Black Oystercatcher

Ecological Notes: Today, a Black Oystercatcher is walking the main island and looking to make a nest. Two breeds of gull on the island including the Glaucous Gull and Western Gull. Pigeon Guillemot are making their nest on the edge of the helicopter pad and north wall below the camera.Spring is here!
Animal Tracking and Injuries: California Sea Lion injured shoulder.
Elephant seal pups: 4
Elephant seal female: 3
Visitors: 1
Facility Work. More cleaning inside and out.
Vessel Traffic:  2 Eco tour boats

Grey Whale

Ecological Notes: Today, a grey whale passed by the South East side of island going west bound.
Animal Tracking and Injuries: California Sea Lion bad bite mark on his shoulder.
Elephant seal pups: 4
Facility Work: The work to clean the buildings continues. I fixed the power washer, life is better now.
Vessel Traffic. Speeding in the reserve.


Ecological Notes:. Orca 5 to 7 west bound Race pass.

Visitors: Had my brother for one night stay. Plumber and PC staff member.

Facility Work: Cutting wood today. Water pump replaced in student house.

Vessel Traffic: Eco tour boats 5, three DND ribs and marine mammal observer boat


Weather– Current:




DND blasting

Ecological Notes: There are lots of Daffodils flowering all over the island.

Visitors: The fresh water tank is topped up and ready for visitors.

Facility Work: The PC students arrive Monday.  We have been busy cleaning the buildings and preparing for their arrival.

Vessel Traffic: Eco tour boats, three DND ribs and marine mammal observer boat and two sport boats.


Weather– Current:




DND blasting

Ecological Notes: Again, DND blasting. Today, five good bangs!

Elephant seals: The pups continue to molt and are very active. For the last couple of days, they continue to play, wrestle and move around the island.

Facility Work: Scaffolding up to scrub and power wash the buildings and walk-ways.

Vessel Traffic: Two private boats, three DND ribs, one marine mammal observation vessel.

Weather– Current:




Census report

Ecological Notes: More Gulls less Cormorants this count.


  • Harlequin duck 14
  • Snowy plover 0
  • Bald eagle adult 4
  • Bald eagle juvenile 6
  • Turnstones 14
  • Killdeer 0
  • Gulls 344
  • Cormorants 83
  • Pigeon guillemots 27
  • Oyster catcher 8
  • Canadian geese 16


  • Harbour seal 126
  • California 23
  • Steller sea lion 40
  • Elephant seal male 0
  • Elephant seal female 2
  • Elephant seal pup 4
  • River otter 1

Vessel traffic: 2  SAR vessels


Weather Events: SE to West winds 20-30 knots lots of squalls .
Weather– Current:




Ecological Notes:

Late in the afternoon today two Dunlin landed on the island.

Check out this link for more info on the Dunlin.


Vessel traffic: Most of the day was quiet in the park. Two Eco-tour boats two private boats passed by. Water and supplies brought to the island today.

Weather– Current:


Elephant seal active after 4 day nap


Ecological Notes:

Lots of eagles today. Elephant seal still very active and moving around the island.

Vessel Traffic: One Eco Tour boat one private boat in the reserve.

Facility Work: Fuel and supplies brought to island today.

Weather Events: Warm in the sun with a light west wind.






Ecological Notes: 7 Biggs Orca going west in Race Pass at 10:20.The whales IDs reported to me as the T109A2s with new calf T109A2C and the T86As pod.

Lots of Eagles around the island.

Vessel Traffic: 3 Eco tour boats in park today and two private boats.

Weather– Current: