Erik brought out a group of 9 visitors who stayed from around 10:30-14:00.
There were 9 visitors to the island today.
1 Eco-tour vessel in the reserve.
Category Archives: Island Visitors
Erik brought out a group of 9 visitors who stayed from around 10:30-14:00.
1 Eco-tour vessel in the reserve
Pearson students arrive for weekend
Chris brought Mark and his advisee group to the island around 16:00 to stay overnight. There were 9 visitors to the island today.
Ian left the island in the morning.
Ryan’s last day on the Rock
5 First Year and 2 Second Year students are finishing their project week today. Their service and enthusiasm was a fantastic component of my last week at Race Rocks. Alex Fletcher is staying on the island as he starts his shift. Best of luck to everyone at Pearson College and Race Rocks, thanks for these amazing 3 years! There were 10 visitors to the island today. (Ryan Murphy)
Catrin and Bio class out
Northern Sea Lion count: 129.
The nursing pup is still here and is very vocal for most of the day. It is surprisingly spritely given the ungainly proportions of its flippers!
Erik, Catrin and her first year Biology class came today to for work on the u/w camera installation and study of populations and communities respectively. There were 16 visitors to the island today.
California Sea Lions
California Sea Lioncount: 87. Most of the California sea lions cleared out this morning before I could get a proper count. LGL continues to monitor the DND blasting. Brand c867 is near the jetty this morning.
LGL continues their monitoring today.
Erik and Evgeny arrived to work on the underwater camera. I am very excited for this to be online. In just a few seconds of watching I’ve seen 4 species of fish and a couple sea lions swim by. There were 4 visitors to the island today.
Tidal Current Energy Experiment Comes to an End.
September 17, 2011: Clean Current Staff and diving contractors return to Race Rocks to remove the generator for the last time. The generator returns to Vancouver for a final analysis of structural details after exposure in the ocean over the last three years . After cleaning, it is to be sent to the Museum of Science and Technology in Ottawa, since it was the first ocean tidal generator to be built and deployed in Canada.
“In conclusion: The Tidal Current Generator operation over the past six years has been an interesting experiment and a good demonstration of the potential power from tidal energy. The added value to the availability of energy for Race Rocks was however very disappointing.
The main value to the Race Rocks program has been in the infrastructure that has been developed and installed and the potential for further research. The provision now of most of the energy needs by solar power was only made possible by the large bank of storage batteries provided by the project, the island energy building electrical infrastructure and the partnership with the BC Ministry of Mines and energy which were instrumental in providing the initial solar panels. Installation of further solar panels and upgrades by Lester Pearson College UWC has helped to ensure energy sustainability for Race Rocks.
–Garry Fletcher
Divers prepare for turbine removal
Divers attached buoys to the 4 anchor blocks this morning as the tidal turbine removal gears up. There were 8 visitors to the island today.
Assisting boaters
At ~1000hrs PDT the vessel “Rogue” was spotted speeding out of the Reserve and maneuvering unnecessarily.
At ~1014hrs PDT a Prince of Whales vessel was spotted throttling up and speeding out of the Reserve.
A small runabout with three POB (people On Board) pulled up to the island this afternoon, out of gas and with battery issues. The ecoguardian sold some gas to the men and helped them to recharge their battery before they headed off towards Becher Bay.
There were 2 visitors to the island today.