We got a late arrival to the party: Jolene, the fifth female to come ashore for the 2021 birthing season. She showed up on January 21st 2021, and birthed on the 28th around 10am. There is some inital commotion where one of the other moms came over to get a sniff and toss around our new baby Hector (named by the marine science class).
After that initial bit of excitement Hector and Jolene settled in the pod of Elephant Seals. I’m pretty sure this is the new record for births on Race Rocks! Exciting to see the population growing.
We had the marine science class come visit Race Rocks today! Super fun to get a chance to talk with these super interesting students about Elephant Seals, Race Rocks, and manipulating the stock market.

Courtney Edwards regaling the marine science class with stories of lighthouse keepers and Race Rocks itself!
Also: an eagle snagged a gull today. So cool!

Bernard defending his harem. A sneaky male thought he could get up the boat ramp without he Beachmaster noticing. Silly rival, Bernard knows all the tricks.

I like including moments of peace, because that is what it is actually like here. Moments of extreme excitement, followed by naps and nursing.