Sea state: white caps, fast moving water, waves and swells up to 1 m
There have been no visitors to the island and no boats within the reserve
There is a new goose nest with one egg so far established in the middle of the island where the footpaths intersect
The young pup has seemed particularly inactive recently, and we have not seen her in the water for some time. Nick mentioned to us when he visited that she seems to have gained weight so we are not overly concerned. She spends most of her time near the jetty behind her favorite fence post.
The goose with an injured leg continues to limp around the island, but seems to be making do and there are no signs of deteriorating condition.
The eagle activity has been steady, aside from today with these strong winds
The seagulls are beginning to pull the grass and collect other debris for nesting, but no established nests so far.
The generator is still out of commission, but we have been taking in a substantial amount of solar energy. Combined with the smaller generator contributing, our batteries have remained healthy. We are conserving water heavily until the new part arrives, as the desalination process requires a sizable amount of electricity.
Felted sea lion fur
Goose down clinging to rocks
Abandoned goose nest behind fuel shed
E103, “Erica” enjoying the sprinkle from a punctured fire hose