Eco-tour boats in action

‘Eco-Tour boat count= 10,
‘Every visitor to Race Rocks that has witnessed eco-tour boats in action has remarked at how close they get to the sea lions in the water and the rocks. These visitors include students, community groups, and professionals outside of Pearson College. I inform them of DFO’s guidelines posted on the web, as well as their recent poster that advertises these guidelines specifically for Race Rocks. It has been said to me from multiple people not associated with Pearson College that the significant economic and therefore political swing of these eco-tour businesses in Victoria give them considerable leeway between their actions and the enforcement of the law.’, ‘Ryan’, ’09:24:30′),

Thoughts on Marine Protected area and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans consultation process for Race Rocks Ecological Reserve -FER

By Mike Fenger and Garry Fletcher ( Board members of Friends of Ecological Reserves)

Canada has a less than 1% of its marine ecosystems in Marine Protected Areas status and BC has been slower than the Maritime Provinces lagging at less than < 0.5%. Currently there are two off shore seamounts that make up the BC Marine Areas system and these have been established through Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) lead consultation processes.  Australia on the other hand is in the enviable position with 16% of their marine ecosystems in protected status.  Table 1 shows the different Federal and Provincial Departments/Ministries with a mandate to manage some elements of the marine ecosystems. This Table shows the complexity of overlapping jurisdictions.  The different purpose and jurisdictional tools

Formating for this table will be reestablished
Table 1.  Federal and Provincial Marine Protected Area Programs    (Courtesy of Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society)
_Parks Canada_Department of Fisheries and Oceans_Environment Canada_Ministry of the Environment – BC_Ministry of Agriculture and Lands – BC__Designation

National Marine Conservation Areas
Marine Protected Areas
Marine Wildlife Areas
National Wildlife Areas
Migratory Bird Sanctuaries
Provincial Parks
Provincial Ecological
Wildlife Management
BC Marine Ecological Classification
Southern Strait of Georgia (proposed)
Gwaii Haanas (proposed)
Endeavour Hydrothermal
Bowie Seamount
Scott Islands (proposed)
Desolation Sound Marine
Checleset Ecological Reserve

National Marine Conservation Areas Act
Oceans Act
Canada Wildlife Act
Migratory Birds Convention Act
Park Act
Ecological Reserve Act
Wildlife Act

Planning tool for coastal planning, coastal management, and marine protected areas candidate identification.
Protect and conserve marine areas of significance as part of a representative network of protected areas.
Protect and conserve commercial and non-commercial fisheries resources, including endangered or threatened species, areas of high biodiversity or productivity, unique habitats, and marine mammals and their habitats.
Conservation of marine wildlife, with emphasis on marine birds, through the maintenance and restoration of supporting habitats.
Park Act:
Protect representative examples of natural diversity, and special natural, cultural heritage, and recreational features within BC.

Ecological Reserve Act:
Protect viable, representative examples of the natural diversity and exclude harvest of marine resources within the reserve.
Advance efforts to establish Marine Protected Areas.

Representation of marine natural regions (physical, biological & cultural)
On-site interpretation
Public education & enjoyment
Sustainable use
Marine resources
Species and habitats
Endangered species/habitats
Unique habitats
Areas of high productivity
Sustainable use
Wildlife/Migratory birds
Species and habitats
Endangered species/habitats
Productive, unique and sustainable habitats/ecosystems
Biodiversity conservation

Perhaps in response to a bigger unifying vision the BC Ministry of Environment has recently begun to develop an Ocean’s and Coastal Strategy which in addition to economic benefits also envisages maintaining and improving the health of marine ecosystems through ecosystem based management.  This new broader look at marine ecosystems is a welcome addition that can potentially improve the long term viability of the marine based ERs.  FER is advocating all marine-based ERs receive a buffer zone so the marine component of the ecosystem adjacent receives equivalent status whenever a marine protected area is declared.  Table 2 lists currently established ERs that protect biological features such sea bird colonies and sea mammal breeding areas.

Table 2. Existing ERs to out from for a network of Marine Protected Areas system.  Race Rocks (Bolded) is the only ER that is currently under a DFO lead process that may result in a marine protected area.
Annie Vallee (Triangle Island)
Balingall Islets
Baeria Rocks
Brackman Island
Byers/Conroy/Harvey/Sinnett Islands Checleset Bay
Cleland Island
Canoe Islets
Dewdney and Glide Islands
East Redonda
Francis Point
Lasqueti Island
Lepas Bay Moore/McKenney/Whitmore Islands
Mount Maxwell
Mount Tuan
Robson Bight (Michael Biggs)
Pine/storm and Tree Islands (Duke of Edinburgh)
Klashkish River
Megin River
Oak Bay Islands
Race Rocks
Rose Islets
Rose Spit
San Juan River Estuary
Satellite Channel
Ten Mile Point
Trial Island
Tashish River
Vladimir J. Krajina (Port Channel)
For locations of these ER access Existing ERs see the Ministry of Environment link for purpose statements

The Race Rocks Consultation process.  FER is one of “stakeholders” participating in the four advisory group meetings scheduled for completion by spring of 2010.  Garry Fletcher has a long involvement as the warden for this ER. I am a relative new comer to the 10 year consultation process and my input has mainly been to clarify what the Federal approach is to a system of protected areas.  Other stakeholders associations represent, sports fishing interests, scuba divers, whale watching tour operators, marina operators, for example. The details of the meetings and advisory group are available at the Race Rocks Advisory Board site maintained by Pearson College. Absent from this advisory group meetings are First Nations though there is a first nations consultant present at the meetings.  DFO is holding separate consultation with First Nations.
Race Rocks ER has a long association with Pearson College which has maintained infra structure on the island allowing this ER to function as an outdoor laboratory.  As a result of this 30 year association Race Rocks has a level of monitoring and study which is unparalleled in other ERs.  The accessibility of the research and monitoring is phenomenal and a visit to the award winning Race Rocks web site is all that is needed to illustrate the how information for Race Rocks ER is available.
As the Race Rocks ER warden Garry shared the following insights.  It has been 10 years since the final ratification of Race Rocks as a Marine Protected Area ground to a halt.  There is now a renewed urgency on the part of DFO to complete the designation process by next year.  The Oceans Act of 1997 lays out very clearly the intent to protect complete marine ecosystems with the organisms and their habitat, however the new round of advisory meetings is concerned with only the designation of the water column of the existing Rockfish Protection area ( down to 40 metres).  This does nothing to solve jurisdictional problems in managing the ecological reserve, and it does not bring together the role of Canadian Wildlife Service in the protection of Seabirds , the department of transport in the protection of the airspace above marine mammal haulouts and leaves those haulouts as well a responsibility of BC Parks for the 9 islets of the Race Rocks Archipelago.. First Nations still do have access, (as they always have from the Douglas Treaties,)  to the living resources of the area, that arrangement trumped only by proven conservation needs.
Lester Pearson College through a long term lease from BC Parks has funded the management of the reserve for the past 10 years, something that is not sustainable in the long term without assistance from government.  So far there is no firm indication that there will be any support for the support of on-site management.  So what changes?  We are beginning to wonder if the costs to establish this MPA have really been worth it.
Although  federally established MPAs on the East Coast, (example Musquash in New Brunswick) involved a transfer of the provincial seabed to the federal government, the west coast provides a different scenario. The provincial government has made it clear that they will not allow any ceding of  ownership of any seabed. (This policy is also what currently what is holding up the finalization of the Gulf Islands Marine Park as well.)
Some of the information in the article was distributed to the Advisory Group members and attached to minutes of the first meeting.  It was not clear that all advisory group members are familiar with ERs and the importance of protection of representative and unique ecosystems of British Columbia. It is also unclear whether the importance to a system of natural benchmarks, research areas, educational resources and repositories of genetic materials and geologic features recognized by participants as critical to sustainability of marine systems.

The Ecological Reserve system – in concert with other elements of British Columbia’s protected areas system and resource management regime – supports protection, study and understanding of ecosystems – their resiliency, ecological processes and natural elements.

FER expectations raised at the October Advisory Group meeting for Race Rocks were.
•    The Boundaries of a MPA need to be based on best available information and make ecological sense in the long term.
•    There will be a system of protected marine areas.
•    The location of the MPAs in addition to Race Rocks will strongly guided by conservation biology and best available science.
•    MPA will be supported in legislation with objectives for MPAs similar to provincial legislation and include:
1.    areas suitable for scientific research and educational purposes associated with studies in productivity and other aspects of the natural environment;
2.    areas that are representative examples of natural ecosystems in British Columbia;
3.    areas that serve as examples of ecosystems that have been modified by human beings and offer an opportunity to study the recovery of the natural ecosystem from modification;
4.    areas where rare or endangered native plants and animals in their natural habitat may be preserved;
5.    Areas that contain unique and rare examples of botanical, zoological or geological phenomena.
•    Entry to reserves will be through permitting.
•    There will be a commitment for effective enforcement.
•    MPA will act a research benchmarks and monitoring sites for Federal and Provincial agencies to promote sustainable use of natural resources.
•    Existing ERs and Terrestrial Protected Areas with a marine component will be reviewed as a starting point for a comprehensive network MPAs.

Additional observations
There is a no “target for a west coast or national system of MPA.  Since there is less than 0.5% in BC it is unclear what the Federal government believes is necessary to safe guard the nationally managed marine resources and what is the time frame needed to build the a credible network of MPAs?  Those managing the Race Rocks process were not able to refer to higher longer term direction.  This leads to the conclusion that there appears to be no commitment or leadership towards more than one off MPAs at this point in time.

Clarification or development of the Federal and Provincial agencies of a common vision and a coordinated coast wide process leading to a scientifically based MPA is unclear.

The willingness of stakeholders and management agencies to embrace MPAs as a safety net for resource management and sustainability is unclear and it is not widely accepted as fundamental missing piece of resource management.

The integration of FNs is another layer of complexity and close linkages of FN cultures to the marine system indisputable. Since all marine ecosystems have been traditionally accessible to exploitation this adds an additional challenge.   The willingness to forgo a previous access will depend on the clarification of benefits to the greater good over the longer term both to FN and other interests.  Since we are not privy to the MOU between DFO and FN we do not know what is being discussed.  There is not a great deal of confidence that the benefits of treating Race Rocks as no-take zone will be conveyed in this forum as it is unclear whether this even supported by DFO as part of a management tool for responsible sustainable marine ecosystem management as this has never been part of the DFO management paradigm and has no precedent in the historic DFO approach and consequently there is no research showing the benefits. Some references on the benefits have been amalgamated on the Race Rocks website.


Archived Seawater Temperature and Salinity Records

We will be including our monthly submissions  on daily seawater temperature and salinity as it is provided to IOS from the daily sampling by the Ecoguardians at Race Rocks.

Pearson College UWC

For the daily data for past months presented on this log, see:

For monthly means for temperature and Salinity since 1921:



2 humpbacks observed in the Ecological Reserve

07:36:34′, ‘Morning’, ‘cloudy’, ‘15.0’, ”, ‘14.0’, ‘NE’, ‘1-2\\” swell’, ‘Ryan’, ’16:36:58′

Eco-Tour’, 10, ‘The big POW and FiveStar boats did more than their usual maneuvering off the jetty today.  The create a lot of wash when moving like this.’, ‘Ryan’, ’16:38:14′

2 Humpbacks were observed to the E of the reserve, showing feeding behaviour for several hours within the same area.  One’s dorsal fin was completely shredded by what I would assume was an orca attack.’, ‘Ryan’, ’16:39:14

Race Rocks Advisory Board Minutes Sept 25, 2009

Race Rocks Public Advisory Board Meeting (RRPAB), 25 Huron St. Victoria,  September 25th, 2009:  Minutes


Doug Biffard BC Parks
Chris Blondeau Pearson College
Chris Bos Sports Fish Advisory Board
Erin Bradley Ogden Point Dive Centre/Dive Community
Paul Cottrell DFO
Sarah Davies DFO
Mike Fenger Friends of Ecological Reserves
Garry Fletcher Race Rocks Ecological Reserve Warden
Kelly Francis DFO
Veronica Lo CPAWS
Lesley MacDougall DFO
Angus Matthews Shaw Ocean Discovery Centre
Larry Paike DFO
Martin Paish Sports Fish Advisory Board
Glen Rasmussen DFO
Aaron Reith First Nations
Richard Taggart Pedder May Marina / Marinas & Sports Fishing
Mike Waters DND


Cathy Booler Georgia Strait Alliance
Simon Pidcock Pacific Whale Watch Association
Dave Smith Environment Canada
Tomas Tomascik Parks Canada
Glen Rasmussen opened the meeting at 10:05
Introductions/purpose/missing sectors:
A question was asked regarding the timeline and commitment for the Race Rocks MPA in the context of future planned protected areas work.  Is Race Rocks a stand alone, will there be many, a network?

Glen:  the presentation includes context with respect to the national network, and how an MPA at Race Rocks fits in with the network plans, as well as with provincial obligations with the Ecological Reserve.  In general, the current expected timeline for Race Rocks is to have the Regulatory Intent package ready to send to Ottawa by January – February, 2010 which will include three meetings of the Race Rocks Advisory Board.

Missing parties:  Whale Watchers?  Glen noted that the whale watching representative was unable to attend due to illness but he will attempt to make contact with him or with Dan Kukat to set up a bilat.
Research community:  Suggested representatives included Verena Tunnicliffe, Phil Deardon, Rosalyn Canessa (UVic), Kai Chen, Chris Arby-Clark (UBC).
Transport Canada:  anchoring and aircraft traffic are issues, so a TC rep would be useful.
Other ENGOs:  WC2 – Glen hasn’t heard from them.
Municipalities:  District of Metchosin

Discussion:  concern regarding the separate process for First Nations relationships.  While there was an understanding that the initial relationship development needs to take place separately, there was clear desire to have First Nations representatives at the RRPAB to ensure that a strong and meaningful connection can be made between the communities of user groups and First Nations groups.  Aaron Reith noted that he would communicate this to the First Nations and pass along the invitation to have them participate in future RRPAB meetings.

Kelly Francis presented the history of the Race Rocks designation initiative:
There was confirmation among the RRPAB members who were active during the initial designation initiative that they felt the spirit of the initial agreement reached by the RRAB in 2000 had been betrayed as a result of modifications to the designation proposal which occurred once the proposal was sent to Ottawa.  RRPAB members expressed their desire that reporting on lessons learned clearly state that the Gazetting process led to the failure to achieve designation.  Although all participants in the Pacific Region had agreed to the regulatory intent, this was not reflected in the draft designation regulation which appeared in the RIAS and Chapter 1 of the Canada Gazette,

ACTION ITEM:  change the PowerPoint presentation – slide “and that’s where it went sideways” to reflect that the RRAB had worked very hard to achieve agreement on the values, objectives, boundaries and prohibitions language for the Race Rocks MPA designation proposal, and indicate that the RRAB was not consulted on subsequent amendments to the wording of the regulation in Ottawa which undermined both the process and the contribution of the RRAB.

There was a query regarding where the conversations of the RRPAB will be recorded, how they will be used and made available.  The response was that they will be reflected in the meeting minutes and notes, and an action item list will be developed, including changing the PowerPoint presentation to reflect the views of the board.  In addition to the lessons learned from the Race Rocks initiative, there are now precedents for cooperative management regimes as a result of the designation of the Bowie Seamount MPA, and more experience with how to develop regulations for MPAs.

Doug Biffard provided context regarding the Province of BC Ecological Reserve (ER) designation for Race Rocks:
Race Rocks was designated an ER in 1980, as a benchmark example of a less disturbed ecosystem for research purposes, and as an area for public education regarding the value of conserving special ecosystems.  The ER designation provides protection for the land masses, as well as the seabed out to the boundaries of the ER; a DFO-designated MPA would provide additional protection for the water column and its associated aquatic life.  The outstanding issues are to ensure that there is Federal protection to ensure extraction (for recreational and commercial purposes) are prohibited within the boundaries of the protected area, and that there is a dialogue with Transport Canada to express a desire to limit anchoring and aviation disturbance for Race Rocks.

Glen Rasmussen presented context regarding the national network of MPAs:
Chris Bos provided clarification with respect to the Southern Strait of Georgia NMCA (Parks Canada):  a feasibility study is taking place, and as effective management of the NMCA would require the Province to transfer the ownership of the seabed to Parks Canada, the Province is awaiting the results of the feasibility study before transferring seabed ownership.

General discussion regarding the number of MPAs or protected areas in the region.  Concerns ranged from criticism that compared with the East Coast, the Pacific Region doesn’t have as many MPAs (generally due to the fact that the Pacific area is managed by one DFO administrative region, while there are 4 separate DFO administrative regions on the East coast, each with staff and resources to develop their own MPAs), to concern that there are a number of different agencies – Federal and Provincial – that are all working toward protecting areas of the marine environment using different legislative tools for different purposes.  All agencies are working toward establishing protected areas in accordance with their individual legislative mandates and criteria, and one of the reasons for pursuing a network is to find convergence of the varied schemes to develop systems that can accomplish the objectives of all agencies.  It was pointed out that from a stakeholder point of view, the current configuration of three separate Federal agencies running three separate processes to pursue different ways of closing areas to human use is frightening, cumbersome, limits effective engagement, and creates consultation burnout.

Glen Rasmussen presented the current MPA designation process:
General discussion regarding the Socio-Economic Overview and Assessment (SECOA) update.
Concerns with the update document:  Sportsfish contact missing.  It appears that the fishing section has been written without contacting recreational fishermen.  There are 11,000 in the Victoria area.  Much of the information seems to have been collected through contact with BC Parks and DFO staff, e.g. two employees of the DFO Statistics department are listed as the contact for commercial fishing.  The dive community contact is an employee of one dive shop, not a sector association representative.  Board representatives asked that this review be described as an overview only, and they were asked to provide the appropriate information and contacts through a take-home review of the SECOA after the meeting.

ACTION ITEM: RRPAB members review and provide necessary edits/additions to the draft SECOA

ACTION ITEM:  PowerPoint presentation slide be changed to Socio Economic OVERVIEW only, not assessment.

General discussion regarding Race Rocks MPA proposed boundary:  there were requests to reopen the development of boundary delineation along with the development of ecological objectives.  Scientific data unavailable during the first process may now suggest more appropriate boundaries.  However, the current designation process has been initiated on the understanding that it will build on the consensus reached during the previous process.  The boundaries were developed based on agreement and support from all members of the previous RRAB, including the support of the SFAB.  Current SFAB representatives have the authority to reach agreements based on the original boundaries, and changes to those boundaries would require a new round of consultation within their constituencies; a process that will delay their ability to participate and agree on the MPA boundaries.  The argument was made that inappropriate boundaries could compromise the ability of the protected area to achieve its conservation objectives.  Other comments included the clear recognition that the original boundaries were defined through a process of collaboration and compromise, to an area that was acceptable for conservation objectives and human users.  The conservation objectives developed for Race Rocks will have to be developed with recognition of the limitations imposed by the size of protected area.

Glen Rasmussen presented the current work to develop a relationship between the Government of Canada (DFO) and First Nations (Beecher Bay, T’Souke, Songhees,):
Aaron Reith provided further comments from discussions with First Nations.  The ‘no take’ language that was added to the Gazette 1 regulations during the first process caused a severe amount of mistrust and anger within the First Nations community.  The work of First Nations chiefs and DFO staff in the past eight months has gone a long way to repairing the relationship damage from the previous process.  First Nations see this as a very positive change and view the current process as a potential to build relationships in the community with the department, and the management board may set an example for future arrangements.  Kelly Francis noted that the development of an agreement between a group of First Nations and DFO for the management of a MPA is a very special arrangement.  Members of the RRPAB were eager to see the MOU at the earliest possible time, and stressed the importance of a transparent process for stakeholders and First Nations to know what is being discussed at each table.  RRPAB members reiterated their desire to have meetings that included First Nations and stakeholders; Aaron noted that he would make an invitation to the First Nations for such a meeting.

Glen Rasmussen presented the MPA designation process:
RRAB members asked where costs of designation and operation are identified:  if there are explicit commitments to dollar amounts from DFO for the operation of the MPA.  Kelly Francis and Glen Rasmussen responded that the Regulatory Impact Analysis Statement and the Triage Questionnaire explicitly indicate the costs and benefits of MPA designation, including environmental costs, costs to human users, and actual operational costs.  While there are no specific dollar amounts, there is a clear statement recognizing the obligation and commitment of DFO to support the operation and management of the MPA to achieve its objectives, with some level of funding.

Glen Rasmussen presented the proposed boundary for the Race Rocks MPA:
There is agreement from BC Parks, as well as DFO Fisheries and Aquaculture Management, that current boundaries for the Ecological Reserve, commercial fishery closures, rockfish conservation areas, and other closures, will be modified to reflect the accepted boundary for the MPA for consistency.  The currently proposed boundary remains largely similar to the 20 fathom boundary agreed upon in the previous process; however, the boundaries will be described using coordinates rather than depth contours as those are not an acceptable method of delineation.  The current proposed boundary forms a straight – edged polygon, similar in size to the current Rockfish Conservation Area boundaries and will be described using coordinates that are determinable through the use of GPS.  General discussion included the rationale for a GPS-based boundary vs. a distance from shore boundary.  It was determined that for the recreational boater they would be more likely to have the on board technology needed (GPS) to determine their coordinates, but unlikely to have radar necessary to determine distance from a point.    There was also discussion of the need for markers on the water to mark the protected areas boundary; operational needs such as boundary markers will be addressed during the development of the management plan.

ACTION ITEM:  Mike Waters will provide a DND danger template to add to Glen’s boundary slides.

ACTION ITEM:  Glen will add the multibeam data to the boundary map and send to RRPAB members.

Glen Rasmussen led the values discussion and asked if the values identified during the original process are still valid and accurate.
Garry Fletcher noted that Race Rocks is now included as a North America Marine Protected Area Network (NAMPAN) site.

ACTION ITEM:  reassess the values from the previous process and provide edits.

Stakeholder input table:  Glen Rasmussen introduced the stakeholder input table and asked for a volunteer sector representative to work through the table as an example.
Erin Bradley and Doug Biffard agreed to include their feedback on behalf of the dive community.  The stakeholder input table will be sent to all RRPAB representatives to complete on behalf of their respective sectors.
A question was raised about what physical extent to place on comments for the table: e.g. the values for the area may be localized (high current brings high mammal population etc), while the impacts may be from beyond (e.g. DND blasting outside of MPA boundaries affects mammal and bird behaviour).  Glen Rasmussen suggested keeping comments relevant to those components that are within the proposed boundary, with the recognition that there are outside impacts that may need to be addressed within designation or within the management plan.

It was suggested that DND should perhaps not be included in the ‘sectors’ column of the table, as they have no direct interest in Race Rocks, but are instead a direct impact on Race Rocks.  The input from DND would not necessarily include the components of the area they find valuable, but rather include a justification/rationale for their need to impact the area.
Glen suggested that the impact of DND to the area would likely be identified through the risks reported by other sectors.  The potential or realized impacts of any human use within the proposed MPA boundaries should be recorded, and DFO will work to review, seek changes to the activities if possible or mitigate to minimize impact.  For example, DFO has been working with DND to review DND’s practices and mitigate impacts.

Glen Rasmussen presented the RRAB roles and responsibilities.  RRPAB members stressed that the spirit of community cooperation has always been, and will continue to be, an important asset.  Glen noted the MOU that is currently being reviewed within the First Nations communities includes a recognition of the need for a relationship with the Province of BC, and with the community of other interests in Race Rocks.
It was suggested that the RRAB and FN meet at Pearson College, as the college has been designated an appropriate place for sharing between First Nations and other communities.  Chris Blondeau agreed and extended the invitation to hold a meeting there.
Glen also noted that a draft Terms of Reference (ToR) has been developed for the RRPAB, similar to the ToR developed in the previous process, and asked members to review and comment on it.

ACTION ITEM:  RRPAB members to review and comment on the draft Terms of Reference.

ACTION ITEM:  Each organization provides / share links to their vision documents to promote greater understanding throughout the RRAB.
ACTION ITEM:  agree on next meeting date.

Summary of ACTION ITEMS:
DFO:  change the PowerPoint slide to reflect that the failure occurred in Ottawa
RRPAB members:  review and provide necessary edits/additions to the draft SECOA
DFO: PowerPoint slide changed to Socio Economic OVERVIEW
Mike Waters: provide a DND danger template to add to Glen’s boundary slides
DFO: add the multibeam data to the boundary map and send to RRAB members.
RRPAB members:  reassess the values from the previous process and provide edits.
RRPAB members: review and comment on the draft Terms of Reference.
RRPAB members: provide / share links to their organization’s vision documents
RRPAB members: agree on next meeting date.

RRAB Agenda, Sept 25, 2009

Race Rocks Marine Protected Area Public Advisory Board–Agenda

Date:                  September 25th, 2009

Time:                  10:00am to 2:00pm

Location:           Canadian Coast Guard Station, 25 Huron Street, Victoria

Meeting Room:  Administration Building, J. Wedge Board Room

Persons Invited: See attached list*

Welcome and IntroductionsPurpose of today’s meeting: expected outputs

  1. To provide the context the Race Rocks MPA project is working in.
  2. To provide a road map of the Race Rocks MPA designation process.
  3. To consult with all groups with an interest in the Race Rocks area and to listen and discuss and develop a record of all issues and concerns.
10:00 – 10:15
Presentations about the project and the Race Rocks areaPast work (Kelly Francis)

Provincial objectives for the ER (Doug Biffard)

A Federal Marine Protected Areas Strategy: (Glen Rasmussen)

Parks Canada

Environment Canada

10:15 – 10:50
The MPA Designation Process (Glen Rasmussen)Development of MPA objectives

First Nation agreements

The role of the Public Advisory Board

Regulatory Process for MPA Designation

10:50 – 11:30
General discussion (All)Values developed for the proposal to designate Race Rocks

What do we value, what do we want to conserve and understand

11:30 – 12:00
LUNCH 12:00-12:30
Stakeholder Input Table (All)Activities, Uses and Values

Discussion – values and risks

12:30 – 1:30
Discussion of next stepsMethod of contacting those present

Next Meeting / Next Correspondence

Socio-economic Base Case Report –  call for comments

Terms of Reference for the Board – call for comments

1:30 – 2:00

Take home materials

Background documents – Canada’s Federal Marine Protected Areas Strategy

MPA Process Slides from the presentation

Socio-economic Base Case Report

Draft Terms of Reference for the Board

Invitees list

RRPAB Meeting #1 minutes September 25th, 2009:

Race Rocks Public Advisory Board Meeting (RRPAB), 25 Huron St. Victoria, September 25th, 2009: Minutes

Name ——–    Organization

Doug Biffard –BC Parks
Chris Blondeau–Pearson College UWC
Chris Bos–Sports Fish Advisory Board
Erin Bradley –Ogdne Pt. Dive Centre
Paul Cottrell–DFO
Sarah Davies–DFO
Mike Fenger–Friends of Ecological Reserves
Garry Fletcher–Race Rocks Ecological Reserve Warden
Kelly Francis –DFO
Veronica Lo –CPAWS
Lesley MacDougall–DFO
Angus Matthews –Shaw Ocean Discovery Centre
Larry Paike–DFO
Martin Paish–Sports Fish Advisory Board
Glen Rasmussen–DFO
Aaron Reith –First Natiions Liasion (contracted by DFO)
Richard Taggart –Pedder Bay Marina/marinas&Sports Fishing
Mike Waters–DND



Cathy Booler–Georgia Strait Alliance
Simon Pidcock–Pacific Whale Watch Association
Tomas Tomascik–Parks Canada
Dave Smith–Environment Canada

Glen Rasmussen opened the meeting at 10:05

Introductions/purpose/missing sectors:

A question was asked regarding the timeline and commitment for the Race Rocks MPA in the context of future planned protected areas work. Is Race Rocks a stand alone, will there be many, a network?

Glen: Provided a presentation on the context with respect to the national network, and how an MPA at Race Rocks fits in with the network plans, as well as with provincial obligations with the Ecological Reserve. In general, the current expected timeline for

Race Rocks is to have the Regulatory Intent package ready to send to Ottawa by January – February, 2010. The timeline will include three meetings of the RRPAB.

RRPAB members noted the absence of Marine Wildlife Viewing industry representation on the RRPAB. Glen noted that the whale watching representative was unable to attend due to illness but he will attempt to make contact with him or with Dan Kukat to set up a meeting to discuss appropriate representation by marine wildlife viewing industry on the RRPAB.

The following suggestions were made by the RRPAB to provide for more complete representation of relevant interests among RRPAB membership:

Research community: Suggested pursuing representatives of the research community to participate in the RRPAB. Individuals suggested included Verena Tunnicliffe, Phil Deardon, Rosalyn Canessa (UVic), Kai Chen, Chris Arby-Clark (UBC).

Transport Canada: anchoring and aircraft traffic are issues, so a TC rep would be useful. Other ENGOs: WC2 – Glen hasn’t heard from them.
Municipalities: District of Metchosin

Discussion: Concern regarding the separate process for First Nations relationships. While there was an understanding that the initial relationship development needs to take place separately, there was clear desire to have First Nations representatives at the RRPAB to ensure that a strong and meaningful connection can be made between the communities of user groups and First Nations groups. Aaron Reith noted that he would communicate this to the First Nations involved in the Area of Interest discussions and pass along the invitation to have them participate in future RRPAB meetings.

Kelly Francis presented the history of the Race Rocks designation initiative:

There was confirmation among the RRPAB members who were active during the initial designation initiative that they felt the spirit of the initial agreement reached by the RRPAB in 2000 had been betrayed as a result of modifications to the designation proposal which occurred once the proposal was sent to Ottawa. RRPAB members expressed their desire that reporting on lessons learned clearly state that the Gazetting process led to the failure to achieve designation. Although all participants in the Pacific Region had agreed to the regulatory intent, this was not reflected in the draft designation regulation which appeared in the RIAS and Chapter 1 of the Canada Gazette.

ACTION ITEM: Change the PowerPoint presentation made by Glen – slide “and that’s where it went sideways” to reflect that the RRPAB had worked very hard to achieve agreement on the values, objectives, boundaries and prohibitions language for the Race Rocks MPA designation proposal, and indicate that the RRPAB was not consulted on subsequent amendments to the wording of the regulation in Ottawa which undermined both the process and the contribution of the RRPAB.

There was a query regarding where the conversations of the RRPAB will be recorded, how they will be used and made available. The response was that they will be reflected in the meeting minutes and notes, and an action item list will be developed, including changing the PowerPoint presentation to reflect the views of the board. In addition to the lessons learned from the Race Rocks initiative, there are now precedents for cooperative management regimes as a result of the designation of the Bowie Seamount MPA, and more experience with how to develop regulations for MPAs.

Doug Biffard provided context regarding the Province of BC Ecological Reserve (ER) designation for Race Rocks:
Race Rocks was designated an ER in 1980, as a benchmark example of a less disturbed ecosystem for research purposes, and as an area for public education regarding the value of conserving special ecosystems. The ER designation provides protection for the land masses, as well as the seabed out to the boundaries of the ER; a DFO-designated MPA would provide additional protection for the water column and its associated aquatic life. The outstanding issues are to ensure that there is Federal protection to ensure extraction (for recreational and commercial purposes) are prohibited within the boundaries of the protected area, and that there is a dialogue with Transport Canada to express a desire to limit anchoring and aviation disturbance for Race Rocks.

Glen Rasmussen presented context regarding the national network of MPAs:

Chris Bos provided clarification with respect to the Southern Strait of Georgia NMCA (Parks Canada): a feasibility study is taking place, and as effective management of the NMCA would require the Province to transfer the ownership of the seabed to Parks Canada, the Province is awaiting the results of the feasibility study before transferring seabed ownership.

General discussion regarding the number of MPAs or protected areas in the region. Concerns ranged from criticism that compared with the East Coast, the Pacific Region doesn’t have as many MPAs (generally due to the fact that the Pacific area is managed by one DFO administrative region, while there are 4 separate DFO administrative regions on the East Coast, each with staff and resources to develop their own MPAs), to concern that there are a number of different agencies – Federal and Provincial – that are all working toward protecting areas of the marine environment using different legislative tools for different purposes. All agencies are working toward establishing protected areas in accordance with their individual legislative mandates and criteria, and one of the reasons for pursuing a network is to find convergence of the varied schemes to develop systems that can accomplish the objectives of all agencies. It was pointed out that from a stakeholder point of view, the current configuration of three separate Federal agencies running three separate processes to pursue different ways of closing areas to human use is frightening, cumbersome, limits effective engagement, and creates consultation burnout.

Glen Rasmussen presented the current MPA designation process:

General discussion regarding the Socio-Economic Overview and Assessment (SECOA) update.

Concerns with the update document: Sportsfish contact missing. It appears that the fishing section has been written without contacting recreational fishermen. There are 11,000 in the Victoria area. Much of the information seems to have been collected through contact with BC Parks and DFO staff, e.g. two employees of the DFO Statistics department are listed as the contact for commercial fishing. The dive community contact is an employee of one dive shop, not a sector association representative. Board representatives asked that this review be described as an overview only, and they were asked to provide the appropriate information and contacts through a take-home review of the SECOA after the meeting.

ACTION ITEM: RRPAB members review and provide necessary edits/additions to the draft SECOA.

ACTION ITEM: PowerPoint presentation slide be changed to Socio Economic OVERVIEW only, not assessment.

General discussion regarding Race Rocks MPA proposed boundary.

There were requests to reopen the development of boundary delineation along with the development of ecological objectives. Scientific data unavailable during the first process may now suggest more appropriate boundaries. However, the current designation process has been initiated on the understanding that it will build on the consensus reached during the previous process. The boundaries were developed based on agreement and support from all members of the previous RRAB, including the support of the Sport Fishing Advisory Board (SFAB). Current SFAB representatives have the authority to reach agreements based on the original boundaries, and changes to those boundaries would require a new round of consultation within their constituencies; a process that will delay their ability to participate and agree on the MPA boundaries. The argument was made that inappropriate boundaries could compromise the ability of the protected area to achieve its conservation objectives. Other comments included the clear recognition that the original boundaries were defined through a process of collaboration and compromise, to an area that was acceptable for conservation objectives and human users. The conservation objectives developed for Race Rocks will have to be developed with recognition of the limitations imposed by the size of protected area.

Glen Rasmussen presented the current work to develop a relationship between the Government of Canada (DFO) and First Nations (Beecher Bay, T’Souke, Songhees,):
Aaron Reith provided further comments from discussions with First Nations. The ‘no take’ language that was added to the Gazette 1 regulations during the first process caused a severe amount of mistrust and anger within the First Nations community. The work of First Nations chiefs and DFO staff in the past eight months has gone a long way to repairing the relationship damage from the previous process. First Nations see this as a very positive change and view the current process as a potential to build relationships in the community with the department, and the management board may set an example for future arrangements. Kelly Francis noted that the development of an agreement between a group of First Nations and DFO for the management of a MPA is a very special arrangement. Members of the RRPAB were eager to see the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) at the earliest possible time, and stressed the importance of a transparent process for stakeholders and First Nations to know what is being discussed at each table. RRPAB members reiterated their desire to have meetings that included First Nations and stakeholders; Aaron noted that he would make an invitation to the First Nations for such a meeting.

Glen Rasmussen presented the MPA designation process:

RRAB members asked where costs of designation and operation are identified: if there are explicit commitments to dollar amounts from DFO for the operation of the MPA. Kelly Francis and Glen Rasmussen responded that the Regulatory Impact Analysis Statement and the Triage Questionnaire explicitly indicate the costs and benefits of MPA designation, including environmental costs, costs to human users, and actual operational costs. While there are no specific dollar amounts, there is a clear statement recognizing the obligation and commitment of DFO to support the operation and management of the MPA to achieve its objectives, with some level of funding.

Glen Rasmussen presented the proposed boundary for the Race Rocks MPA:

There is agreement from BC Parks, as well as DFO Fisheries and Aquaculture Management, that current boundaries for the Ecological Reserve, commercial fishery closures, rockfish conservation areas, and other closures, will be modified to reflect the accepted boundary for the MPA for consistency. The currently proposed boundary remains largely similar to the 20 fathom boundary agreed upon in the previous process; however, the boundaries will be described using coordinates rather than depth contours as those are not an acceptable method of delineation. The current proposed boundary forms a straight – edged polygon, similar in size to the current Rockfish Conservation Area boundaries and will be described using coordinates that are determinable through the use of GPS. General discussion included the rationale for a GPS-based boundary vs. a distance from shore boundary. It was determined that for the recreational boater they would be more likely to have the on board technology needed (GPS) to determine their coordinates, but unlikely to have radar necessary to determine distance from a point. There was also discussion of the need for markers on the water to mark the protected areas boundary; operational needs such as boundary markers will be addressed during the development of the management plan.

ACTION ITEM: Mike Waters will provide a DND danger template to add to Glen’s boundary slides.

ACTION ITEM: Glen will add the multibeam data to the boundary map and send to RRPAB members.

Glen Rasmussen led the values discussion and asked if the values identified during the original process are still valid and accurate.
Garry Fletcher noted that Race Rocks is now included as a North America Marine Protected Area Network (NAMPAN) site.

ACTION ITEM: RRPAB reassess the values from the previous process and provide edits.

Stakeholder input table: Glen Rasmussen introduced the stakeholder input table and asked for a volunteer sector representative to work through the table as an example.
Erin Bradley and Doug Biffard agreed to include their feedback on behalf of the dive community. The stakeholder input table will be sent to all RRPAB representatives to complete on behalf of their respective sectors.

A question was raised about what physical extent to place on comments for the table: e.g. the values for the area may be localized (high current brings high mammal population etc), while the impacts may be from beyond. Glen Rasmussen suggested keeping comments relevant to those components that are within the proposed boundary, with the recognition that there are outside impacts that may need to be addressed within designation or within the management plan.

One participant suggested that DND should perhaps not be included in the ‘sectors’ column of the table, as they have no direct interest in Race Rocks. The participant suggested that DND activities instead represent a direct impact on Race Rocks. The input from DND would not necessarily include the components of the area they find valuable, but rather include a rationale for their activities in the area.

Glen suggested that the impact of DND to the area would likely be identified through the risks reported by other sectors. The potential or realized impacts of any human use within the proposed MPA boundaries should be recorded, and DFO will work to review, seek changes to the activities if possible or mitigate to minimize impact. For example, DFO has been working with DND to review DND’s practices and mitigate impacts.

(The following clarification was provided by the DND rep after discussion at the November 26 meeting: In completing this review DND has been using Race Rocks and the Coast Guard lighthouse to monitor the cumulative effects of all activities on the marine life living within the Race Rocks ecological reserve boundary. Due to the unique nature of DND’s activities and the fact their property is adjacent to Race Rocks DND is a key stakeholder who needs to be represented in the sectors column of the table).

Glen Rasmussen presented the RRPAB roles and responsibilities. RRPAB members stressed that the spirit of community cooperation has always been, and will continue to be, an important asset. Glen noted the MOU that is currently being reviewed within the First Nations communities includes recognition of the need for a relationship with the Province of BC, and with the community of other interests in Race Rocks.

It was suggested that the RRPAB and FN meet at Pearson College, as the college has been designated an appropriate place for sharing between First Nations and other communities. Chris Blondeau agreed and extended the invitation to hold a meeting there.

Glen also noted that a draft Terms of Reference (ToR) has been developed for the RRPAB, similar to the ToR developed in the previous process, and asked members to review and comment on it.

ACTION ITEM: RRPAB members to review and comment on the draft Terms of Reference.

ACTION ITEM: Each organization provides / share links to their vision documents to promote greater understanding throughout the RRAB.
ACTION ITEM: Agree on next meeting date.

Summary of ACTION ITEMS:

  • DFO: change the PowerPoint slide to reflect that the failure occurred in Ottawa
  • RRPAB members: review and provide necessary edits/additions to the draftSECOA
  • DFO: PowerPoint slide changed to Socio Economic OVERVIEW
  • Mike Waters: provide a DND danger template to add to Glen’s boundary slides
  • DFO: add the multibeam data to the boundary map and send to RRAB members.
  • RRPAB members: reassess the values from the previous process and provideedits.
  • RRPAB members: review and comment on the draft Terms of Reference.
  • RRPAB members: provide / share links to their organization’s vision documents
  • RRPAB members: agree on next meeting date.

Feeding Sealions bait!!

‘Morning’, ‘clear’, ‘15.0’, ”, ‘10.0’, ‘W’, ‘1\\” swell’

‘Boat’, ’30K2923′, ‘Welcome to the Race Rocks Zoo.\r\nThis boat ambled in safely enough, then proceeded to throw food to the sea lions!  I have a very clear photo of one man throwing what appears to be baitfish into the air and the other man watching it fly.  He proceeded to throw more food until I waved him off.’,Ryan 13:35:49′


From boat# 30K2923 an individual throws a baitfish to the sea lions from a few metres off the shore. Needless to say this was a first! Noon, September 20, 2009.


Seagull chicks starting to lift off ground

The baby elephant seal is present outside the concrete pad again today. Its back is covered in small wounds and every move it takes seems to be an effort. It spent all day sleeping beside the jetty. Wondering if it is sick or in poor health..The number of sea lions (both stellar and California) is growing daily. Most are hauled out on the NE corner of Gr. Race and on Middle Rock. Some are also on the southern rocks as well. A flock of four Canada Geese was present on the island for a few hours this morning. Seagull chicks are still growing, with many spreading their wings and starting to lift off from the ground. Carcasses in various stages of decomposition have been found scattered across the island this week, with two new ones beside the cistern spotted yesterday. Slash has not been seen for a week now. A number of infractions from recreational boats occurred today, including viewing animals from less than 100 metres, fishing and traveling at speeds greater than 7 kts. Recreational boaters are reminded that violation of the Marine Mammal Regulations (rev. 2006) may constitute a fine up to $100 000. Adam, 21:25:22