Tidal fishing rules

Good Evening

TEMPERATURE: Max.14.8 ºC »» Min. 8.7 ºC »» Reset 12.1 ºC »» Rain 0.4 mm

HUMAN INTERACTION: 1 Ecotour boat, 3 pleasure craft and Hyaku ( Garry with student and guest ) in the reserve today. At 11:40 noticed a rental boat with 2 persons, in the kelp bed at the east tip of North Rocks jigging, called the Marina and they sent out a staff member to advise of the No Take rules-although the Gov. issued rules on tidal fishing in the MPA are readily available some people are still choosing to ignore them.

posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:19 PM

45 Ecotour boats through today

Monday, August 19, 2002
Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 15.2 C  Min.8.9 C  Reset 13.7 C
HUMAN INTERACTION: There were 45 Ecotour boats through today unfortunately sealions were disturbed to the point of being scared into the water by Malaspina Express, Ocean Explorations (Wahoo) and Prince of Whales(Countess)
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:26 PM
Good Morning
WEATHER: Sky Obscured  Vis. 1/8 Fog Wind West 19 Knots  Sea 2 – 3 Foot Chop
posted by Carol or Mike S at 5:41 AM

number 624 branded

Sunday, August 18, 2002

Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 14.1 C  Min. 9.0 C  Reset 12.0 C
MARINE LIFE: A correction on the tag number for the California sealion that has been hauling out on the dock, closer look shows the number 624 branded on his back and yellow tags on the front flippers show # 568
HUMAN INTERACTION: At 09:00 Orca Spirit travelled too close to islands and too fast. There were 19 Ecotour through the reserve today.
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:08 PM
Good Morning
WEATHER: Sky Obscured �� Vis. 1/8 Miles Fog �� Wind South West 11 Knots �� Sea Rippled
posted by Carol or Mike S at 5:40 AM

Illegal Fishing In the Ecological Reserve

Although it is well known locally that there is a fishing closure in the Marine Protected Area, we still get fishers claiming ignorance of the reserve. In this sequence, our boat from the college had to approach fishing boats on two separate incidences in one day in August 2002.

Race Rocks is included in a Rockfish Conservation Area


Using Multibeam Sonar to Map MPAs: Tool of the Future for Planning and Management?

FROM: https://mpanews.openchannels.org/news/mpa-news/using-multibeam-sonar-map-mpas-tool-future-planning-and-management

Using Multibeam Sonar to Map MPAs: Tool of the Future for Planning and Management?

The seafloor – sandy or rocky; flat or sloped; seamount or canyon – provides the foundation for multiple processes within MPAs, including the distribution of flora and fauna. However, MPA practitioners have generally had only patchy knowledge, at best, of what lies at the bottom of their protected sites, based on information gathered from fishermen, divers, and rough bathymetric data from nautical charts. With an inexact understanding of what’s “down there”, planners and managers face a real challenge of drawing appropriate boundaries and protecting the habitats they want to protect.

Under such conditions, multibeam sonar may be the tool of the future for MPA practitioners. Used now at a small number of MPAs in North America, this mapping technology provides resource managers with the ability to envision the seabed as they never have before. Practitioners are using it to pinpoint boundaries, streamline research costs, identify and reduce ecosystem impacts from fishing, and more. This month, MPA News examines the technology of multibeam sonar and how resource managers are adapting it to fit their needs.

The basics of multibeam sonar

Maps of the seafloor made over the past century vary widely in accuracy. Older navigation systems resulted in features being mapped several hundred meters or even kilometers from their actual geographic locations. Systems to measure depth resulted in errors of tens to hundreds of meters. Depending on the spatial resolution of the mapping system, objects less than a certain size – even undersea mountains, in some cases – could fail to appear at all.

US military researchers developed multibeam sonar in the 1960s to address these problems. Mounted on a ship’s hull, the sonar sends a fan of sound energy toward the seafloor, then records the reflected sound through a set of narrow receivers aimed at different angles. Declassified for civilian use in the 1980s, the technology has since advanced to the point where it can detect features as small as one meter across and locate them to within one meter of their true geographic location. It provides users with two kinds of data: bathymetric (depth) data, and “acoustic backscatter”. The latter, which records the amount of sound returned off the ocean bottom, helps scientists identify the geologic makeup – sand, gravel, mud – of the seafloor.

In the 1990s, government hydrographic agencies appropriated the technology to improve the accuracy of their nautical charts, particularly in harbors subject to sediment shifting and other navigation obstacles. Oil and gas companies seized on multibeam sonar to help explore the seabed in their search for hydrocarbon deposits. And by the late 1990s, some MPA managers began to see the possibilities offered by the technology for studying seafloor habitats. Jim Gardner, a marine geologist with the US Geological Survey, said, “Multibeam sonar gives managers, for the first time, a very clear view of the bathymetry and backscatter of their MPA – it’s really the first time they’ve seen what they’re protecting.”

One question that the technology helps practitioners to answer is, Where should an MPA be sited? “A lot of people just draw a polygon on a map, and that becomes their marine protected area,” said John Hughes Clarke, a marine geologist at the University of New Brunswick, Canada. But drawing an arbitrary line fails to consider the hydrographic forces – such as currents – that affect a site, or its topography. Notably, the Canadian government has expressed interest in using multibeam sonar to help it redraw the boundary for its exclusive economic zone, which officials aim to extend beyond the current 200-nm range in areas where the continental shelf stretches beyond that line.

Hughes Clarke believes that Canada’s Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) should take account of the seabed whenever designating MPAs. His team of researchers is mapping the Musquash Estuary, a shallow, partly intertidal area in New Brunswick that DFO is considering for formal MPA designation. In the estuary, he is using a series of multibeam surveys to map erosion, sediment deposition, and other surface-sediment changes over time – factors to consider when drawing up a management plan for the site.

Robert Rangeley, marine program director for the Atlantic regional office of World Wildlife Fund Canada (an NGO), said multibeam sonar benefits seafloor conservation in a number of ways. “First, the better we know the distribution of bottom types, the better we can map out both distinctive and representative habitats for protection,” he said. “Second, we can better understand the relationships between patterns in benthic habitats and patterns in the distributions of benthic organisms. And third, by limiting bottomfishing to those areas with high fisheries yield, the area of seafloor that is impacted by bottom gear – and the diversity and abundance of bycatch – can be reduced.”

Use of multibeam in marine protected areas

The number of marine protected areas that have been mapped using multibeam sonar is very small. The technology remains unfamiliar to many practitioners, and the cost to deploy it can be fairly high (see box Questions and answers on multibeam sonar). Nonetheless, planners and managers of several sites have incorporated it in their work, illustrating a mix of potential applications:


Race Rocks Area of Interest, Canada

The rugged Race Rocks archipelago off the province of British Columbia is on the verge of formal, federal designation as a marine protected area. Researchers have conducted a series of seabed surveys of the site – with multibeam sonar and other technologies – resulting in detailed imagery of rock outcrops, small sand waves, sediments located in depressions in rocky zones, and more. “The definition of the seabed assists in estimating the degree of uniqueness of this area, a fundamental requirement for designation as an MPA,” said Jim Galloway, head of sonar systems for the Canadian Hydrographic Service. “Similarly these baseline surveys contribute to our knowledge of nursery locations within the boundary, thereby giving us the means to protect species and habitat appropriately.” As it has done for Flower Garden Banks, the multibeam mapping has also contributed to community education efforts. “The dramatic imagery and definition greatly assisted stakeholders in their appreciation of the suitability of Race Rocks to be assigned MPA status,” said Galloway. Incidentally, the Canadian Hydrographic Service is located within the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, which is responsible for designating MPAs in Canada. This co-location of responsibilities helped ease the process of executing the seabed surveys at Race Rocks and reduced operational costs, said Galloway.

For more information:
Jim Gardner, US Geological Survey MS-999, 345 Middlefield Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA. Tel: +1 650 329 5469; E-mail: jvgardner@usgs.gov.

John Hughes Clarke, Ocean Mapping Group, Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, University of New Brunswick, P.O. Box 4400, Fredericton, NB E3B 5A3, Canada. Tel: +1 506 453 4568; E-mail: jhc@omg.unb.ca.

Leslie Burke, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Regional Director’s Office, Scotia-Fundy Fisheries, P.O. Box 1035, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B2Y 4T3, Canada. Tel: +1 902 426 9962; E-mail: burkel@mar.dfo-mpo.gc.ca

Andrew David, National Marine Fisheries Service, 3500 Delwood Beach Road, Panama City, FL 32408, USA. Tel: +1 850 234 6541 x208; E-mail: andy.david@noaa.gov.

G.P. Schmahl, Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary, 216 W. 26th Street, Suite 104, Bryan, TX 77803, USA. Tel: +1 979 779 2705; E-mail: george.schmahl@noaa.gov.

Jim Galloway, Canadian Hydrographic service, Institute of Ocean Sciences, 9860 West Saanich Road, Sidney, BC V8L 4B2, Canada. Tel: +1 250 363 6316; E-mail: gallowayj@pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca.

Coast Guard chopper landed :young were scattered about and subsequently attacked

Thursday, August 15, 2002
Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 16.0 C Min. 9.9 C  Reset 11.0 C
MARINE LIFE: A few more sea lions arrived during the night, total count approx. 70 California and 11 Northern. The Californian branded # 62 spent most of the day hauled out on the end of the dock, a bit of a loner. At 09:20 a Coast Guard chopper landed on the grass next to the south side of the tower, the adult gulls flew off but the young were scattered about and subsequently attacked by some adults. A call to Coast Guard has remedied the problem- in future we will give them a reminder heads-up at the start and end of nesting season. Thank you Marc and Phil.The 7 geese made a short- about 1 hour – visit just after 6 this morning.
HUMAN INTERACTION:There were 24 Ecotour boats, 3 pleasure craft and 2 Zodiac Military Police boats through the reserve today. Unfortuately the 2 military and 1 ecotour boat the ‘Tsunami’ breached the ‘no wake’ policy, passed this info on to D.F.O.
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:45 PM
Good Morning
WEATHER: Sky Clear  Vis. 10 Miles Wind Calm Sea Rippled
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:01 AM


a group taking fish just off shore on the west side of Gr. Race

Sunday, August 11, 2002
Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 19.1 C  Min. 7.3 C  Reset 12.5 C
MARINE LIFE: The geese, 1 adult and the 5 young, flew in late this morning and stayed around until about 16:00, then headed over towards Pedder Bay.They still come every day but there is really not much for them to eat, I expect they will eventually stop coming altogether any day now.We are used to the ‘barking’ sea lions all night, but the 30+ gulls landing and taking off from the roof still wake us often, why they fly at night I don’t know but they are noisy.
HUMAN INTERACTION: There was one dive boat, 6 Ecotour boats and 9 pleasure craft in the reserve today. Unfortunately there are still sports fishers who have either not familiarized themselves with the fishing regulations or are just ignoring them but today, because the tide was too low to launch the station boat we had to call Chris to come out in the Hyaku from the campus to speak with a group taking fish just off shore on the west side of Gr. Race. It is the responsibility of people to be informed of the current regulations as stated in the Tidal Waters Sports Fishing Guide issued by Fisheries and Oceans Canada.Race Rocks is a Marine Protected Area and is a no take Zone.The monitoring policy is that if you are seen fishing we will ask that you move out of the area and any fish caught be thrown back, your boat registration and/or operator’s name recorded and submitted to Fisheries. The boat in Question today is 14K 29105.
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:14 PM
Good Morning
WEATHER: Sky Part Cloudy �� Vis 15 Miles �� Wind West 5 Knots �� Sea Rippled
posted by Carol or Mike S at 5:43 AM

Race Rocks Update Report August 2002

Race Rocks Report:The following is a report on the Race Rocks Marine Protected Area prepared by Lester B. Pearson College, 9 August, 2002. It contains a summary of special events, user counts, natural occurrences of note, and a list of infractions that have been observed and recorded for the period of 1 January to 9 August, 2002. The raw information for this report was obtained from the Log Archives of Mike and Carol Slater, the Guardians of the MPA.

Race Rocks receives many visitors each month. All guests that land on Great Race are asked to sign our guest book, while the majority of visitors to the Ecological Reserve/MPA do not land, and their vessels are dutifully recorded by the Guardians. The number of whales through or past the Ecological Reserve/MPA is also noted by Mike or Carol, as well as infractions incurred in the Ecological Reserve/MPA.

Table 1: Approximate User Counts with Whale sightings and infractions

Tour boats Pleasure craft College visits Dive charters Whales in Ecological Reserve/MPA Infractions
The summer months are obviously much more busy in the Ecological Reserve/MPA, while at the same time Mike and Carol, with the support of Pearson College, limit the number of visitors and students landing on the island during these ecologically sensitive months. Summer time also sees a great increase in whale visits in the Ecological Reserve/MPA, and with them the whale watching tour boats. For the most part, the whale-watchers have observed the regulations of the MPA: creating no wake, staying 100m from the islets, staying out of the Ecological Reserve/MPA when whales are near, etc. And while the various tour companies have become self-regulating, unfortunate breaches occur. Today for instance, several boats came to close to the rocks for a better view, as well as two tour boats speeding through the channel, disregarding the no-wake policy. On 3 July, there were 6 separate infractions incurred by eco-tour boats, including harvesting of kelp (for demonstration). Considering the over 600 tour visits in the past 4 months alone, keep in mind only about 10 of the infractions were committed by these tours. Local sports fishers and pleasure craft owners commit the largest number of infractions (11 in the past 7 months). Whether it be disregard to the no-fishing agreement, landing uninvited on the islands, harassing marine mammals, or joy-riding through tide-rips; the opportunistic and uneducated alike continue to cause concern for us as managers of the Ecological Reserve/MPA. The AuxiliaryCoast Guard have also been a problem. They unfortunately disregarded the no-wake policy and the 100m distance regulation, as well ignoring the international dive-flag on one of their joy rides in the Ecological Reserve/MPA. Diving charters pose new challenges as well, many companies are unfamiliar with or chose to disregard the regulations of the Ecological Reserve/MPA and 2 incidents have been recorded thus far. To conclude this section, no user group has entirely committed itself to the enforcement and adherence to the regulations set at Race Rocks, though with a continued manned-presence and constant reminders to these user-groups, we see an improving future.
In the past 7 months there have been several visits worth noting:

10 February: Taco Niet and Ged McLean of ISEVIC (University of Victoria) with 8 of the members of the alternate energy company “Clean Energy” from Vancouver.

22 February: A television crew from The New VI joined us for Rick Searle, the host of environmental on tthe New VI.

10 May: Don McClaren from B.C. Parks came with Garry to the island.

18 May: Three visitors from Washington State, David,Tim and Mike for the day long task of gathering the annual International Boundary Survey Measurements.

13 June: Sean LeRoy, Graduate Researcher, Georgia Basin Futures Project

Sustainable Development Research Institute, University of British Columbia and Dr.James Tansey also of UBC participated in a webcast with Tim Langois, Leigh Marine Laboratory University of Auckland, and Anne Saloman, University of Washington, Zoology Department.

28 July: Dr. Anita Voss and Alberto Lindner, a Ph.D.student from Brazil who is currently at Duke University.
The Coast Guard has made 4 visits to Great Race this year, for various reasons. The Department of National Defense have detonated weapons on Bentinck island, disrupting wildlife within the Ecological Reserve/MPA 7 times since the beginning of this year.

Species sightings this year: (Orcas) Orcinus orca, (Northern sea lions) Eumetopias jubatus, (California sea lions) Zalophus californianus, (Northern Elephant seals) Mirounga angustirostris, (Harbour seals) Phoca vitulina, Glaucous-winged gulls, Thayer’s Gulls, Mew Gulls, Herring gulls, Heermann’s gulls, Arctic terns, Black Oystercatchers, Pigeon guillemots, Brandt’s Cormorants, Harlequin ducks, Northwestern/American crows, Canadian geese, Bald eagles, Black Turnstones,Surfbirds,Turkey vultures, and Barn swallows.

here’s an idea: don’t give a tour in thick fog.

Friday, August 09, 2002
Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 20.0 C Min. 10.5 C  Reset 16.2 C
MARINE LIFE: The Canadian Geese returned again today, still without the one adult. I first heard the one adult honking and then looked up to see the 6 geese near Mike and Carol’s home. Orcas may very well have gone by the reserve today, but with the fog followed by glare on the waves throughout the day, I could only see a lot of boat traffic.
HUMAN INTERACTION: 34 tour boats through the reserve today, many boats toured the reserve early today in the thick fog. With visibility severely limited, many pushed too close to the islands under current regulations. As well, with so many boats and so little visibility, some tight maneuvering on the part of some parties to get out of the way of others was needed… here’s an idea: don’t give a tour in thick fog. At a quarter to 4 one tour zodiac decided to disregard the no-wake regulation and sped past Great Race, an unfortunate incident not repeated by other tour boats today.
posted by Ryan Murphy at 7:19 PM
Good Morning
WEATHER: Partly Obscured Vis. 10 Miles – South East To West 1/2 Mile Fog  Wind West 23 Knots  Sea 3 Foot Moderate
posted by Carol or Mike S at 5:29 AM

The was a lot of boat traffic, mostly recreational fishers, in the area all day


Sunday, July 21, 2002
Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 23.0 C  Min. 10.3 C  Reset 14.5 C
MARINE LIFE:The Orca were in the area again today and with the boat from Marine Mammal monitoring the whale watchers, things seemed well under control. Did hear some boat operators report sightings of a couple of Minke Whales but did not see anything in or near the reserve. A couple of transient Orcas passed through just on the southern boundary in the afternoon, they seemed to be moving fairly steady pace. The was a lot of boat traffic, mostly recreational fishers, in the area all day. One California and one Northern sealion hauled out on the south tip of the southeast rocks, unfortunately a rental boat from a marina moved in too close and sent them into the water. Ryan who had a group out for a tour in the Hyaku went along side and informed the sightseers of the guidelines. Feel sorry for the birds in this hot weather,they all sit around with their beaks open, panting – didn’t even get the evening westerly we look forward to cool things down.
HUMAN INTERACTION: 23 ecotour boats and 11 pleasure craft through today,also the Hyaku, M3 and station boat to Pedder Bay and Back
posted by Carol or Mike S at 8:17 PM

Good Morning

WEATHER: Sky Clear �� Vis. 15 Miles �� Wind North East 8 Knots �� Sea Rippled
posted by Carol or Mike S at 4:59 AM