- Visibility: 15 miles
- Wind: 0-5 knots NW, later SE
- Sky: clear
- Water: calm
- 6 elephant seals on Great Race today.
- 2 of them prevented me from fully fixing the electric fence.
- No sign of the winter wren in the lighthouse.
- Reset the electric fence as best I could.
- Discovered that the sea lions had completely destroyed the SW facing bench.
- A metal bench with wooden seat, all the boards were snapped.
- Hauled away the pieces.
- Wood for future burning, metal for rebuilding with new wood.
- Quite a few boats out today on a glorious Thanksgiving.
- Several seemed to be too close to the sea lions near the jetty.
- Too close?
- Too close?
- Too close?
- Tug and Barge