A solitary cormorant

Friday, July 26, 2002
July 26- This is Ryan back on Race for a quick sojourn. The wind was brisk today, and there was little activity in the reserve. Carol saw 1 mature bald eagle being harassed away from Great Race at dawn this morning by gulls and 2 Black Oyster Catchers. A nest near the assistant keeper’s house of Glaucous-winged gulls still has two eggs in it, and one gull sits on them from time to time. A solitary cormorant (perhaps a Brandt’s) was sitting on the south-west tip of the island during the evening.
The station boat was to Pedder Bay and back at 8 this morning, and Garry brought Second Nature out to drop Joanna Brown and me off on the island while we were all treated to a presentation by Fabien of ALEC electronics. Some pretty amazing gadgets if anyone would like to save money long term on various environmental tests. Mike and Carol left around 11 for two days.
Good Morning
WEATHER: Sky Cloudy Vis. 15 Miles Wind West 15 Knots  Sea 2 – 3 Foot Chop
posted by Carol or Mike S at 5:07 AM
Thursday, July 25, 2002
Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 15.0 C  Min. 10.3 C  Reset 13.0 C
posted by Carol or Mike S at 8:27 PM
Good Morning
WEATHER: Sky Overcast  Vis. 10 Miles  Wind West 27 Knots  Sea 4 Foot Moderate With Low South West Swell
posted by Carol or Mike S at 5:59 AM

The was a lot of boat traffic, mostly recreational fishers, in the area all day


Sunday, July 21, 2002
Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 23.0 C  Min. 10.3 C  Reset 14.5 C
MARINE LIFE:The Orca were in the area again today and with the boat from Marine Mammal monitoring the whale watchers, things seemed well under control. Did hear some boat operators report sightings of a couple of Minke Whales but did not see anything in or near the reserve. A couple of transient Orcas passed through just on the southern boundary in the afternoon, they seemed to be moving fairly steady pace. The was a lot of boat traffic, mostly recreational fishers, in the area all day. One California and one Northern sealion hauled out on the south tip of the southeast rocks, unfortunately a rental boat from a marina moved in too close and sent them into the water. Ryan who had a group out for a tour in the Hyaku went along side and informed the sightseers of the guidelines. Feel sorry for the birds in this hot weather,they all sit around with their beaks open, panting – didn’t even get the evening westerly we look forward to cool things down.
HUMAN INTERACTION: 23 ecotour boats and 11 pleasure craft through today,also the Hyaku, M3 and station boat to Pedder Bay and Back
posted by Carol or Mike S at 8:17 PM

Good Morning

WEATHER: Sky Clear �� Vis. 15 Miles �� Wind North East 8 Knots �� Sea Rippled
posted by Carol or Mike S at 4:59 AM

Kayakers approach so quietly they can startle the wildlife-

Thursday, July 18, 2002
Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 16.1 C  10.7 C  Reset 14.3 C
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:15 PM
Good Morning
WEATHER: Sky Overcast  Vis. 15 Miles Wind South West 10 Knots  Sea Rippled
posted by Carol or Mike S at 5:03 AM
Wednesday, July 17, 2002
Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 16.0 C  Min. 11.0 C Reset 12.1 C  Rain tr
MARINE LIFE: Was nice for a change not to have the wind today,don’t mind the clouds, certainly good weather for the chicks- not too hot.The food supply seems to be holding out see lots of nice fresh fish being brought back by the gulls and everywhere you look Pigeon Guillemots returning with blennies. Some of the gulls are going quite a distance at times judging by the clam shells rolling off the roof ! They drop the clams onto roof and the sidewalks to break them open,quite noisey and very messy.
HUMAN INTERACTION: The Hyaku was in this morning,Ryan brought some mail and supplies from the college Ryan brought a group through the reserve in 2nd Nature in the afternoon but did not come ashore. This morning there were a couple of kayakers through and unfortunately they ignored the guidelines with respect to staying the proper distance from shore. This time of the year it is particularly important to follow the guidelines so as not to interfere with feeding birds and harbour seals with pups and those about to give birth.The noise from power boats at least give fair warning but kayakers approach so quietly they can startle the wildlife-please remember maintain at least 100 metres from any marine animal or bird and back off at the first sign of disturbance or agitation.
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:35 PM
Good Mornng
WEATHER: Sky Cloudy  Vis 15 Miles  Wind West South West 15 Knots Sea 1 Foot Chop
posted by Carol or Mike S at 5:01 AM

Stylaster parageus columbiensis: (Hydrocoral) –The Race Rocks Taxonomy


A bed of Stylaster parageus columbiensis. in front of the docks at Race Rocks off peg #2 at 10 meters. Note the basket star, clumps of whelks and patches of red encrusting sponge.picture width : 80cm.

This colonial hydroid grows from the 0.2 tidal level to over 20 meters in depth in various places throughout the Race Rocks Ecological Reservee. At low tide, it is visible in several protected crevices and in Anita’s tidepool ( #6 on the West shore) Subtidally it is common in both purple and pink colonies . East of the Middle Islands, it has been observed by divers at 20 meters, growing in erect branching form of considerable profile ( to 20 centimeters.)

Domain Eukarya
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Cnidaria
Class Hydrozoa
Order Anthoathecata)
Family Stylasteriidae
Genus Stylaster
Species parageus columbiensis (Lindner & Cairns)
Common Name: Hydrocoral

In July of 2002, Dr. Anita Brinckmann-Voss of Sooke had Alberto Lindner, a PhD student from Duke University visiting to exchange scientific information and to get help with identification of hydroids from collections in Alaska and the Olympic Penninsula. Alberto is studying the systematics and evolution of hydrocorals using morphological and molecular biology methods for his Ph.D. thesis. His supervisor and advisors are Dr. Stephen Cairns (Smithsonian) , Dr.Chris Cunningham (Duke University) and Dr. Dale Calder (Royal Ontario Museum) This is part of a program of training young zoologists in established and new methods of sytematics. Alberto comes from Brazil, having completed a Master’s degree in the University of Sao Paolo.


hydrocoralAnita made arrangements with us to get Alberto to the islands so that he could see Allopora growing in its natural habitat. Although it was not a zero tide level, we were still able to collect several small samples for him to do DNA analysis. He hoped to be able to sort out whether or not there is a distinct species difference in the color varieties we find at Race Rocks. 


The two color morphs of Stylasterias parageus columbiensis at Race Rocks . photo by Ryan Murphy

After returning to his lab and doing further analysis, Alberto reported that “It is pretty safe to say that the purple and pink color morphs of Stylaster corals (Alloporafrom Race Rocks are the same species”. He has also noted the same result with deep-sea species from the Aleutians, as the orange and pink forms there do not separate the species.

See the record of his research on species identification here: Stylaster parageus columbiensis Lindner & Cairns in Cairns & Lindner, 2011

The following images were taken by the Ecoguardian Ryan Murphy in 2010. many different species including basket star in the image above have adapted to use the hydrocoral as a habitat because of it’s protective crevasses.

see this link for other hydroids:  https://www.racerocks.ca/tag/hydroid/

This file is provided as part of a collaborative effort by Lester B. Pearson College students, staff, volunteers and local scientists.

Several gulls nests have chicks since yesterday

Wednesday, July 03, 2002
Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max 14.0 C  Min 9.9 C  Reset 12.0 C  Rain tr
MARINE LIFE: Don’t mind the clouds and cool temperatures but really the constant westerly tends to wear on the nerves, the birds don’t seem to mind it – they just tuck their bills under a wing and nap. Several gulls nests have chicks since yesterday, watched, from the front porch, the first chick hatch from the group of nests closest to the house. It’s a fairly slow process, first a tiny, dark beak breaks through the egg and over a couple of hours the chick pushes it’s way out. The adult is on and off the nest checking the progress and when finally the chick is free of the egg the shell is taken about 3 m away and discarded.In an hour or so the chick is dry with yellowy-brown down-totally unlike the adult.The Oyster Catcher chicks on the other hand look very much like the adults except for bill colour and slightly lighter plumage. The Gulls are usually 2-3 years before they take on all the characteristics of the adults.The dark cloud lurking over this wonderful new life arrives between 1and 2 a.m. creating havoc, devouring some eggs and crushing others, some chicks are crushed and some eaten all the while the adult gulls are in the air screeching piteously diving at the intruder to no avail- the otter is on the hunt again! Haven’t seen the otter for several weeks, not even any signs of it like scat in the usual places- was really hoping it had moved on, maybe to Bentinck Island.Some resident Orcas were in the reserve this afternoon moving quite slowly along the south side of Gr. Race they did a lot of tail slapping,rolling and fishing in the kelp.There was the usual flotilla of whale watcher boats which for the most part abided by the guidelines – however after the Orcas had moved east away from the reserve at about 15:30, 2 ecotour boats went by too fast with respect to the no -wake policy and 3 others were too close to shore just west of the dock where there were feeding Pigeon Guillemots. 1 ecotour operator stopped in the kelp just off the northwest bluffs of Gr Race and pulled kelp into the boat for the passengers.Since this is a protected area such activities are not within the guidelines.
HUMAN INTERACTION: there were 5 pleasure craft through the reserve and 23 ecotour boats.
posted by Carol or Mike S at 7:07 PM
Good Morning
WEATHER: Sky Part Cloudy  Vis 15 Miles  Wind West 25 Gust 30 knots  Sea 3 – 4 Foot Moderate
posted by Carol or Mike S at 5:25 AM

Pigeon Guillemots diving for blennies today

Tuesday, July 02, 2002
Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 15.1 C  Min. 9.2 C Reset 11.9 C
MARINE LIFE:There were more Pigeon Gillemots diving for blennies today ,before long there will be a constant stream of adults to sea and back with food for the chicks.No Eagles until near 20:00 then one mature made several attempts at low flights over Gr. Race but was kept away by the gulls and Oyster Catchers.The gulls have the advantage in numbers but the oyster catchers are tenacious and to my eye sometimes get too close to the eagle when they dip and dive at it’s head, they are so agile and fast.We should be seeing Harbour seal pups any day now, as of yet the 7 or 8 females that usually haul out on the boat ramp to give birth have not turned up .A fantastic sunset tonight -maybe a good omen ‘ red sky at night’………? Would be nice to be rid of the wind ! but shouldn’t complain, better than sweltering in the heat wave back east.
HUMAN INTERACTION: 4 ecotour boats, 7 pleasure craft some on their way to the halibut grounds just outside the M.P.A. boundaries 1 white inflatable # 2H79606 with divers, too fast and too close to shore,disturbed feeding birds.
posted by Carol or Mike S at 7:05 PM
Good Morning
WEATHER: Sky Part Cloudy  Vis. 15 Miles Wind West 13 Knots Sea Rippled to 1 Foot Chop
posted by Carol or Mike S at 5:29 AM
Monday, July 01, 2002
Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 13.3 C  Min. 9.9 C Reset 13.3 C
posted by Carol or Mike S at 6:02 PM
Good Morning
WEATHER: Sky Part Clouldy   Vis. 15 Miles  Wind West 16 Knots  Sea 1 Foot Chop
posted by Carol or Mike S at 5:17 AM

fishers reporting a lot of bait fish

Tuesday, June 25, 2002
Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 19.1 C  Min. 9.1 C  Reset 14.9 C
THE DAY: Cloudy till 9:45 then Part Cloudy  Vis 15 Miles  Wind Light All Day  Sea Rippled  In all a great Day
MARINE LIFE: Mature bald eagle made one flight just after 6 this morning but was driven out by the gulls and all was quiet until a juvenile eagle arrived approx. 16:00. The gulls were quickly in the air and the young eagle gave up rather easily and headed off towards Bentinck Island.Just at suset a lone adult bald eagle flew low over the water by West Race but the gulls spotted the big bird and headed it off before reaching Gr. Race. It really is amazing how the gulls work together to chase pedators away. One of the large Elephant Seals spent several hours floating with his head just above the water near the east tip of Middle Rock.In the late afternoon there was a fair size fish ball near the kelp bed south of Gr. Race, the birds had a good feed.The sports fishers talking on the VHF radios are reporting a lot of bait fish so hope it’s a good supply for the nesters and their young this year.
HUMAN INTERACTION: There were 9 ecotour boats and 3 pleasure craft through the reserve.The Hyaku was in this morning with Garry, Angus and guest to film the boats in the Victoria to Maui race, unfortunately no wind and in fact it was about 16:00 before the first boat reached Race Passage! The Hyaku did a couple of tours in the reserve this afternoon but did not come ashore.
posted by at 6:01 PM
Good Morning
WEATHER: Sky Cloudy  Vis. 15 Miles  Wind North East 5 Knots  Sea Rippled
posted by at 5:27 AM

23 eco tour boats, 7 pleasure craft,

Sunday, June 23, 2002
Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 15.5 C  Min. 10.1 C Reset 13.5 Rain tr.
THE DAY: Cloudy  Vis. 15 Miles  Wind South 13 Knots till 12:30 then W 15 to 22 Knots  Sea Rippled to 1 Foot Chop 13:00 2 to3 Foot Chop
MARINE LIFE: Lone mature bald eagle made several unsuccessful hunts over Gr. Race finally giving up and flying over towards Whirl Bay just after 15:00, the birds were unsettled for several hours.The goslings are growing fast and are about 3/4 the size of the adults with the most noticeable increase in their wings which they ‘exercise’ frequently-I think I know where the expression ‘silly as a goose’ comes from- balance is everything!
HUMAN INTERACTION: There were 23 eco tour boats, 7 pleasure craft,one college Zodiac and 1 dive boat in the reserve today, the station boat made a trip out to assist boater out of fuel! Station boat also made a trip to Pedder Bay and back.
posted by at 6:19 PM
Good Morning
WEATHER: Sky Cloudy  Vis. 15 Miles  Wind South 13 Knots  Sea Rippled to 1 Foot Chop
posted by at 5:07 AM

It takes a lot of energy to feed three chicks with both adults taking turns.

Friday, June 21, 2002
Good Evening
TEMPERATURE: Max. 18.0 C Min. 9.9 C  Reset 13.3 C
THE DAY: Clear Vis. 15 Miles  Wind North West Light 15:35 West 27 Knots Sea Rippled 16:00 2′ to 3 foot Chop
MARINE LIFE: Another good weather day! although the wind did pick up in the late afternoon. The Oyster Catchers are busy gathering food for the chicks some of which are as big as the adults but not very nimble just yet and do a lot more falling off rocks than hopping from one to another. The oldest chicks from the nest in the east bay area are starting to pick at snails etc. at the low tides but most of their success is mostly good luck – problem with attention span and anyway the mainstay of their diet is still being provided by the parents.Chicks beaks are still dark coloured at the tips and much paler orange on the rest so are easily distinguished from the adults.It takes a lot of energy to feed three chicks with both adults taking turns.When the tide is low the food is relatively close by but as the tide rises the adults have to fly farther to find chitons, mussels, snails and the like.Watched for 1 hour after the tide had covered the accessible food areas near the chicks and the adult was foraging several hundred metres away on the southeast rocks -in that hour the adult made 13 return trips –sometimes it took only 30-40 seconds to find food and return but often it took over a minute to come up with the appropriate food item.That’s a lot of trips a day one limpet, snail,mussel, etc. at a time and also a lot of energy prying the aforesaid creatures off the rocks!
HUMAN INTERACTION: Second Nature out with group for tour and dropped Ryan off to relieve while we did some errands in town.Ryan reported that a group in a rental boat breached the guildlines by landing 2 people on middle rock and they were harassing the elephant seals that were hauled out. There is a policy of no landing on the islands except by obtaining a permit from B.C. Parks – fortunately most people would not think of disturbing the marine animals like this but there is always 1( in this case 2) in every crowd!!
posted by at 7:42 PM
Good Morning
WEATHER: Sky Clear Vis. 15 Miles  Wind North West 4 Knots Sea Rippled
posted by at 5:19 AM

2 barn swallows flew around the island

Thursday, June 20, 2002 Good Evening

TEMPERATURE: Max. 18.3 C  Min. 8.7 C Reset 13.1 C
THE DAY: Clear  Vis. 15 miles  Wind Light all Day  Sea Rippled and Even at Times Smooth
MARINE LIFE: One of those rare days with little wind,everyone just soaking up the warmth.The goose ‘family’ took a sea trip around Gr. Race and are quite strong swimmers now.The young ones did sleep for about 11/2 hours under the front porch when they came ashore. 2 barn swallows flew around the island this morning but as in past years, just a visit. About 4 years ago we had one pair build a nest on the downspout but after a couple of nights in a 25 knt. westerly they had second thoughts about their choice of real estate and left. A few swallows visit every year, usually earlier in the spring -it’s strange to me why they would fly way out here.Still hearing what sounds like large elephant seals snorting just off the dock at night, they do feed at night, but no sightings during the day.
HUMAN INTERACTION: There were 4 pleasure craft, 2 ecotour boats and 1 inflatable Coast Guard boat( 5 persons aboard wearing blue hard hats,) that circled Gr. Race – Since the C.G. vessel ‘Vector’ was in the area I think they may have been working from it.
posted by at 6:37 PM
Good Morning
WEATHER: Sky Clear �� Vis. 15 Miles �� Wind West 11 Knots �� Sea Rippled
posted by at 5:08 AM