The Elwa Valley, from Race Rocks
Ecological Notes:
- 2 Elephant Seals still on the island
- Every time I think there can’t be more Gull nests, there is!
They’re everywhere!
- Yesterday the Waterfront Coordinator delivered some fresh groceries, parts, and tools I had ordered.
Facility Work:
- 2 of the things my father taught me – “If something in a system has failed, you’d better check the rest” and “Do you want it done now?, or do you want it done right?” ….. what looked like a couple leaks, turned into a full strip down!
Spigot end broken off
Mismatched threads
Rip it all down!
Back together, many parts serviced or replaced
Tank reversed on Dolly, making it more stable on hills
- Completed the install and venting of the NaturesHead Composting Toilet. Although temporary, it might as well work properly.
- Interesting note: when worked and turned properly, there is no smell! The vent and fan is just to increase airflow for the compost to work better.
Everything old is new again
When part is not available, make your own!
Add wiring
Modify to fit
Installed and running!
Noted Vessel Traffic:
- Several EcoTourism boats visited the reserve today, all showing proper viewing and speed protocols.
Weather Events:
- Daily winds of 5 -13 knots ran the full circle of the compass today, but the weather stayed stable with high overcast. Very light rain briefly late in the evening. Calm seas throughout.
** All nature photos taken at the furthest distance possible, and may be cropped to improve detail! **
Weather – Current:
Weather – Past: