy building reinstalled (had been removed) with two 90 degree bends to facilitate bucket filling.
Maintenance and Operations
Regular chores completed
Back of Eco-barrel shed scrubbed.
Shimmed energy-building ladder at upper attachment points to remove play.
Hasp fallen off – replaced loose screws on freshwater storage building door hasp with bolts.
Hinges ripped on one side of freshwater storage shed door. Plugged screw holes with wooden dowels and re-screwed.
Noted large bag of garbage in Science house basement and stack of used plumbing and old carpet from tank shed next to boat shed, to be removed.
- California Sea Lion with brand X510
- Stellers Sea Lion with brand 351Y
- California Sea Lion with brand U503 (The five is visible in the next photo.)
- Stellers Sea Lion with brand 347Y
- Northern Elephant Seals with Steller Sea lions below and beside. (Seven of eight animals on Middle Rock visible here.)