>> I have three more brands to report today (I saw at least two more but couldn’t get a good visual on them unfortunately):
>> #984, a California. At first glance, this one appears to be #934, but it’s definitely an 8 when you get a good look at it.
>> #1052, a California.
>> #1032, a California.
>> All were spotted hauled up on the NE corner of Great Race. See attached photos. Again, any information you can provide about these individuals is greatly appreciated.
>> Thanks a lot!
>> Adam Harding
>> —
>> Adam Harding
>> Relief Eco-Guardian & Resident Marine Scientist
>> Race Rocks Ecological Reserve
- brand #1052
- # 1032
- #1032
- #1032
> Hello Adam and thank you for reporting these observations of California sea lions. All three of these individuals were marked as part of my research program in Washington State at Shilshole Bay, Seattle, WA. Below are further details of each.
> #984- marked on 5/16/06 weighed 355 pounds (6-7 years old). This animal has 6 previous resights including 2 at Ano Nuevo Island, CA in 2007, one at San Miguel Island, CA in 2007, and 3 at Race Rocks in September 2009.
> #1032-marked on 5/8/07, weighed 350 pounds (6-7 years old). Yours is the first and only resight of this animal since capture.
> #1052- marked on 9/13/07- weighed 575 pounds (8-10 years old). This animal has 5 previous sightings including one from Seattle in 2007, one from San Miguel Island, CA in 2008, and 3 from Manchester, WA in 2009. Thank you once again for these valuable observations.
> Pat Gearin.