Proposal and Rationale for all PC Students spending time at Race Rocks as part of their College experience.

Proposal and Rationale for all PC Students spending time at Race Rocks as part of their College experience.

By Ryan Murphy

A select few students have been given the opportunity over the past twenty-odd years to experience and take part in one of the region’s most prominent educational installations. And we are not talking about Pearson College. Race Rocks is an incredible resource, utilized by students from around the world via, yet since the end of orientation week tours to the archipelago, many of our own students graduate without having ever seen the islands.

It is this gross under-use of a “national jewel” that forms the basis for this proposal: an institutionalized system that would see every student at the College spend one week of their first year living and learning on Race Rocks.


There are 27 weeks of classes for students in their first year of study. As well, there are upwards of 104 first year students in any given year. Four students per week for 26 weeks covers the first year student body, as well as being a typical occupant load for the assistant keeper’s residence on the island. Any combination of first year students could be tried: two pairs of roommates, all males, all females, planned groups, interest groups, etc. The important thing is the provision of this unique opportunity to all students, not just the few divers, environmental systems, and activity students. This initiative is doable, and should not be a matter of if, but when.


This proposal fits with the aims of the College in numerous ways. The overlying goal of the UWC movement, as first enounced by Kurt Hahn is “to provide an education, in the total sense, which will produce involved, active, educated citizens…” Having seen many of the students who’ve spent even a weekend here, and having spent upwards of three months here myself, I know that living at Race is not only just different from living at the College, but beneficial for this difference.

These benefits are many:

  1. students learn organizational skills as they plan meals and budget food stores,

  2. they learn responsibility through the daily chores that structure one’s stay on the island,

  3. they develop leadership skills by handling the various challenges that isolated island life present as well as,

  4. interpersonal skills while handling the various challenges that isolated, and secluded island life present,

  5. Race Rocks is an inspirational place in many ways, a wonderful location to encourage creative expression,

  6. being a Marine Protected Area, Guardians learn profound respect for the environment,

  7. for many students, the change of location and open space can be mood elevating, particularly effective in months containing the letter “r”.

Responding to the unique physical and emotional challenges of the Race Rocks environment while attending the College can only foster growth and positive development in our students.

It is believed that having a College-wide participation in this program will not only benefit our students but the College as a whole:

  1. with proper planning and effective use of the technology already available to us, students can not only keep up with their school work, but contribute to their classes as well,

  2. nowhere on campus other than Race Rocks can students experience the raw forces of nature. This increased awareness aids not only science courses, but more creative ones as well, not to mention many activities.

  3. Student groups on the island can be assigned or create their own themes or subjects for discussion during their week, akin to the activities during Jack Matthews’ Days. These discussions can take place online, and a summary could be provided to The Link to eventually create an impressive library of topics.


Returning now to The Core, this project responds in many efficient and eloquent ways:

  1. Sleep. In September, the matter of sleep will have completed its third decade of being an ongoing problem at the College. When the sunsets at Race Rocks, there is nothing to do. The computers will allow students to keep in touch, but all students who stay on the island get more than enough sleep.

  2. Physical Exercise. Though it is a small island, the climb to the tower is often enough to wind most people. Physical chores have the same benefits as most Village Service activities and are more exercise than many students would normally get.

  3. Time for Reflection. See point 1, Race Rocks is sufficiently devoid of distractions to provide plenty of time for reflection.

  4. Service. This program can easily be incorporated into a student’s requirements of service to the College.

  5. Conflict Resolution. As stated above, interpersonal skills will be tried and tested during the week, cementing some relationships, and encouraging growth for others.

  6. Aesthetic Appreciation. Any student inclined to pursue an artistic endeavor would meet with success at Race Rocks.

  7. Environmental and Political Awareness. As previously discussed, Race Rocks is perfectly situated to increase awareness on both these fronts.

In conclusion, I would like to reemphasize that Pearson College is not using Race Rocks to its full potential. Both the students and the College as a whole are missing out because of this waste, and it is the goal of this proposal to first make you aware of this potential, and to secondly encourage your own thoughts for the development of this new initiative.

Prepared for Chris Blondeau, July 9, 2003.

by Ryan Murphy (Year 26).

Race Rocks Pre-packaged Tours: 2003

by Ryan Murphy

Think young, easily bored, but impressionable and inexperienced.
Will want photos of themselves and maybe MPA.


– Safety talk and general information at the docks before getting way.

– Get them involved and thinking early, find out group’s interest(s) and play off that.

– Encourage questions, cater tour to these.

– Orientation stop near Bentinck, get them to point out (guess) local features and places.

– Watch for Bull kelp on way out for demonstration.

MPA tour:

Route dictated by weather and sea conditions.

– Welcome to Canada’s “first” MPA.

– Discuss recent history and management.

– Get them to look around, ask them what they think makes this place distinct/different.

– Point out local flora and fauna, their importance in past and today.

– If there are sea lions, point out differences between them, and with seals.

– Make First Nations link here as boat gets closer to Great Race.

– Discuss LBPC’s role in making/keeping Race Rocks such an important place.

– Point out school-based activities done on the island.

– Get them to smile and wave as they pass in front of the cameras.

– Discuss the internet’s role in preserving the MPA while giving even greater access.

– Talk about diving and other ways students at LBPC get involved.


– If they’re whale crazy, or whales just happen to stop by, identification of two types of orcas, discussion on whale/watcher interactions, other problems encountered by the whales, make link with farmed salmon (poison).

– If the MPA is devoid of everything except the elephant seal, shift focus towards him, story of boat props, and the importance of protecting Race Rocks.

– If they’re a little too excited, the Boxing Day drownings, and Johan Ashuvud stories might help reshift their focus.

– If they’re bored, stories of shipwrecks and sunken treasure might get their attention as well.

Little Kids:

Think very young, easily distracted, mostly uninterested, but easily impressed with simple things. May fall asleep or start to cry.


– Emphasize safety on the boat, warm clothes, and exciting possibilities. The majority of the experience will be new for them, so take time to make interesting and fun as much as you can.

– Get them involved and thinking early, keep it simple and fun

– Encourage conversation and interaction, keep them involved.

– Orientation stop near Bentinck, keep it simple, make leprosy fun.

– Watch for Bull kelp on way out for demonstration.

MPA tour:

Route dictated by weather and sea conditions.

– Welcome to the first protected place of its kind in Canada.

– Get them to look around, point out some features that make this place distinct/different.

– Point out local animals, tell the kids why they’re there and what they do.

– If there are sea lions, point out differences between them, and with seals. Everyone can try animal sounds.

– Mention First Nation’s connection with the past and future of the islands.

– Point out school-based activities done on the island.

– Get them to smile and wave as they pass in front of the cameras.

– Tell kids that they can watch the sea lions at home with their parents at

– Talk about going under the water, and how beautiful and colourful it is there.


– If they’re whale crazy, or whales just happen to stop by, identification of two types of orcas, simple discussion of current issues.

– If the MPA is devoid of everything except the elephant seal, shift focus towards him, story of boat props, and the importance of protecting Race Rocks.

– Make the connection of visiting the animals and having a herd of buffalo visit your living room.

– Keep adults involved, if the kids are too young or too uninterested, give the adults their tour, and hit on some exciting things for the kids every so often.


Think future donor or concerned private citizen


– Safety talk and general information at the docks before getting way.

– Get them talking early, find out group’s interest(s) and play off that.

– Encourage questions, cater tour to these.

– Orientation stop near Bentinck, indicate local features and places.

MPA tour:

Route dictated by weather and sea conditions.

– Welcome to Canada’s “first” MPA.

– Discuss recent history and management.

– Describe what features make Race Rocks so incredible.

– Point out local flora and fauna.

– If there are sea lions, point out differences between them, and with seals.

– Make First Nations link here as boat gets closer to Great Race.

– Discuss LBPC’s role in making/keeping Race Rocks such an important place.

– Point out college activities done on the island, Mike and Carol’s role.

– Get them to smile and wave as they pass in front of the cameras.

– Discuss the internet’s role in preserving the MPA while giving even greater access.

– Talk about funding issues, the partnerships created, and how important outside involvement is.


– If they’re whale crazy, or whales just happen to stop by, identification of two types of orcas, discussion on whale/watcher interactions, other problems encountered by the whales, make link with farmed salmon (poison).

– If the MPA is devoid of everything except the elephant seal, shift focus towards him, story of boat props, and the importance of protecting Race Rocks.

– Relating the Johan Ashuvud story will help emphasize the importance Race Rocks has.

– Many adults are concerned with who has access to the islands, the particulars of management and the like. Knowing the operating budget helps.

First Nations:

Be conscious of current issues, as well as information they may have


– Safety talk and general information at the docks before getting way.

– Get them talking early, find out group’s interest(s) and play off that.

– Encourage questions, cater tour to these.

– Orientation stop near Bentinck, indicate local features and places.

MPA tour:

Route dictated by weather and sea conditions.

– Welcome to Canada’s “first” MPA.

– Know which month of the Salish calendar you’re in.

– Xwayen used by the Saanich people (Coast Salish), speak Klallum language.

– Discuss recent history and management (milk-stool).

– Describe what features make Race Rocks so incredible.

– Feel the crowd for any traditional knowledge, encourage stories.

– Point out local flora and fauna of importance, traditional uses.

– Make First Nations link here as boat gets closer to Great Race.

– Earle Claxton of the Tsawout First Nation and Joe Bartleman of the Tsartlip First Nation.

– Discuss LBPC’s role in making/keeping Race Rocks such an important place.

– Point out college activities done on the island, Mike and Carol’s role.

– Indicate the cameras as you pass in front of the windows.

– Discuss the internet’s role in preserving the MPA while giving even greater access.

– Talk about funding issues, the partnerships created, and how important outside involvement is.


– If they’re whale crazy, or whales just happen to stop by, identification of two types of orcas, discussion on whale/watcher interactions, other problems encountered by the whales, make link with farmed salmon (poison).

– If the MPA is devoid of everything except the elephant seal, shift focus towards him, story of boat props, and the importance of protecting Race Rocks.

– Relating the Johan Ashuvud story will help emphasize the importance Race Rocks has.

– Many people are concerned with who has access to the islands, the particulars of management and the like. Knowing the operating budget helps.

Fund Raising:

Think future donor, the most diverse group. Some come to show off gadgets, others want to see the lighthouse, and still others don’t even know they want to support us yet.


– Safety talk and general information at the docks before getting way.

– Get them talking early, find out group’s focus and build on that.

– Encourage questions, cater tour to these.

– Orientation stop near Bentinck, if there are signs of genuine interest. If not, casually pointing things out should suffice.

MPA tour:

Route dictated by weather and sea conditions.

– Welcome to Canada’s “first” MPA.

– Discuss recent history and management.

– Describe what features make Race Rocks so incredible.

– Point out local flora and fauna.

– Make First Nations link here as boat gets closer to Great Race.

– Discuss LBPC’s role in making/keeping Race Rocks such an important place.

– Point out college activities done on the island, Mike and Carol’s role.

– Point to the cameras as you go by, discuss the many contributions already made.

– Discuss the internet’s role in preserving the MPA while giving even greater access.

– Talk about funding issues, the partnerships already created, and how important outside involvement is.

– Stress negative human impact, and importance of our mission to share and protect.

– How incredible the project is, world-class educational resource.


– If they’re whale crazy, or whales just happen to stop by, identification of two types of orcas, discussion on whale/watcher interactions, other problems encountered by the whales, make link with farmed salmon (poison).

– If the MPA is devoid of everything except the elephant seal, shift focus towards him, story of boat props, and the importance of protecting Race Rocks.

– Relating the Johan Ashuvud story will help emphasize the importance Race Rocks has.

– Many adults are concerned with who has access to the islands, the particulars of management and the like. Knowing the operating budget helps.

– Jordanian student who completed university course with our site alone.




Coast Guard, LBPC, Whale Watchers/Eco-tourists, Private citizens, Academics, Educators, First Nations.


DFO (Federal), BC Parks (Provincial), and LBPC (us).

Operating budget $150,000 a year. Relies heavily on private donors like you. What you see is made possible by many generous sponsors contributing time, money, and expertise.


Apple Computers. ALI, LBPC, SONY, Friends of Ecological Reserves, Millennium Foundation, Richard Ivey Foundation, Johan Ashuvud Fund, Ken Dunham, Giovanni Rosso, Jochen Kumm…

Stories to know:

Boxing Day drownings, Sunken treasure, shipwrecks, L-51 death -> farmed salmon, toxins, elephant seal struck/healed, whale/watcher interactions, Johan Ashuvud, Bull Kelp, Jordanian student completing course online…

Website to know:

Why we have one, How we do it, and What is on it.

First Nations:

Late April- Early May Penawen (Harvest Seaweed)

May Centeki (Sockeye Return to Earth)

June-July Cenhenen (Pink Salmon/Humpback Return to Earth)

August Centawen (Coho Return to Earth)

Xwayen used by the Saanich people (Coast Salish), speak Klallum language.
Earle Claxton of the Tsawout and Jow Bartleman of the Tsartlip First Nation are elders who are involved with the MPA.

Used: Rockfish, Dungeness Crab, Sea Urchins, Sea cucumber, Gooseneck Barnacnles, Mussels, Abalone, Oysters, Bird’s Eggs, and various marine algaes.

Flora and Fauna:


Herring Gull (common), Western Gull (seasonally), Bonaparte’s Gull (seasonally), Heermann’s Gull (seasonally), Glacous-winged Gull (v. common, breeder), Arctic Tern (rare, breeder), Black Turnstone (common), Short-billed dowitcher (common), Rock sandpiper (common), Black Oystercatcher (v. common, breeder), Bald Eagle (v. common), Harlequin Duck (seasonal), Rhinocerous Auklet (seasonally), Pigeon Guillemont (v. common, breeder), Common Murre (seasonally), Pelagic Cormorant (seasonally), Double-Crested Cormorant (common), Brandt’s Cormorant (seasonally, endangered).


Grey whale (rare), Humpback whale (v. rare), Orca (seasonal, transient rare), Dall’s Porpoise (rare), Harbour Porpoise (rare, in area), Northern Elephant seal (v. common), Northern Fur Seal (v. rare), California sea lion (common, seasonal), Steller/Northern sea lion (common, seasonal), Pacific Harbour Seal (v. common, breeder).


Bull kelp, giant pacific octopus, wolf eel, abalone, salmon.

Pests: River otters, Canada geese, Crows, Grackles.


1860 lighthouse constructed with Scottish granite (ballast) and local rock,

Same paint as space shuttle,

20W light bulb, solar powered (automated), Fresnel lens,

Most southerly point of Canada west of Ontario,

3 days before the tower was lit, Nanette (tallship) struck, total loss,

1865 Boxing Day drownings of family and friends of keepers,

1867 SS Nichola Biddle sank

1877 Swordfish ran aground

1882 SS Rosedale lost

1886 Barnard Castle struck

1896 SS Tees lost

1901 Prince Victor sank

1911 Sechelt capsized in Race Passage

1923 Siberian Prince lost (didn’t hear foghorn)

1925 Eemdijk lost (didn’t hear foghorn)

1925 Hope (tug) lost trying to salvage Eemdijk.

1929 Hydrographic Survey ship the Lilloet finds silent zone due to positioning of foghorn.

1885 Argyle (keeper) dives for gold sovereigns.

1950 Arthur Anderson lost as sea, skiff found near Port Angeles.

1997 Coast Guard hands management over to Pearson College

1998 Pilot MPA

2000 announced as MPA

2000 starts with live cameras broadcasting over the internet.

Eagles and Police Boat

‘Morning’, ‘Clear’, ‘15.0’, ”, ‘4.0’, ‘NE’, ‘Rippled’, ‘Carol + Mike’, ’07:07:58′),

2 black inflatables sped through the reserve at about 15:40. They were going too fast and bouncing in the 3 ft. seas to get the registration numbers but had ”police”in white letters along the sides. People on board had yellow jackets with ”police” on the backs. Called Stefan Beckmann-he will inquiries. ‘, ‘Mike’, ’14:38:11′

(5 immature) Bald Eagles in the reserve first thing this morning but by noon only 3 (1 Mature) remained.Just after 15:00 the adult Eagle flew over-head with what looked like part of a small fish-herring maybe- and was very aggressively pursued by one of the juveniles. The 2 big birds literally did summersaults in the air, one trying to get the fish and the other desperately trying to keep it! This air dance went on for almost ten minutes in a 30 knt. wind. Unfortunately did not see the outcome as the one with the fish finally dropped quite low over the water and flew over towards Rocky Pt.The juvenile followed close behind and they were soon too far away to see even with the telescope.A group of about 150 Pigeon Guillemots arrived this morning.They spread out over the island near their nesting areas,spent about 2 hours and then in a flurry were gone again.’, ‘Mike’, ’14:24:26′),

Boats in The Ecological reserve to Dec 2002

Partial records from the old Race Rocks Log transferred to this log. GF Includes boat section and infractions section from the database,

(16, ‘2002-08-14’, ‘Pleasure’, 0, ‘HUMAN INTERACTION: There were 27 Ecotour boats, 8 pleasure craft and Second Nature through the reserve today.\r\nposted by Carol or Mike S at 7:05 PM\r\n’, ‘Mike’, ’15:33:14′),
(2, ‘2002-08-14’, ‘Pleasure’, 8, ”, ‘Mike’, ’10:52:33′),
(3, ‘2002-08-13’, ‘Pleasure’, 9, ”, ‘Mike’, ’10:55:47′),
(4, ‘2002-08-13’, ‘Eco-Tour’, 33, ”, ‘Mike’, ’10:56:18′),
(5, ‘2002-08-13’, ‘Eco-Tour’, 33, ”, ‘Mike’, ’10:58:47′),
(6, ‘2002-08-12’, ‘Pleasure’, 13, ”, ‘Mike’, ’11:06:32′),
(7, ‘2002-08-12’, ‘Eco-Tour’, 50, ”, ‘Mike’, ’06:46:55′),
(8, ‘2002-08-11’, ‘Pleasure’, 9, ”, ‘Mike’, ’11:13:16′),
(9, ‘2002-08-11’, ‘Eco-Tour’, 6, ”, ‘Mike’, ’11:13:51′),
(10, ‘2002-08-11’, ‘Diving’, 1, ”, ‘Mike’, ’11:14:14′),
(11, ‘2002-08-03’, ‘Pleasure’, 9, ”, ‘Mike’, ’11:20:37′),
(12, ‘2002-08-03’, ‘Eco-Tour’, 21, ”, ‘Mike’, ’11:20:57′),
(13, ‘2002-08-11’, ‘Other’, 1, ‘Chris in Hyaku’, ‘Mike’, ’11:42:45′),
(14, ‘2002-08-09’, ‘Eco-Tour’, 34, ’34 tour boats through the reserve today, many boats toured the reserve early today in the thick fog. With visibility severely limited, many pushed too close to the islands under current regulations. As well, with so many boats and so little visibility, so’, ‘Ryan’, ’11:56:02′),
(15, ‘2002-08-15’, ‘Eco-Tour’, 23, ”, ‘Mike’, ’14:02:16′),
(17, ‘2002-08-16’, ‘Fishing’, 1, ‘3 on board fishing No. ( WN 5065 LN )’, ‘Mike-Carol’, ’15:33:53′),
(18, ‘2002-08-16’, ‘Eco-Tour’, 2, ‘light day’, ‘Mike-Carol’, ’21:27:49′),
(21, ‘2002-08-23’, ‘Eco-Tour’, 25, ”, ‘Mike’, ’22:56:53′),
(22, ‘2002-08-23’, ‘Diving’, 1, ”, ‘Mike’, ’22:57:34′),
(23, ‘2002-08-23’, ‘Pleasure’, 1, ”, ‘Mike’, ’22:57:58′),
(24, ‘2002-08-23’, ‘Other’, 1, ‘Station Boat to Pedder Bay’, ‘Mike’, ’22:58:38′),
(25, ‘2002-08-25’, ‘Pleasure’, 3, ”, ‘Mike’, ’23:06:30′),
(26, ‘2002-08-25’, ‘Eco-Tour’, 28, ”, ‘Mike’, ’23:07:07′),
(27, ‘2002-08-25’, ‘Diving’, 1, ”, ‘Mike’, ’23:07:24′),
(29, ‘2002-08-02’, ‘Eco-Tour’, 6, ”, ‘Carol or Mike’, ’15:46:13′),
(30, ‘2002-08-02’, ‘Pleasure’, 7, ”, ‘Carol or Mike’, ’15:46:41′),
(31, ‘2002-01-03’, ‘Pleasure’, 2, ”, ‘Carol or Mike S’, ’15:56:08′),
(32, ‘2002-08-04’, ‘Eco-Tour’, 53, ”, ‘Carol or Mike’, ’15:51:25′),
(33, ‘2002-03-05’, ‘Pleasure’, 1, ‘1 Pleasure craft through the M.P.A. today.’, ‘Carol or Mike S’, ’15:51:41′),
(34, ‘2002-08-04’, ‘Pleasure’, 13, ”, ‘Carol or Mike’, ’15:51:45′),
(35, ‘2002-01-03’, ‘Diving’, 1, ‘ 1- 4 metre boat with 3 divers between Gr. Race and West Race.\r\n’, ‘Garry’, ’15:52:22′),
(36, ‘2002-03-05’, ‘Other’, 1, ‘Race Rocks boat over to Parry Bay to Bring Garry over to work on the data system.’, ‘Carol or Mike S’, ’15:52:28′),
(37, ‘2002-01-03’, ‘Eco-Tour’, 1, ”, ‘Garry’, ’15:54:01′),
(38, ‘2002-01-04’, ‘Other’, 1, ”, ‘Mike or Carol’, ’15:59:02′),
(39, ‘2001-12-24’, ‘Eco-Tour’, 1, ’11:30 am 1 Whale Watcher Boat’, ‘Carol or Mike S’, ’16:01:36′),
(40, ‘2002-08-08’, ‘Eco-Tour’, 23, ”, ‘Carol or Mike’, ’16:07:20′),
(41, ‘2002-08-08’, ‘Pleasure’, 4, ”, ‘Carol or Mike’, ’16:07:36′),
(42, ‘2002-08-10’, ‘Eco-Tour’, 25, ”, ‘Garry’, ’16:12:51′),
(43, ‘2002-08-10’, ‘Pleasure’, 1, ”, ‘Carol or Mike’, ’16:13:06′),
(44, ‘2002-08-10’, ‘Other’, 1, ‘Marine Mammal Monitor boat in the reserve today. The station boat made a return trip to Pedder Bay and a trip to the Campus in the afternoon to return Ryan back to civilization – Thank you Ryan!\n’, ‘Carol or Mike’, ’16:14:15′),
(45, ‘2002-11-30’, ‘Pleasure’, 2, ”, ‘Mike’, ’14:04:11′),
(46, ‘2002-11-30’, ‘Eco-Tour’, 3, ”, ‘Mike’, ’14:04:34′),
(47, ‘2002-11-30’, ‘Diving’, 1, ‘The Juan de Fuca Warrior made morning dive along the north shore of Gr. Race and an afternoon dive off West Race. Did not observe any  interference with the wildlife.’, ‘Mike’, ’14:07:33′),
(48, ‘2002-12-01’, ‘Pleasure’, 2, ”, ‘Mike’, ’14:09:07′),
(49, ‘2002-12-01’, ‘Eco-Tour’, 3, ”, ‘Mike’, ’14:09:39′),
(50, ‘2002-12-15’, ‘Eco-Tour’, 2, ‘with the storm warnings up was surprised to see 2 tour boats come through about 11:30 -both from Springtide.’, ‘Mike’, ’11:23:11′),

‘2002-08-11′, ’18:14:00’, ‘Fishing’, ‘Boat’, ’14K 29105′, ‘Unfortuately there are still sports fishers who have either not familiarized themselves with the fishing regulations or are just ignoring them but today, because the tide was too low to launch the station boat we had to call Chris to come out in the Hyaku’, ‘Mike’, ’11:33:21′),
‘2002-08-09′, ’19:19:00’, ‘Speed’, ‘Boat’, ”, ‘At a quarter to 4 one tour zodiac decided to disregard the no-wake regulation and sped past Great Race, an unfortunate incident not repeated by other tour boats today.\r\n’, ‘Ryan’, ’11:57:19′),
‘2002-08-15′, ’09:20:19’, ‘Landing’, ‘Other’, ”, ‘Coast Guard Helicopter landed near tower leading to a great disturbance of the gulls. Escaping youngsters were attacked by groups of parents . ‘, ‘Mike-Carol’, ’14:14:13′),
‘2002-08-15′, ’15:23:28’, ‘Fishing’, ‘Boat’, ”, ‘hi Garry just looking at precipitation could we get it to read.\r\n”Precipitation Rain ____mm Snow ___cm  Total ____mm’, ‘Mike’, ’15:29:15′)


‘2002-08-14’, ‘Pleasure’, 0, ‘HUMAN INTERACTION: There were 27 Ecotour boats, 8 pleasure craft and Second Nature through the reserve today.\r\nposted by Carol or Mike S at 7:05 PM\r\n’, ‘Mike’, ’15:33:14′),
‘2002-08-14’, ‘Pleasure’, 8, ”, ‘Mike’, ’10:52:33′),
‘2002-08-13’, ‘Pleasure’, 9, ”, ‘Mike’, ’10:55:47′),
‘2002-08-13’, ‘Eco-Tour’, 33, ”, ‘Mike’, ’10:56:18′),
‘2002-08-13’, ‘Eco-Tour’, 33, ”, ‘Mike’, ’10:58:47′),
‘2002-08-12’, ‘Pleasure’, 13, ”, ‘Mike’, ’11:06:32′),
‘2002-08-12’, ‘Eco-Tour’, 50, ”, ‘Mike’, ’06:46:55′),
‘2002-08-11’, ‘Pleasure’, 9, ”, ‘Mike’, ’11:13:16′),
‘2002-08-11’, ‘Eco-Tour’, 6, ”, ‘Mike’, ’11:13:51′),
‘2002-08-11’, ‘Diving’, 1, ”, ‘Mike’, ’11:14:14′),
‘2002-08-03’, ‘Pleasure’, 9, ”, ‘Mike’, ’11:20:37′),(16, ‘2002-08-14’, ‘Pleasure’, 0, ‘HUMAN INTERACTION: There were 27 Ecotour boats, 8 pleasure craft and Second Nature through the reserve today.\r\nposted by Carol or Mike S at 7:05 PM\r\n’, ‘Mike’, ’15:33:14′),
‘2002-08-14’, ‘Pleasure’, 8, ”, ‘Mike’, ’10:52:33′),
‘2002-08-03’, ‘Eco-Tour’, 21, ”, ‘Mike’, ’11:20:57′),
‘2002-08-11’, ‘Other’, 1, ‘Chris in Hyaku’, ‘Mike’, ’11:42:45′),
‘2002-08-09’, ‘Eco-Tour’, 34, ’34 tour boats through the reserve today, many boats toured the reserve early today in the thick fog. With visibility severely limited, many pushed too close to the islands under current regulations. As well, with so many boats and so little visibility, so’, ‘Ryan’, ’11:56:02′),(1, ‘2002-08-11′, ’18:14:00’, ‘Fishing’, ‘Boat’, ’14K 29105′, ‘Unfortuately there are still sports fishers who have either not familiarized themselves with the fishing regulations or are just ignoring them but today, because the tide was too low to launch the station boat we had to call Chris to come out in the Hyaku’, ‘Mike’, ’11:33:21′),
‘2002-08-09′, ’19:19:00’, ‘Speed’, ‘Boat’, ”, ‘At a quarter to 4 one tour zodiac decided to disregard the no-wake regulation and sped past Great Race, an unfortunate incident not repeated by other tour boats today.\r\n’, ‘Ryan’, ’11:57:19′),
‘2002-08-15′, ’09:20:19’, ‘Landing’, ‘Other’, ”, ‘Coast Guard Helicopter landed near tower leading to a great disturbance of the gulls. Escaping youngsters were attacked by groups of parents . ‘, ‘Mike-Carol’, ’14:14:13′),
‘2002-08-15′, ’15:23:28’, ‘Fishing’, ‘Boat’, ”, ‘hi Garry just looking at precipitation could we get it to read.\r\n”Precipitation Rain ____mm Snow ___cm  Total ____mm’, ‘Mike’, ’15:29:15′),
‘2002-08-15’, ‘Eco-Tour’, 23, ”, ‘Mike’, ’14:02:16′),
‘2002-08-16’, ‘Fishing’, 1, ‘3 on board fishing No. ( WN 5065 LN )’, ‘Mike-Carol’, ’15:33:53′),
‘2002-08-16’, ‘Eco-Tour’, 2, ‘light day’, ‘Mike-Carol’, ’21:27:49′),
‘2002-08-23’, ‘Eco-Tour’, 25, ”, ‘Mike’, ’22:56:53′),
‘2002-08-23’, ‘Diving’, 1, ”, ‘Mike’, ’22:57:34′),
2002-08-23′, ‘Pleasure’, 1, ”, ‘Mike’, ’22:57:58′),
‘2002-08-23’, ‘Other’, 1, ‘Station Boat to Pedder Bay’, ‘Mike’, ’22:58:38′),
‘2002-08-25’, ‘Pleasure’, 3, ”, ‘Mike’, ’23:06:30′),
‘2002-08-25’, ‘Eco-Tour’, 28, ”, ‘Mike’, ’23:07:07′),
‘2002-08-25’, ‘Diving’, 1, ”, ‘Mike’, ’23:07:24′),
‘2002-08-02’, ‘Eco-Tour’, 6, ”, ‘Carol or Mike’, ’15:46:13′),
‘2002-08-02’, ‘Pleasure’, 7, ”, ‘Carol or Mike’, ’15:46:41′),
‘2002-01-03’, ‘Pleasure’, 2, ”, ‘Carol or Mike S’, ’15:56:08′),
‘2002-08-04’, ‘Eco-Tour’, 53, ”, ‘Carol or Mike’, ’15:51:25′),
‘2002-03-05’, ‘Pleasure’, 1, ‘1 Pleasure craft through the M.P.A. today.’, ‘Carol or Mike S’, ’15:51:41′),
‘2002-08-04’, ‘Pleasure’, 13, ”, ‘Carol or Mike’, ’15:51:45′),
‘2002-01-03’, ‘Diving’, 1, ‘ 1- 4 metre boat with 3 divers between Gr. Race and West Race.\r\n’, ‘Garry’, ’15:52:22′),
‘2002-03-05’, ‘Other’, 1, ‘Race Rocks boat over to Parry Bay to Bring Garry over to work on the data system.’, ‘Carol or Mike S’, ’15:52:28′),
‘2002-01-03’, ‘Eco-Tour’, 1, ”, ‘Garry’, ’15:54:01′),
‘2002-01-04’, ‘Other’, 1, ”, ‘Mike or Carol’, ’15:59:02′),
‘2001-12-24’, ‘Eco-Tour’, 1, ’11:30 am 1 Whale Watcher Boat’, ‘Carol or Mike S’, ’16:01:36′),
‘2002-08-08’, ‘Eco-Tour’, 23, ”, ‘Carol or Mike’, ’16:07:20′),
‘2002-08-08’, ‘Pleasure’, 4, ”, ‘Carol or Mike’, ’16:07:36′),
‘2002-08-10’, ‘Eco-Tour’, 25, ”, ‘Garry’, ’16:12:51′),
‘2002-08-10’, ‘Pleasure’, 1, ”, ‘Carol or Mike’, ’16:13:06′),
‘2002-08-10’, ‘Other’, 1, ‘Marine Mammal Monitor boat in the reserve today. The station boat made a return trip to Pedder Bay and a trip to the Campus in the afternoon to return Ryan back to civilization – Thank you Ryan!\n’, ‘Carol or Mike’, ’16:14:15′),
‘2002-11-30’, ‘Pleasure’, 2, ”, ‘Mike’, ’14:04:11′),
‘2002-11-30’, ‘Eco-Tour’, 3, ”, ‘Mike’, ’14:04:34′),
‘2002-11-30’, ‘Diving’, 1, ‘The Juan de Fuca Warrior made morning dive along the north shore of Gr. Race and an afternoon dive off West Race. Did not observe any  interference with the wildlife.’, ‘Mike’, ’14:07:33′),
‘2002-12-01’, ‘Pleasure’, 2, ”, ‘Mike’, ’14:09:07′),
‘2002-12-01’, ‘Eco-Tour’, 3, ”, ‘Mike’, ’14:09:39′),
‘2002-12-15’, ‘Eco-Tour’, 2, ‘with the storm warnings up was surprised to see 2 tour boats come through about 11:30 -both from Springtide.’, ‘Mike’, ’11:23:11′),

‘2002-08-26’, ‘Pleasure’, 4, ”, ‘Carol or Mike S’, ’15:56:52′),
‘2002-08-26’, ‘Eco-Tour’, 27, ”, ‘Carol or Mike S’, ’15:57:07′),

Ardea herodias: Great Blue Heron–The Race Rocks taxonomy

Images for this slide show video were taken on the remote camera 5 by PB.


The great blue heron is a very widely spread bird throughout the American continent. During the breeding season it can be found in places such as Alaska and as far south as Mexico or the West Indies. In Winter, most blue herons leave Canada and go to the United States, or even places as Panama, Colombia and Venezuela. However, British Columbia seems to be an exception to this, and blue herons live there during the whole year. On the southern part of Vancouver Island, they are frequent residents in Pedder Bay and are often seen sitting out on the kelp at Rocky Point. Kelp provides shelter for a number of small fish such as herring and anchovie. Occasionally on calm days, we will see a heron standing and spearing fish from the Nereocystis (kelp) beds out at Race Rocks, so they become part of the top of the food web in the ecosystem.
Blue herons are the biggest type of heron. Adults can be over 1 meter tall, and they can have a 2 meter wing span. Their head is white with a black stripe on each side extending back from the eyes. Their back is blue and the breast is white streaked with black. In flight, the neck is doubled back and the head rests against the shoulders. Herons in their first year have grey crowns and grey wings.
Great blue herons feed mainly on very small fish, with no more then 7cm of length. Occasionally, they can feed on shellfish, insects, amphibians, reptiles, small birds and rodents.

Blue herons usually nest in forest areas, within a few kilometres from their main feeding area, in treetops. This is done in order to prevent the nest from being reached by land predators. During the spring, when both males and females arrive for nesting, males occupy old nests or branches and prepare to defend their territory. In the presence of females, they emit very loud shrieks. Two year old males are the most likely to mate immediately. The closest possible nesting area to Race Rocks is Rocky Point.
After mating, males gather construction materials to build a new nest, and together with the female, they build it in about one week. By April, each female then lays three to five eggs, which she incubates during the night, while the male incubates them during the day.

After hatching, young herons are fed by their parents, who regurgitate predigested food. If supplies are not enough. Only the strongest will survive. The weaker offspring end up being pushed out of the nest by the strongest, and they eventually starve. The survivors grow very quickly. Eight weeks after they’re born they can already fly clumsily, and at the age of ten weeks they leave the nest and become independent. An average of two or three chicks results from each breeding cycle of the blue heron
Great blue herons are a very sociable species. They organize in colonies for breeding, feeding and protection from predators.
These birds live as long as 17 years. They have very few natural predators. Draining marshes and destroying common food sites are the greatest threat to the population of great blue herons. However, the mortality among young birds is high. The eggs are often preyed upon by crows, ravens, eagles and raccoons. In ictoria, nesting colonies have moved due to continula predation by bald eagles. Shortage of food is also a common death factor among youngsters. Although contamination by chemicals seems to interfere with the reproductive system, it is not yet proven that it has a direct impact on overall population levels.
Reference: Hinterland Who’s Who?
Domain Eukarya
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Aves
Order Ciconiiformes
Family Ardeidae
Genus Ardea
Species herodias
Common Name: Great Blue Heron



Other Members of the Class Aves at Race Rocks.
taxonomyiconReturn to the Race Rocks Taxonomy
and Image File
pearsonlogo2_f2The Race Rocks taxonomy is a collaborative venture originally started with the Biology and Environmental Systems students of Lester Pearson College UWC. It now also has contributions added by Faculty, Staff, Volunteers and Observers on the remote control webcams. March 8 2009- Pam Birley

RRAB Meeting Dec 9, 2002

Minutes of Race Rocks Advisory Board Meeting
December 11, 2002 13:00hrs
Oak Bay Beach Hotel (thanks to Kevin Walker)

• Jim Morris from BC Parks provided an outline of the agreements, permits and Management Plan that BC Parks has approved and implemented for the Race Rocks Ecological Reserve and MPA. Jim also outlined the streamlined BC Parks regional management structure. It was acknowledged that BC Parks have fulfilled their commitments to the MPA project and a good operating relationship exists. BC Parks has contributed modestly to infrastructure maintenance costs as their budget permits.

• Kelly Francis and Al Gould from DFO outlined the ongoing discussions that are being held between DFO and local First Nations to reach an appropriate understanding and management structure for establishment of the Race Rocks MPA. It was pointed out by various RRAB members that DFO had made the task unnecessarily difficult by not following the Board’s original recommendations in this area. Concern was expressed that an inflexible approach by DFO would be inconsistent with the innovative vision of the MPA Strategy and the community consensus with First Nations. Ongoing meetings between DFO and First Nations are planned.

• Angus Matthews from Pearson College expressed the College’s concern that the ongoing protection and operation of Race Rocks is not financially sustainable. The RRAB agreed that long term DFO funding for protection of the area was a key recommendation and DFO should implement it as soon as an agreement could be reached with First Nations that would allow designation to proceed.

• It was agreed that a strong community commitment to the Race Rocks MPA has been the hallmark of the effectiveness of the RRAB and this energy must be sustained. A committee, including Jennie Sparkes, Dwayne Freeman and Angus Matthews will draft a Terms of Reference document that will reflect the appropriate current role for the RRAB. This draft will be circulated and discussed at a future RRAB meeting.

• It was agreed that a committee including Garry Fletcher, Marc Pakenham, Peter Arnold and Natalie Ban would be formed to examine interim and alternate measures that the RRAB could recommend that would offer protection for Race Rocks until such time as the future of the MPA designation is determined. A report will be circulated to the RRAB in advance of the next RRAB meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 14:20

Today was another day of blasting.

Good Evening
Temperature: Max. 9.1 ºC »» Min. 7.8 ºC »» Reset 8.0 ºC
Rainfall: 3.6mm
Today was another day of blasting. The first blast occurred at around 9.30 am and sent all the animals stampeding off their respective islets. We finished two of our video projects today, which only leaves one to complete. We had a visit from some scientists who were studying the impact of the blasts. We conducted an interview which should hopefully be available with the rest of the footage on this website.
posted by Race Rocks Relief at 6:13 PM

Good morning

WEATHER: Sky Overcast »» Vis. 5 Miles »» Wind North-East 7 Knots »» Sea Choppy/Rough
The storm has not yet materialised, but the blasting continues. Today the blasting is louder, and the seals and sea lions have already deserted their islet. Today there are some scientists visiting the island to study these effects. ( LGL)  If you want to see the blasting, you can track it on the remote control camera at
Yesterday’s rainfall was 4mm. We are expecting more today.
TEMPERATURE: Max. 9.1 ºC »» Min. 7.8 ºC »» Reset 8.0 ºC
posted by Race Rocks Relief at 10:38 AM

Marine Life Disturbance

MARINE LIFE DISTURBANCE: If you are checking out camera 1 or the remote camera today, you probably noticed that the middle island was full of sea lions this morning and was completely empty by noon. The Department of National Defence is doing their blasting exercises today again over at Bentinck Island . They will be doing the same tomorrow. A rather tragic occurance that happens every fall. Eventually the Northern Sea Lions (endangered species) and the Californian Sea Lions just move out of the Race Rocks area. There is a video on the marine mammals archive page that shows the effect of the Oct 7 blast. We have recorded todays events, (so far seven blasts) and will have it up in the archives also in a few days. In the meantime, look at the before and after pictures taken from the sitezap robotic camera just before and after noon today. This will appear in a file at 
Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 10.2 ºC »» Min. 8.7 ºC »» Reset 8.7 ºC »» Rain 4.0 mm
posted by Garry Fletcher at 12:55 PM

Sea lion Behaviour after DND Blasting at Bentinck Island

Two videos are presented here showing the effect of DND blasting on Bentinck Island on the sea lions at Race Rocks. The first is from October 7 and the second was done by student s on the project week on  November 8, 2002, (not Oct 7 as stated in this draft version of the video) . The students from Lester Pearson College who were out for a project week were able to catch the images of the impact of these blasts on the first day from the science centre window and on the second day from the top of the light tower. In the tower, they interviewed Mike Demarchi of LGL who is currently doing a $50,000 contract for the Department of National Defence to monitor the impact of these blasts and to compare them with other disturbances at Race Rocks.

See also before and after images of effects of blasting on sea lion behaviour


See the index of Human Effects on Animal Behaviour at Race Rocks

The following pictures were taken on November 7,2002 from the site zap camera at Race Rocks. The top set of pictures was taken at 9:30 AM . The DND started blasting at 11:00 . The bottom set of pictures were taken at 12:00 noon, after 5 blasts when most of the sealions had jumped off the rocks, They remained off the rocks mid afternoon.

Image from before a blast
and then the Image from after the blast

DND Blasting disturbs sea lions.

On November 7, 2002, the DND were still doing their demolition blasting exercises at Bentinck Island. (not Oct 7 as stated in this draft version of the video) The students from Lester Pearson College who were out for a project week were able to catch the images of the impact of these blasts on the first day from the science centre window and on the second day from the top of the light tower. In the tower, they interviewed Mike Demarchi of LGL who is currently doing a $50,000 contract for the Department of National Defence to monitor the impact of these blasts and to compare them with other disturbances at Race Rocks. (Click on audio icon below) Click the arrow on the left in the bar below for
by Jeremias Prassl (LBPC yr29)

Before and After images of DND Blasting effects

You may see the complete report here. Note in particular, the discussion of the results concerning the effects of blasting on the behaviour of sea lions.

whalewatchers at close range

Monday, November 04, 2002
Good evening
Temperature: Max. 8.4 ºC »» Min. 4.0 ºC »» Reset 6.9 ºC
In the late afternoon Garry stopped by for a short
check on the RR Project Week Team (Ahmad, Rosie, Jeremias) and
camera 1. About 7 Whalewatchers came by only in the afternoon,
one of them came very close to the docks and stayed there for
about 10 minutes.
posted by Race Rocks Relief at 6:08 PM
Good Morning
WEATHER: Sky Part Cloudy »» Vis. 10 Miles »» Wind North East 9 Knots »» Sea Rippled
posted by Carol or Mike S at 7:24 AM