On February 25, 2005, Pearson College hosts the announcement of the Pearson College, ENCANA, Clean Current Tidal Power Demonstration Project at Race Rocks.
This video by Alexander Mirzoyan ( yr 31) (Russia) presents the complete proceedings and speeches. Pearson College Director Stewart Walker leads off with introductions to the speakers
Category Archives: Admin
Sponsorship: from the BC Ministry of Energy and Mines
The Provincial Ministry of Energy and Mines. Assisted with funding for the installation of solar panels and instrumentation for the Tidal Energy project.
“The commitment by Premier Campbell in promoting alternative energy sources has helped British Columbia become a world leader in sustainable environmental management,” said Neufeld. “The province commends projects like this one, as they show our commitment to developing clean energy solutions that will benefit all British Columbians.” The multi-year demonstration project will involve the installation, operation and monitoring of a 65kW free-stream tidal turbine generator in the water near Race Rocks, a provincial ecological reserve located 10 nautical miles southwest of Victoria..
Tidal Current : Renewable Energy for Race Rocks
Full video coverage of the event
PRESS RELEASE below……February 25, 2005 (Link to PDF version)- ENCANA PARTNERS TO ENABLE PEARSON COLLEGE – ENCANA – CLEAN CURRENT TIDAL POWER DEMONSTRATION PROJECT AT RACE ROCKS, BC Victoria – Thanks to an innovative partnership between Lester B. Pearson College of the Pacific,EnCana Corporation and Clean Current Power Systems Incorporated, Canada’s first free-stream tidal power project will be built at the Race Rocks Ecological Reserve, offshore of Vancouver Island in British Columbia. The project will enable the world famous marine park to tap into surrounding ocean currents and convert tidal energy to electric power for its needs beginning in early 2006. Making the announcement were: Gwyn Morgan, President and CEO of EnCana, Glen Darou, President and CEO of Clean Current, Richard Neufeld, British Columbia Minister of Energy and Mines, and Stuart Walker, Director of Pearson College.Officially known as the “Pearson College – EnCana – Clean Current Tidal Power Demonstration Project at Race Rocks,” the project is enabled by a $3-million investment from the EnCana Environmental Innovation Fund.“EnCana is pleased to be a partner in this first-class, alternative energy project,” said Morgan. “Our investment in this B.C.-based unconventional environmental and power technology reflects our desire to tangibly encourage innovative energy solutions.” EnCana’s Environmental Innovation Fund was established to advance new technologies and solutions that improve environmental performance associated with consuming and producing energy. Commercial proceeds from financed projects will be re-invested into the fund to ensure their sustainability.“The commitment by Premier Campbell in promoting alternative energy sources has helped British Columbia become a world leader in sustainable environmental management,” said Neufeld. “The province commends projects like this one, as they show our commitment to developing clean energy solutions that will benefit all British Columbians.” The multi-year demonstration project will involve the installation, operation and monitoring of a 65kW free-stream tidal turbine generator in the water near Race Rocks, a provincial ecological reserve located 10 nautical miles southwest of Victoria.Clean Current is a private British Columbia-based company that designs and licenses technology that efficiently converts the energy of tidal currents into electricity. Clean Current’s proprietary technology consists of a horizontal-axis ducted turbine with a direct-drive variable speed permanent magnet generator. The turbine generator is equally efficient in both directions as the tidal currents reverse twice each day.“This Canadian technology is simple, efficient and environmentally friendly,” said Darou. “We believe it is highly exportable technology, with strong potential to succeed in international settings. Our company is delighted to have the support of EnCana, Pearson College, and technical partners AMEC, Powertech Labs Inc. and Triton Consultants Ltd.”Pearson College, one of ten United World Colleges worldwide, is the custodian of the Race Rocks Ecological Reserve, located three nautical miles from campus. Diesel-powered generators currently provide electricity requirements at the reserve. Students and staff will work elements of the tidal power demonstration project into their studies.“This is a terrific project for Pearson College, in that it supports our goal of making the ecological reserve a showcase for alternative, low-impact technologies such as tidal power,” said Walker. “We would like to thank Clean Current for their commitment to developing the technology and EnCana for the financial support that is making this demonstration project possible.”Second Year Pearson College student Alyssa Holland (year 30) concluded the presentation , by thanking the speakers. As a student involved in Environmental Systems and the diving program, she shared the enthusiasm she has for the resources of the area and emphasized the great importance she and other students attach to the effort of those involved in this project in the ongoing goal of producing energy sustainably.Below is the complete version of her speach:
BACKGROUNDER: (Link to PDF version)Race Rocks is a unique ecosystem located at the eastern entrance to the Strait of Juan de Fuca, three nautical miles from Pearson College and ten nautical miles southwest of Victoria, BC. The rocky outcroppings that form the Race Rocks group of islands are the visible summit of an underwater mountain and are washed daily by tidal currents that can run at up to seven knots. These swift waters are the lifeblood of breathtakingly diverse plant and animal life – recognized internationally as a treasured ecosystem. To First Nations people, Race Rocks was a banquet table in the swift flowing waters known to them as XwaYen. To early mariners it was a formidable hazard to be avoided. To fishers it was a haven for finding rockfish and halibut. To scuba divers it is an underwater paradise with thriving colonies of marine organisms. To generations of future researchers, college students and school children, it will be an awe-inspiring outdoor and virtual classroom. Additional information on Race Rocks is available at: www.racerocks.ca Lester B. Pearson College of the Pacific EnCana EnCana Environmental Innovation Fund The EnCana Environmental Innovation Fund (the Fund) supports these goals by lending financial support toward the development and commercialization of innovative new technologies and practices that create solutions to the environmental issues facing the energy sector. The fund is designed to invest in both external and internal projects that:
Targeted areas include air emission reductions, water conservation, renewable energy, and energy-efficiency improvements. To date, four projects have been financed, including a hybrid electric vehicle demonstration, a water recycling project, a drill cutting recycling facility and a renewable energy project. The Fund became operational in January 2004 and is currently reviewing candidate projects. Clean Current Power Systems Incorporated Efficiency and operability in salt water are the key ingredients of a successful tidal technology. Clean Current’s tidal turbine generator is a bi-directional ducted horizontal axis turbine with a direct drive variable speed permanent magnet generator. This proprietary design delivers better than 50 per cent water-to-wire efficiency, a significant improvement over competing free stream tidal energy technologies. Operability is enhanced by a simple design that has one moving part – the rotor assembly that contains the permanent magnets. There is no drive shaft and no gearbox. The turbine generator has a design life of 10 years (major overhaul every 10 years) and a service life of 25-30 years. During that time it will generate electricity with zero emissions, a minimal footprint on the bottom of the ocean and negligible impact on marine life. To ensure success Clean Current has enlisted the assistance of technical partners AMEC Americas Limited and AMEC Dynamic Structures Limited (both subsidiaries of AMEC PLC),Powertech, (a subsidiary of BC Hydro) and Triton Consultants Ltd. |
Video Clips of TV reports on the Tidal energy Project
Videoclips from. the following TV News Channels have been assembled here by Gerald Kasegar PC YR 21, and Alex Chan PC Yr. 31
CH NEWS –CBC News–VI News –CTV News
Tidal Current Generator Experiment Announced
Thanks to an innovative partnership between Lester B. Pearson College of the Pacific, EnCana Corporation and Clean Current Power Systems Incorporated, Canada’s first free-stream tidal power project will be built at the Race Rocks Ecological Reserve, offshore of Vancouver Island in British Columbia. The project will enable the world famous marine park to tap into surrounding ocean currents and convert tidal energy to electric power for its needs beginning in early 2006. Making the announcement were:
Gwyn Morgan, President and CEO of EnCana,
Glen Darou, President and CEO of Clean Current,
Richard Neufeld, British Columbia Minister of Energy and Mines,
and Stuart Walker, Director of Pearson College.
See the press release and pictures. http://www.racerocks.com/racerock/energy/tidalenergy/tidalenergyannounce.htm
The History of the Foghorn at Race Rocks
From the early 1980’s until January, 1997, fog or heavy rain impeding visibility in the eastern entrance of the Strait of Juan de Fuca would trigger three double tones per minute from the four trumpet shaped Airchime horns mounted on the South side of the engine room at Race Rocks.
Click below to hear them:
click on bar below for the current foghorn
Watching Over Race Rocks
Live Wildlife for your Living Room –on Pam Birley
Race Rocks Ecological Reserve: An Unusual Model of Reserve Management
Race Rocks Ecological Reserve: An Unusual Model of Reserve Management….By Garry Fletcher
On October 3rd, this group of the Friends of Ecological Reserves made a trip to Race Rocks in the Pearson College Boats with Garry Fletcher and Chris Blondeau, Chris is the Pearson College Sea-front Coordinator and Operations Manager of Race Rocks. This fall has been remarkable in the consistently high population of Northern and California Sea Lions and high populations of seagulls and Cormorants on the islands, so it was a good time for the visit after the nesting season.
As a result of questions from members on the trip, I thought it might be useful to update everyone who is interested in the events on the reserve with the present state of the management and financing of Race Rocks. Lester Pearson College assumed the full management of the facilities and staff at Race Rocks in the fall of 1997. The light and foghorn had been automated, and the Canadian Coastguard was retiring the light keepers, Mike and Carol Slater. All the facilities except the light tower and foghorn were returned to BC Lands. An agreement was reached whereby the island was leased for long-term management and continued use for education and research by Lester Pearson College. In 2001, BC Parks was able to expand the Ecological reserve, which had previously omitted the large island with the facilities, to include all the remaining land area of Great Race Island in addition to the original 256 hectares of Islands and water to the 36 meter depth.
The Slaters were hired by Lester Pearson College to stay on as Ecological Reserve Guardians, providing security and keeping the diesel generator running, thus ensuring that the college could have full use of the other buildings and facilities on the island. In addition, the daily collection of air and sea temperature and salinity data was continued, maintaining a valuable long-term database. An anonymous donor from Ontario met operating costs for the first year. Each year after a special effort has been made by the college to secure the operating funds to carry through to keep the island open. By the year 2000, a proposal was made to the Millennium Partners Fund of Canada, to help fund the installation of Internet facilities and microwave to provide a link to the College for the transmission of Broadband Internet. A number of partners and sponsors who continue to assist are referenced on the website. Each year since, the college has had to seek funding from a number of sources to keep the island going, since government funding for parks is very hard to come by.
One of the higher costs incurred in the operation is the diesel fuel to run the island’s generators. Last year over $20,000 went into this, so it has been an aim for some time to incorporate alternate energy technology in the operation. It is with great relief that I can now tell you that our efforts are paying off as we now have a company, Clean Current Power Inc. securing the complete funding and installing at Race Rocks in the next year, an underwater tidal current generator which will have negligible negative environmental impacts. Although a research prototype, this should generate all the required electrical needs for the island. The diesel generators will become backup utilities.
BC Parks has made a good effort to help with some of the facility costs on the island. Keep in mind that most Ecological Reserves do not have dwellings and facilities such as docks and workshops, so they have provided the funds to mitigate the effects of human sewage from the two houses, with the installation of composting toilets in 2003. The Coast guard, although having no direct financial commitment, has provided technical assistance when necessary. In 2000 an Advisory Board was set up by DFO for the formation of an Official Marine Protected Area under the Oceans Act. The Ecological Reserve is still a Marine Protected Area Designate, since final treaty negotiations have put a hold on complete Marine Protected Area Status. This has meant that no federal funds are available for maintaining the Protected Area.
It is a difficult job securing at least $80,000 a year to keep the island operational. What is really needed is an endowment, and this we are determined to seek over the next few years. Keeping observers and cameras on the island has in the last few years served to keep the many users of the area accountable, so that the ecological integrity of the resource may be sustained. On the home page of racerocks.com is written: “we humans are never content just to know that a special area exists on this earth. We strive to be there, to touch, to feel, to consume. But therein lies the paradox. In so doing we can destroy the very thing we love.” The aim of the racerocks.com program has always been to make this special ecosystem available to all through the Internet. We have been fortunate to have this opportunity to establish a window into the daily lives of the creatures of a rugged marine island ecosystem. We just hope that we can continue to make the amazing life of these islands available to all. This spring with the further assistance of Apple Computer, we upgraded our computers and added a new 340 degree robotic camera which provides a much more thorough survey of many parts of the islands from your own computer.
We are grateful for any assistance in the funding of the program at Race Rocks. One can pay by cheque or credit card to The Race Rocks Operating Fund c/o Lester B. Pearson College, 650 Pearson College Drive. (250) 391-2411. A tax receipt will be provided for amounts over $25.00
This article appeared in the Winter 2004 edition of the Friends of Ecological Reserves Newsmagazine ; The LOG
Garry Fletcher (garryf(use the at sign).gmail.com) the volunteer warden for Race Rocks Ecological Reserve is the Educational Director of racerocks.com.In 2004 he retired after teaching for 36 years. The last 28 of those years have been spent in Biology, Environmental Systems and the SCUBA diving program at Lester B. Pearson College of the Pacific. Garry now continues with his work on https://www.racerocks.ca and serves as a consultant from his home in Metchosin.
racerocks.com Wins Prestigious Educational Award
Originally published in the Pearson College Newsletter, THE LINK September 17, 2004. Link no.66. No one who knows Garry Fletcher — and that includes almost every graduate of Pearson College — can doubt his passion for the environment. No one who has followed the development of the racerocks.com (now.ca) website, connecting the world with the marine protected area just beyond Pearson College, will be surprised that it was singled out in July for an award of excellence from the Commonwealth of Learning. The award recognizes the immense contribution of the website to non-formal distance learning. “It was an opportunity to share our good fortune with the wider educational community,” Garry has commented on the way he has beamed the rich ecosystems of Race Rocks outward electronically to museums, schools, and all individuals interested in a close look at marine life. From anywhere in the web world it is possible to watch the sealions bask and swim, to see the interaction of abundant species, and to see divers below the surface interacting with requests from children far away. “Through technology we can introduce visitors to marine ecology – without the real visits that would damage a sensitive site.” The web site racerocks.com was chosen for the following reasons by the jury: • it is fitting for a variety of clientele needs in non-formal education in the very important area of the environment • it has adopted a sound learning and instructional design, and • it uses a variety of media which can be integrated in a flexible manner according to individual learning needs and interests Garry Fletcher retired from Pearson College this summer after some thirty years of teaching Biology and Environmental Systems. He has not, however, gone far: he lives just down the road, and continues to pass through the college on the way to Race Rocks, the marine area for which he has been instrumental in gaining protected status, and for whose website he has just been highly honoured. |
Eileen Dombrowski
September 17, 2004. Link no.66