Race Rocks: Officially Designated as an MPA Sept 14, 2000

Canada’s Ocean’s Minister Herb Dhaliwal and British Columbia’s Environment Minister Joan Sawicki join students and faculty of Lester Pearson College in a tour of Canada’s first Marine Protected Area on the morning of September 14th, 2000.


Guests approaching Race Rocks in the Second Nature
Group Photo
Pearson College faculty member,
Garry Fletcher explains the technology involved in the racerocks.com project while Pearson College student Karl Braun takes the video for the live webcast from Race Rocks .
Canada’s Ocean’s Minister Herb Dhaliwal and British Columbia’s Environment Minister Joan Sawicki join students and faculty of Lester Pearson College in a tour of Canada’s first Marine Protected Area on the morning of September 14th, 2000
In the tank room. Ryan Murphy
(PC year 26) shows the ministers some of the marine invertebrates that live in the area.
Minister Joan Sawicki and Minister Herb Dhaliwal at Race Rocks Federal Fisheries Minister Herb Dhaliwal Damien and Karl setting up camera 4 for the live webcast
Speakers, invited guests and members of the press assemble for the opening of the Marine Protected Area which was live webcast on racerocks.com. Minister Dhaliwal and Minister Sawicki put the seal of approval of their respective governments on the management of the area by one body with representatives of the First Nations, Provincial and Federal Governments. opening prayer and speaking about the importance of the new MPA to the First Nations people.They emphasized the cooperative role they would all play in the tripartied stewardship of the area. Provincial Environment Minister Joan Sawicki speaks in the lecture theatre. Text of the Joint Federal Provincial Press Release.
During her speech, the sea lions looked on live on the screen from Race Rocks! The Ministers meet with the members of the Race Rocks Advisory Board who worked over the past year to achieve a consensus on the MPA Proposal. Archived Video of Race Rocks officially being declared a Marine Protected Area by Canada’s Ocean’s Minister Herb Dhaliwal and British Columbia’s Environment Minister Joan Sawicki.
Our thanks to Photographers Jean-Olivier Dalphond (PC year 26) and Barbara Pedrick

Text of the speech given by the Honourable Herb Dahliwell Minister of Fisheries and Oceans-

Community Involvement: The Success Story..DFO 

See text of MPA Conclusions 

Official Launching of the Millennium Project for Race Rocks

On March 11. 2000 a special gathering ceremony was held at Race Rocks Ecological reserve to recognize the federal governments contribution to the Race Rocks Millennium project, and to ‘officially open the project.

Opening day of the racerocks.com Millennium Project

openrrcomgrpA final assemblage of the sponsors, BC Parks representatives, Federal Fisheries, First Nations, Pearson College Students and other invited guests line up for photos.

Honourable David Anderson, Minister of the Environment represented the Honourable Herb Gray, on behalf of the Millennium Partnership Program of Canada.


ee the ful set of photos:


Royal Roads Environmental Management Students Visit Race Rocks

In late JULY of 1999, two sections of the summer class in Environmental Studies at Royal Roads University ( 47 students) went on field trips to Race Rocks. Royal Roads Instructors Norm Healey and Bev Hall worked with the students . These are some images taken by the students on the trip :

Temperature rise

temperature rise today is reflected in the return of the seagulls and 150 cormorants +60 starlings, 25 black Turnstons, 15 black oyster catchers, 16 crows, 21 bald eagles [10 mature

5 sealions hauled out on North  rock.  120  sealions  on West race. 22 on great race .

143/32  second nature  was out with BCTEL  learning Channel promo visit. Angus, Garry, and Chris with them.

BCTEL takes a trip with Pearson College to Race Rocks

rrbctelOn January 13, 1998, BCTEL** (Discovery Learning) representatives took a trip to Race Rocks Ecological Reserve with Pearson College faculty member Garry Fletcher and some of his students. They had invited them to see first hand many of the Pearson College marine science educational projects that are highlighted on the College’s web page. BCTEL (Discovery Learning) provides the College with internet support, making this unique marine science project globally accessible. Following the Race Rocks visit, BCTEL presented the students with a $5,000 cash gift for the College’s annual fund.

**now Telus

BBC interview on the future use of technology to bring Race Rocks to the internet

In November of 1997, BBC reporter Hugh Warrick accompanied Garry Fletcher to Race Rocks and did an interview on the future plans for using technology to make available the resources of Race Rocks to all through the internet.

As is said in the interview : “Typical of ecotourism you could love an area to death”—  the solution of using the right kind of technology to broadcast on the internet is discussed and even robotically controlled video cameras on the internet are mentioned. Later in the early part of 2000 that was to become a reality .
for mp3:




Underwater Safari- October 1992

In October of 1992, the diving students of Pearson College were able to help with the underwater filming for the Canadian Underwater Safari production. This series of 24 one hour television programs was broadcast live to schools and museum audiences across Canada and the US on the Anik E2 Satellite. Since that time the programs have been broadcast across the world. We have made available at this location some of the unique underwater footage which was taken by the photographer Darryl Bainbridge. The project was an experiment in using technology along with many volunteer hours to help to bring the fragile ecology of this unique area to the world. Our thanks to B.C.Parks for the intial funding to launch the production. The Royal B.C. Museum and its staff , Shaw Cable, BC Systems, BC Tel and many volunteers who provided assistance with this project.

 This video is of Pearson College student Jason Reid ( PC yr. 18) discovering a wolf eel Anarrhichthys ocellatus while the program was broadcasting live. Cameraman Darryl Bainbridge followed the huge fish for some time and caught it feeding on a green sea urchin.



Living on a shelf off the North side of Great Rocks is a Wolf Eel often seen by divers. This very gentle fish cooperated with us for one session allowing some very interesting poses. On this dive, Jason Reid (LBPC year 18) encounters the wolf eel


The fish shows patience while looking for its favourite food

Jason offers the wolf eel a green urchin

as it eats, clouds of urchin roe puff out of he urchin

Swimming away with his “catch”

A harbour seal was inquisitive with the divers

A gentle nose to nose with a diver


There was a video published by the Friends of the Royal British Columbia Museum and authored by Brent Cooke and Roger  Frampton on the Underwater Safari program: the following gives information on it.
