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Posted in Bird Notes , Ecoguardians Log , Energy , Facility work , Fed Govt. work , Island Visitors , Mammal Notes , Marine Vessels , Overflights
Tagged california sea lion , coast guard , coast guard helicopter , elephant seal , savannah sparrow , sea lion , Second Nature , Steller Sea lion , weaner
Visibility: 15 miles
Wind: 10-15 knots West
In the evening, 20-26 knots West
Sky: mostly clear
Water: calm
Five elephant seals on Great Race today.
I spied a sea otter swimming through the South Channel!
Saw a couple of Short-billed Dowitchers, along with another mystery bird.
Alas, I had not the camera on me to document this bird; it may have been a Western Sandpiper though!
Also saw a swallow for the first time!
Sea otter
Pigeon guillemots and Harlequin ducks
Cleaned the solar panels.
Ran the desalinator.
Kyle dropped off two of my friends in Second Nature.
Several eco-tours came by.
Ian and Stephen came over for a one night visit.
They are friends with yours truly, Riley Strother.
R. Strother at work.
Posted in Bird Notes , Ecoguardians Log , Island Visitors , Mammal Notes , Marine Vessels
Tagged barn swallow , elephant seal , harlequin duck , pigeon guillemot , Sea Otter , Second Nature , short billed dowitcher , western sandpiper
Visibility: 15 miles
Wind: 0-5 knots South.
From 17:00 onwards, 15-20 knots West.
Sky: clear and sunny most of the day.
From 17:00 onwards, some clouds and rain.
Water: calm
Census day!
One sea lion was branded U958.
Colour wise it looks like a Steller, but if you look at the head I think it was a California.
Laura and her class found a sculpin (type of fish) head.
Four of what I suspect to be Short-billed Dowitchers today. Fun to watch!
Didn’t see the killdeer today, which is unusual.
Steller (Northern) Sea Lions: 66
Harbour Seals: 60
California Sea Lions: 57
Elephant Seals: 13 (4 on Great Race, 9 on Middle Rock)
Pigeon Guillemots: 269
Seagulls unspecified: 154
Surfbirds: 57
Canada Geese: 17
Black Turnstones: 17
Cormorants unspecified: 14
Harlequin Ducks: 9 (5 males and 4 females)
Black Oystercatchers: 6
Savannah Sparrows: 6
Short-billed Dowitchers: 4..
Bald Eagles: 2 (2 adults, 0 immature)
A couple of eco-tours came by.
Second Nature came out multiple times, delivering 4 groups of students.
On her second last return, she had overheating issues, so Kyle had to come out in Haiku for the last trip.
Kyle, James, Laura, and 26 students came out to Race Rocks today.
The students were doing a walk about with Laura, discussing marine biology for their upcoming final exam.
James did some work on the Davis Weather station and got most of it working again.
Four DND blasts today.
10:05, 10:07, 11:24, and 11:26.
Posted in Animal census , Bird Notes , Ecoguardians Log , Island Visitors , Mammal Notes , Marine Vessels , Military Activity , PC Students at Race Rocks
Tagged bald eagle , Black Oystercatcher , black-turnstone , california sea lion , Canada goose , cormorant , DND blasting , elephant seal , harbour seal , harlequin duck , Northern sea lion , pigeon guillemot , savannah sparrow , seagull , Second Nature , short billed dowitcher , Steller Sea lion , students , surfbird , weather station
Visibility: 15 miles
Wind: 5-10 knots North
Sky: clear
Water: rippled
Amazing pink/red sunset!
Just one elephant seal on Great Race today.
Three elephant seals on Middle Rock though.
Some goose work.
Set up and took away barrels for diesel transfer.
A couple of eco-tours came by.
Second Nature came out with diesel.
Kyle and two English volunteers came out with diesel.
I gave the two lads a tour while Kyle transferred the diesel.
Some DND blasting today.
Medium blasts at 11:30, 11:32, and 12:13.
Bigger blasts at 14:47 and 14:49.
Posted in Bird Notes , Ecoguardians Log , First Nations , Island Visitors , Mammal Notes , Marine Vessels
Tagged bald eagle , Black Oystercatcher , Canada goose , Cheanuh , daffodil , elephant seal , grape hyacinth , Second Nature , weaner
Visibility: 15 miles
Wind: 5-10 knots North
Sky: overcast
Water: rippled
Census day!
The weaner was gone this morning. Hopefully he is ok.
Normally I only ever see killdeer at night, but today I saw a pair off and on all day!
California Sea Lions: 85
Harbour Seals: 44
Steller (Northern) Sea Lions: 39
Elephant Seals: 1 male
Seagulls unspecified: 269 (same total two weeks in a row!)
Pigeon Guillemots: 241
Cormorants unspecified: 57
Surfbirds: 49
Harlequin Ducks: 32 (16 males and 16 females)
Black Turnstones: 22
Canada Geese: 13
Black Oystercatchers: 9
Bald Eagles: 6 (2 adults, 4 immature)
Killdeer: 2
Kyle stopped by for 1 minute to exchange the extra security camera for a new Wifi access point.
There were several fishing boats literally yards outside the Rockfish Conservation Area.
A few eco-tours came by.
Installed the new Wifi access point in the Students’ House.
Lots of DND blasting today.
Small blasts at the following times:
10:25, 10:27, 10:45, and 12:34.
Larger blasts at the following times:
12:32, 12:53, 14:52, 14:54, and 15:11.
Posted in Animal census , Bird Notes , Ecoguardians Log , Island Visitors , Mammal Notes , Marine Vessels , Military Activity
Tagged bald eagle , Black Oystercatcher , black-turnstone , california sea lion , Canada goose , cormorant , DND blasting , elephant seal , harbour seal , harlequin duck , killdeer , Northern sea lion , pigeon guillemot , seagull , Steller Sea lion , surfbird
Visibility: 15 miles
Wind: 5-10 knots West in the morning
Around 15:30 the wind picked up to 25+ knots West. 18:00 peak at 42 knots.
Sky: overcast, then some blue sky, then some rain
Water: no visible wave crests, but lots of surge
One of the larger male e-seals returned in the morning.
The weaner is still around.
Lots of bald eagles in the reserve.
harlequin ducks
Kyle and I took a look at the diesel hand pump and the desalinator.
Kyle came out in Second Nature with the 2 person film crew to take some footage.
Several eco-tours came by later on.
A few boats out fishing halibut just beyond the reserve.
Kyle and the film crew were on the island for about 2 hours.
Lots of DND blasting today.
There were blasts at the following times:
10:00~, 12:50, 12:52, 13:12, 13:20, 13:23.
Posted in Bird Notes , Ecoguardians Log , Island Visitors , Mammal Notes , Marine Vessels , Military Activity , weather notes
Tagged bald eagle , DND blasting , elephant seal , gale warning , halibut , harlequin duck , weaner
Visibility: 15 miles
Wind: 20-25 knots N/NE in the morning, down to zero in the evening
Sky: overcast
Water: 1′ chop
The weaner did more wandering around today.
I observed/listened to a pair of bald eagles talking to each other.
Checked and topped up over 1/4 of the battery bank.
Kyle brought out a small film crew in Second Nature to film the Steller sea lions.
However it was too choppy at the jetty to land, so they simply did a boat tour instead.
A couple of eco-tours came by later on.
Visibility: 15 miles
Wind: 10-15 knots West, later 5 knots South, then 5-10 West
Sky: clear and sunny!
Water: rippled
Census day!
Shortly before 15:30 as I was counting shorebirds, I heard a loud noise to my right. Glancing over, I was thrilled to see a whale surfacing in the South Channel. I managed to get some photos as it resurfaced farther south-west.
California Sea Lions: 79
Harbour Seals: 69
Steller (Northern) Sea Lions: 33
Elephant Seals: 3, all on Great Race, 2 young males, 1 weaner
Whale: 1 (I think it was an Orca)
Seagulls unspecified: 269
Pigeon Guillemots: 45
Cormorants unspecified: 30
Double Crested Cormorants: 9
Surfbirds: 37
Harlequin Ducks: 27 (15 males and 12 females)
Canada Geese: 24
Black Turnstones: 20
Bald Eagles: 20 (4 adults, 16 immature)
Black Oystercatchers: 6
Rock Sandpipers: 4
Crows: 3
A few eco-tours passed by today.
Second Nature came out with food supplies for me.
A large navy sailboat passed by north of the reserve.
Kyle and Jeff came out in Second Nature.
One helicopter flew just south of the reserve in the morning.
Posted in Animal census , Bird Notes , Ecoguardians Log , Island Visitors , Mammal Notes , Marine Vessels , Overflights
Tagged bald eagle , Black Oystercatcher , black-turnstone , california sea lion , Canada goose , cormorant , crow , double-crested cormorant , elephant seal , harbour seal , harlequin duck , Northern sea lion , Orca , pigeon guillemot , rock sandpiper , seagull , Second Nature , Steller Sea lion , surfbird , whale
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