Turbulence and Mixing Estimates Using a Towed Horizontal microstructure Profiler

Paul Macoun: Turbulence and Mixing Estimates Using a Towed Horizontal microstructure Profiler

Turbulence and mixing estimates using a towed horizontal microstructure profiler.
Paul Macoun

The Ocean Turbulence Laboratory

University of Victoria

The Purpose

Mixing is the key element in the redistribution of salt, heat and energy in the ocean. Understanding the mechanisms and magnitude of turbulence and other mixing processes is crucial to the improvement of models that predict oceanic and atmospheric change. Our elusive goal is the parameterization of the vertical fluxes of salt and heat based upon the physics of oceanic mixing processes.

The horizontal profiler TOMI (Towed Ocean Microstructure Instrument) is used to make simultaneous measurements of temperature, conductivity, vertical velocity, and their fluctuations. The measurement of vertical velocity provides a means of estimating the rate of dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy. The respective products of instantaneous velocity and temperature, and that of velocity and conductivity, provide a direct measure of the vertical fluxes of heat and salt.

Simultaneous vertical profiles of current and its shear from a ship mounted ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler) provide a means to relate the measured fluxes to the Froude Number and the Buoyancy Reynolds Number over a wide range of these parameters. The efficiency of mixing, the ratio of buoyancy-to-kinetic energy production, reaches 0.5 in near coastal regions and is generally much larger than the value of 0.2 assumed to apply to the open ocean.

This analysis is to be the first task to undertake with respect to the data set collected at Race Rocks on August 17th, 2000. At present, the processing is at a preliminary stage.

The Instrument

TOMI is a towed oceanographic vehicle designed to measure turbulence in both shallow and deep water. TOMI can support a multitude of instruments, from sonar to underwater cameras. Its primary oceanographic and electronic sensors are as follows:

1) Four airfoil shear probes and two fast-response thermistors on the nose.

2) A seabird temperature and conductivity sensor adjacent to the nose probes.

3) A seabird temperature and conductivity sensor, and a flowmeter, on the upper mast.

4) A seabird temperature and conductivity sensor, and a flowmeter, on the lower mast.

5) A pressure sensor mounted mid-body, internally.

6) An inertial motion sensor package, internal.

The sample rates for these instruments vary from 64 samples per second up to 512 samples per second. The airfoil shear probe is a unique instrument that measures the cross-stream component of velocity. The force generated by cross-stream flow bends a tiny ceramic bi-morph beam, which generates a voltage that is amplified and recorded. The motion sensor contains accelerometers and gyros. Its presence is required because of low frequency body motion contamination that finds its way into the shear probe signals. By having a record of the vehicle’s behaviour, the probe signals can be decontaminated through processing.

(Photos to be added)

Return to P. Macoun- Oceanographic Research

The Johan Ashuvud Project, 2000


Victor David and Satoshi: For two weeks in May and June of 2000, Lester Pearson College graduating students, Victor Rakou, David Mesiha and Satoshi Kimura, and in the last week, Juan Manuel Alva and Martin Kryl, joined the sea gulls and stayed at Race Rocks running daily programs on a live camera, and broadcasting directly to the web. Faculty member Garry Fletcher worked with them for the daily webcasts from the shore and from underwater. Sponsorship for this week came from the Johan Ashuvud memorial fund.

The first big event was the Swiftsure Race Weekend. A camera was set up along with a supporting G4 computer in the top of the light tower. Two streams were broadcast, one to camera 4 on the website and a special experimental dedicated stream to Shaw Cable. This stream was of TV quality at 1Mbps and 21 FPS.

Our thanks to Kevin Sytsma of LGS for coming out to help setup for this 2 day broadcast and to Ken Dunham ( PC year 9) for reconfiguring the server from Ottawa in order to handle this experiment.

Each day at Low tide we set up in different locations around the island, always being careful to not disturb the nesting seabirds futher up on land. A Sony camera linked by Firewire to a G3 500 Mghz computer was located in the intertidal zone. From here, Audio and Video Signal went by the wireless Macintosh AirPort Link to the Science Centre. From here the signal traveled by Cat.5 cable to the top of the light tower where it was sent by radio to the Telus antenna at Lester Pearson College. From there it was webcast in live streaming video to the internet by a Macintosh G4 500.

Content through the week ranged from adaptations of organisms to the special ecological niches of tidepools and intertidal slopes, to First Nations use of resources and the role of community/ stakeholder participation in the Marine Protected Areas Pilot process.

The airport wireless base station was tried in a number of locations. We relied on David to find the best locations for connectivity. Best wireless transmission was achieved when we hoisted it up to the roof of the science house. The radio waves go through buildings but not through rocks!

Further editing for the video archives took place in the science centre in the evenings.

Video created this week by the team:

june92000s jochensealions newgulls wwfgulls
Underwater Invertebrates and Fish On the last day of live webcasting, sea lions visited Glaucous-winged gull behaviour Gull territorial aggression

Chris Blondeau from Lester Pearson College joined us for a session on the care and maintenance of the underwater camera and housing. Chris is in charge of the shore-front at the college and is in charge of the SCUBA Diving program there.

We were also fortunate to have some visitors take part in the intertidal discussions we had on the islands. Dr. Jochen Kuum ( PC year 10) is seen here with Garry and diving with Satoshi and Victor Stephen Haggarty (PC year19) also participated above and below water. This video was made on the last dive


Carol Slater, who along with her husband Mike are the guardians of the MPA joined us to talk about the Black Oyster Catcher. We examined the trays of shells from last years midden of one nest. This parent bird was foraging off to the East of the dock where they hatched two chicks this year

Race Rocks viewed from the South at Rosedale Rocks Buoy.

One of the best parts in staying at Race Rocks overnight while doing these webcasts was the great sunsets. Sometimes you can view these on the remote control camera 1 and camera 5.


Invertebrate Phyla at Race Rocks

“Invertebrate Phyla at Race Rocks” is an introductory piece on some  of the invertebrate phyla that our divers encounter underwater . This was one of the first  streaming videos done by the Pearson College divers in April 2000. It was taken by Rowena and Shamsher on a Sony Digital camera, and edited by Hannah and Garry on a G4 Macintosh Computer using iMovie.

SPECIES LIST From: William Head, Rosedale Rocks, Race Rocks by Donna Gibbs


Compiled by:Donna Gibbs of the Vancouver Acquarium on dives made at Rosedale Rock, West Race Rocks and William Head in the summer of 1997. Groupings are made in Phylums or Divisions.

Dive 432 – Rosedale, Race Rocks – June 12, 1997

Epiphytic red algae (Smithora, Antithamnion, Ceramium, Polysiphonia)Iridescent blade red algae (Iridea)

Encrusting coralline algae (Lithothamnion)

Branching coralline algae (Bossiella, Corallina, Calliarthron)

Bull kelp (Nereocystis)Blade kelp (Costaria)

Blade kelp (Alaria)

Woody-stemmed kelp (Lessoniopsis, Eisenia, Pterygophora)

 Tar spot (Codium setchellii)
 Tan finger sponge (Isodictya quatsinoensis)Orange-red encrusting sponge (Ophlitaspongia pennata)

Thick, dark red encrusting sponge (Plocamia karykina)

Boring sponge (Cliona celata)

Crumb-of-bread sponge (Halichondria, Haliclona spp.)

 Giant black feather-duster worm (Eudistylia vancouveri)Sand-dwelling feather-duster worm (Sabella spp.)

Slime tubeworm (Myxicola infundibulum)

Multi-colour calcareous tubeworm (Serpula vermicularis)

Honeycomb tubeworm (Dodecaceria fewkesi)

Spaghetti or shell binder worm (Thelepus crispus)

 Plumose anemone (Metridium giganteum)Red and green or Christmas tealia (Urticina crassicornis)

Crimson anemone (Cribrinopsis fernaldi)

Brooding or proliferating anemone (Epiactis prolifera)

Zoanthid (Epizoanthus scotinus)

Ostrich-plume hydroid (Aglaophenia struthionides)

Delicate-plumed hydroid (Plumularia spp.)

Orange hydroid (Garveia annulata)

Snail-fur hydroid (Hydractinia sp.)

Pink-mouthed solitary hydroid (Tubularia marina)

Thread-like, creeping network hydroid (Orthopyxis spp.)

Pink or violet branching hydrocoral (Stylaster venusta)

Encrusting hydrocoral (Allopora petrograpta)

Tiny star jellyfish (Phialidium gregarium)

  Other encrusting bryozoan (Schizoporella spp., Microporella spp., Eurystomella spp.)Northern staghorn bryozoan (Heteropora pacifica)  Gumboot chiton (Cryptochiton stelleri)California mussel (Mytilus californianus)

Rock or purple-hinged scallop (Crassedoma giganteum)

White-cap limpet (Acmaea mitra)

Rough keyhole limpet (Diodora aspera)

Snail-dwelling slipper shell (Crepidula adunca)

Leafy hornmouth shell (Ceratostoma foliatum)

Blue top snail (Calliostoma ligatum)

Heath’s dorid (Geitodoris heathi)

Coloured dendronotid (Dendronotus diversicolor)

  Sea flea (Anisogammarus spp., Orchestia spp.)Coon-stripe shrimp (Pandalus danae)

Candycane or candy-stripe shrimp (Lebbeus grandimanus)

Kincaid’s commensal shrimp (Heptacarpus kincaidi)

Giant or giant acorn barnacle (Balanus nubilis)

Oregon crab (Cancer oregonensis)

Masking or sharp-nose crab (Scyra acutifrons)

Hairy, flat lithode crab (Hapalogaster mertensii)

Scaled crab (Placetron wosnessenskii)

Orange hermit crab (Elassochirus gilli)

 Blood star (Henricia leviuscula)Long-rayed or rainbow star (Orthasterias koehleri)

Six-rayed star (Leptasterias hexactis)

Sunflower star (Pycnopodia helianthoides)

Sun star (Solaster stimpsoni)

Serpent or daisy brittle star (Ophiopholis aculeata)

Giant red sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus franciscanus)

Purple sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus)

Giant or California sea cucumber (Parastichopus californicus)

Creeping pedal or armored sea cucumber (Psolus chitonoides)

  Mosshead warbonnet (Chirolophis nugator) gorgeous – huge and red!Copper rockfish (Sebastes caurinus)

Quillback rockfish (Sebastes maliger)

Black rockfish (Sebastes melanops)

Tiger rockfish (Sebastes nigrocinctus)

Kelp greenling (Hexagrammos decagrammus)

Ling cod (Ophiodon elongatus)

Scalyhead sculpin (Artedius harringtoni)

Red Irish lord (Hemilepidotus hemilepidotus)

 Lobed compound tunicate (Cystodytes lobatus)

White-crust compound tunicate (Didemnum albidum)

Dive 433 – Rosedale, Race Rocks – June 13, 1997

 Epiphytic red algae (Smithora, Antithamnion, Ceramium, Polysiphonia)Encrusting coralline algae (Lithothamnion)

Branching coralline algae (Bossiella, Corallina, Calliarthron)

 Woody-stemmed kelp (Lessoniopsis, Eisenia, Pterygophora)  Tar spot (Codium setchellii)
 Tennis ball sponge (Tetilla arb)Smooth orange puff-ball sponge (Suberites montiniger)  Red sand-dwelling tubeworm (not Sabella)  Coon-stripe shrimp (Pandalus danae)Candycane or candy-stripe shrimp (Lebbeus grandimanus)

Kincaid’s commensal shrimp (Heptacarpus kincaidi)

Giant or giant acorn barnacle (Balanus nubilis)

Oregon crab (Cancer oregonensis)

Masking or sharp-nose crab (Scyra acutifrons)

Other encrusting bryozoan (Schizoporella spp., Microporella spp., Eurystomellaspp.)  Lined chiton (Tonicella lineata)Red chiton (Tonicella insignis)

Gumboot chiton (Cryptochiton stelleri)

Swimming or pink scallop (Chlamys sp.)

White-cap limpet (Acmaea mitra)

Rough keyhole limpet (Diodora aspera)

Leafy hornmouth shell (Ceratostoma foliatum)

Dire whelk (Searlesia dira)

Dwarf hairy triton (Trichotropsis cancellata)

Blue top snail (Calliostoma ligatum)

Cockerel’s dorid (Laila cockerelli)

Plumose anemone (Metridium giganteum)Red and green or Christmas tealia (Urticina crassicornis)

Crimson anemone (Cribrinopsis fernaldi)

Brooding or proliferating anemone (Epiactis prolifera)

Zoanthid (Epizoanthus scotinus)

Sea fir (Abietinaria spp., Thuiaria spp., Sertularia spp.)

Ostrich-plume hydroid (Aglaophenia struthionides)

Delicate-plumed hydroid (Plumularia spp.)

Orange hydroid (Garveia annulata)

Pink or violet branching hydrocoral (Stylaster venusta)

 Blood star (Henricia leviuscula)Long-rayed or rainbow star (Orthasterias koehleri)

Six-rayed star (Leptasterias hexactis)

Sunflower star (Pycnopodia helianthoides)

Sun star (Solaster stimpsoni)

Giant red sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus franciscanus)

Purple sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus)

Giant or California sea cucumber (Parastichopus californicus)

Black sea cucumber (Cucumaria lubrica)

 Copper rockfish (Sebastes caurinus)Quillback rockfish (Sebastes maliger)

Kelp greenling (Hexagrammos decagrammus)

Ling cod (Ophiodon elongatus)

Scalyhead sculpin (Artedius harringtoni)

Cabezon (Scorpaenicthys marmoratus)

Lobed compound tunicate (Cystodytes lobatus)White-crust compound tunicate (Didemnum albidum)

Dive 434 – West Race Rocks – June 13, 1997

   Woody-stemmed kelp (Lessoniopsis, Eisenia, Pterygophora)  Surf grass (Phyllospadix)
 Tan finger sponge (Isodictya quatsinoensis)Boring sponge (Cliona celata)

Pecten sponge (Mycale adhaerens)

Sulphur sponge (Myxilla lacunosa)

Smooth orange puff-ball sponge (Suberites montiniger)

 Orange ribbon worm (Tubulanus polymorphus)Giant black feather-duster worm (Eudistylia vancouveri)

Sand-dwelling feather-duster worm (Sabella spp.)

Honeycomb tubeworm (Dodecaceria fewkesi)

Spaghetti or shell binder worm (Thelepus crispus)

 Kelp-encrusting bryozoan (Membranipora membranacea)Other encrusting bryozoan (Schizoporella spp., Microporella spp., Eurystomella


Spiral or spiral-tuft bryozoan (Bugula californica)

Fluted bryozoan (Hippodiplosia insculpta)

Northern staghorn bryozoan (Heteropora pacifica)

 Gumboot chiton (Cryptochiton stelleri)California mussel (Mytilus californianus)

Sea bottle clam (Mytilimeria nuttallii)

Rough keyhole limpet (Diodora aspera)

Northern or pinto abalone (Haliotis kamtschatkana) 1 – 4″

Dwarf lurid triton (Ocenebra lurida)

Monterey sea lemon (Archidoris montereyensis)

White dorid (Archidoris odhneri)

Opalescent aeolid (Hermissenda crassicornis)

Three-lined aeolid (Flabellina trilineata)

Coloured dendronotid (Dendronotus diversicolor)

Giant Pacific octopus (Octopus dofleini)

White-spotted tealia (Urticina lofotensis)Crimson anemone (Cribrinopsis fernaldi)

Brooding or proliferating anemone (Epiactis prolifera)

Zoanthid (Epizoanthus scotinus)

Soft coral (Gersemia rubiformis)

Sea fir (Abietinaria spp., Thuiaria spp., Sertularia spp.)

Ostrich-plume hydroid (Aglaophenia struthionides)

Delicate-plumed hydroid (Plumularia spp.)

Orange hydroid (Garveia annulata)

Snail-fur hydroid (Hydractinia sp.)

Pink-mouthed solitary hydroid (Tubularia marina)

Pink or violet branching hydrocoral (Stylaster venusta)

  Leather star (Dermasterias imbricata)Blood star (Henricia leviuscula)

Long-rayed or rainbow star (Orthasterias koehleri)

Velcro or fish-eating star (Stylasterias forreri)

Six-rayed star (Leptasterias hexactis)

Sunflower star (Pycnopodia helianthoides)

Sun star (Solaster stimpsoni)

Morning sun star (Solaster dawsoni)

 Kelp greenling (Hexagrammos decagrammus)Ling cod (Ophiodon elongatus)

Scalyhead sculpin (Artedius harringtoni)

Cabezon (Scorpaenicthys marmoratus)

Red Irish lord (Hemilepidotus hemilepidotus)

 Light-bulb tunicate (Clavelina huntsmani)Stalked, dwarf light-bulb tunicate (Pycnoclavella stanleyi)

Stalked compound tunicate (Distaplia smithi)

Dive 431 – William Head, Vancouver Island – June 12, 1997

Epiphytic red algae (Smithora, Antithamnion, Ceramium, Polysiphonia)Iridescent blade red algae (Iridea)

Encrusting coralline algae (Lithothamnion)

Branching coralline algae (Bossiella, Corallina, Calliarthron)

 Bull kelp (Nereocystis)

Woody-stemmed kelp (Lessoniopsis, Eisenia, Pterygophora)

 Orange-red encrusting sponge (Ophlitaspongia pennata)Thick, dark red encrusting sponge (Plocamia karykina)

Boring sponge (Cliona celata)

Hermit crab sponge (Suberites suberea) with Pagurus stevensae

 Agassiz’s peanut worm (Phascolosoma agassizii)Scale worm (Halosydna brevisetosa, Harmothoe spp.)

Slime tubeworm (Myxicola infundibulum)

Multi-colour calcareous tubeworm (Serpula vermicularis)

Cement tubeworm (Sabellaria cementarium)

Spaghetti or shell binder worm (Thelepus crispus)

Plumose anemone (Metridium giganteum)Red and green or Christmas tealia (Urticina crassicornis)

Fish-eating tealia (Urticina piscivora)

Brooding or proliferating anemone (Epiactis sp.)

Orange cup coral (Balanophyllia elegans)

Sea fir (Abietinaria spp., Thuiaria spp., Sertularia spp.)

Silver-tip hydroid (Abietinaria greeni)

Pink or violet branching hydrocoral (Stylaster venusta)

Encrusting hydrocoral (Allopora petrograpta)

Water jellyfish (Aequorea victoria)

Tiny star jellyfish (Phialidium gregarium)

Other encrusting bryozoan (Schizoporella spp., Microporella spp., Eurystomellaspp.)

Northern staghorn bryozoan (Heteropora pacifica)

Southern staghorn bryozoan (Diaperoecia californica)


 Oval brachiopod or lamp shell (Laqueus californicus) ?
 Lined chiton (Tonicella lineata)Red chiton (Tonicella insignis)

Gumboot chiton (Cryptochiton stelleri)

Swimming or pink scallop (Chlamys sp.)

Rock or purple-hinged scallop (Crassedoma giganteum)

Jingle shell (Pododesmus cepio)

Northwest ugly clam (Entodesma saxicola)

Hooded puncturella (Puncturella cucullata)

Northern or pinto abalone (Haliotis kamtschatkana)

Leafy hornmouth shell (Ceratostoma foliatum)

Dwarf lurid triton (Ocenebra lurida)

Oregon or giant hairy triton (Fusitriton oregonensis)

Dwarf hairy triton (Trichotropsis cancellata)

Blue top snail (Calliostoma ligatum)

Ringed top snail (Calliostoma annulatum)

Variable lacuna (Lacuna variegata)

Smooth-edged wenteltrap (Opalia borealis)

White dorid (Archidoris odhneri)

Nanaimo dorid (Acanthodoris nanaimoensis)

Cockerel’s dorid (Laila cockerelli)

Opalescent aeolid (Hermissenda crassicornis)

Red-gilled aeolid (Flabellina verrucosa)

 Common gray mysid (unknown) ?Coon-stripe shrimp (Pandalus danae)

Kincaid’s commensal shrimp (Heptacarpus kincaidi)

Giant or giant acorn barnacle (Balanus nubilis)

Oregon crab (Cancer oregonensis)

Masking or sharp-nose crab (Scyra acutifrons)

Flat porcelain crab (Petrolisthes cinctipes)

Turtle or butterfly crab (Cryptolithodes typicus)

Flat, granular-claw hermit crab (Elassochirus tenuimanus)

Sponge hermit crab (Pagurus stevensae)

Blood star (Henricia leviuscula)Long-rayed or rainbow star (Orthasterias koehleri)

Sunflower star (Pycnopodia helianthoides)

Sun star (Solaster stimpsoni)

Serpent or daisy brittle star (Ophiopholis aculeata)

Green sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis)

Giant red sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus franciscanus)

Purple sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus)

Giant or California sea cucumber (Parastichopus californicus)

Red sea cucumber (Cucumaria miniata)

Creeping pedal or armored sea cucumber (Psolus chitonoides)

  MPacific herring (Clupea harengus pallasi) school of juvenilesBlackeye goby (Coryphopterus nicholsi)

Mosshead warbonnet (Chirolophis nugator)

Longfin gunnel (Pholis clemensi)

Copper rockfish (Sebastes caurinus) one adult

Puget Sound rockfish (Sebastes emphaeus) school of 200 juveniles

Kelp greenling (Hexagrammos decagrammus)

Scalyhead sculpin (Artedius harringtoni)

Broad-base tunicate (Cnemidocarpa finmarkiensis)Horse-shoe or disc-top tunicate (Chelyosoma productum)

Stalked, dwarf light-bulb tunicate (Pycnoclavella stanleyi)

Orange social tunicate (Metandrocarpa taylori)

White-crust compound tunicate (Didemnum albidum)

Underwater Safari- October 1992

In October of 1992, the diving students of Pearson College were able to help with the underwater filming for the Canadian Underwater Safari production. This series of 24 one hour television programs was broadcast live to schools and museum audiences across Canada and the US on the Anik E2 Satellite. Since that time the programs have been broadcast across the world. We have made available at this location some of the unique underwater footage which was taken by the photographer Darryl Bainbridge. The project was an experiment in using technology along with many volunteer hours to help to bring the fragile ecology of this unique area to the world. Our thanks to B.C.Parks for the intial funding to launch the production. The Royal B.C. Museum and its staff , Shaw Cable, BC Systems, BC Tel and many volunteers who provided assistance with this project.

 This video is of Pearson College student Jason Reid ( PC yr. 18) discovering a wolf eel Anarrhichthys ocellatus while the program was broadcasting live. Cameraman Darryl Bainbridge followed the huge fish for some time and caught it feeding on a green sea urchin.



Living on a shelf off the North side of Great Rocks is a Wolf Eel often seen by divers. This very gentle fish cooperated with us for one session allowing some very interesting poses. On this dive, Jason Reid (LBPC year 18) encounters the wolf eel


The fish shows patience while looking for its favourite food

Jason offers the wolf eel a green urchin

as it eats, clouds of urchin roe puff out of he urchin

Swimming away with his “catch”

A harbour seal was inquisitive with the divers

A gentle nose to nose with a diver


There was a video published by the Friends of the Royal British Columbia Museum and authored by Brent Cooke and Roger  Frampton on the Underwater Safari program: the following gives information on it.


Race Rocks Long-Term Monitoring Program

By- Jane Watson
Ed note: Our thanks to Jane Watson for taking the time to provide this possible protocol for ecological monitoring. This procedure was tried by the students but was found to be difficult to use at Race Rocks because of current, slope and exposure. It can however be adapted in part . Over 15 pegs have been established and we maintain several samples of data that are  archived in the lab at Pearson College.

What is the purpose of long-term monitoring projects?
Long-term monitoring projects are often used to follow changes in community composition or structure that occur over time. In this case you will be looking at natural changes in marine algae and invertebrate populations with respect to both long and short-term changes in water temperature.

How will this project be carried out?
You will be helping to establish the study sites which ultimately Pearson college will monitor two to three times a year. At least four of these sites will be at Race Rocks, others will be established at other sites that Pearson College divers visit regularly.

What will this involve?
Over the next three months we will be putting the permanently marked transects in. Once we have established all of the transects we will start to sample them. On each permanently marked transect Coast-watch divers will use randomly placed quadrats to estimate the abundance of selected invertebrates and algae.
In the lab the data will be entered and analyzed. These data should show how the abundance of many of many marine plants and animals change over time.
We will also be installing an underwater thermograph. This small instrument will record water temperature at predetermined intervals. Several times a year Pearson college divers will retrieve the instrument and down-load the data onto a computer. Changes in the composition of the marine community can then be examined with respect to mean temperatures, extreme temperatures and so on.
In addition to counting the abundance of marine invertebrates and algae, we will be tagging abalone, in an attempt to follow growth and mortality of individual abalone. We will also be measuring urchins which will allow us to follow changes in the population structure over time.

What will you need to know to sample these sites?
There are a number of plant and invertebrate species that you will need to be able to identify before we can sample the sites. You will also need to know how to sample using a quadrat, tag abalone and use vernier callipers… not exactly difficult stuff.
You will also need to know how to enter and analyze the data you collect. We will set things up so that this is straightforward. At the end of the school term you will be able to plot the mean abundance of the organisms we sample at all of our permanent transects. In subsequent years other Pearson College divers will continue to sample these sites.

Some species you will need to know
Phylum Echinodermata

Red urchin – Strongylocentrotus franciscanus
This is the most abundant of the urchins, it is unmistakable, being big and red. We will count the number of red urchins in each quadrat, as well as measuring the test diameter of the urchins. This will be done with vernier callipers. By measuring the size of the urchin tests we will be able to trace the settlement of new “recruits” and follow their growth.

Green urchin – S. droebachiensis
This is the smaller green urchin that is quite common in sheltered areas. We will count green urchins, but not measure them, unless they are very abundant at any of our sites.

Purple urchin – S. purpuratus
A small purple urchin that is generally found in the very shallow subtidal, and sometimes in the intertidal. If it occurs on any of our sites we will count them only.

Green urchins – S. droebachiensis
A small green urchin that is generally found in more sheltered waters, we will probably not encounter too many green urchins.

Giant sea cucumber – Parastichopus californicus
A large browny red sea cucumber, These are generally found in sheltered areas, or in water depths of greater than 10m. They are found on both hard and soft-bottoms.

Orange sea cucumber – Cucumaria miniata
This cucumber has a browny red body and bright orange tentacles. It is found in crevices wifli its tentacles extending beyond the crevice.

Sunflower star – Pycnopodia helianthoides
The largest of the sea stars, it can be up to lm in diameter, it comes in a variety of colours, usually orangy brown. It has up to 24 legs.

Leather star – Dermasterias imbricata
The leather star has a red back with greeny makings. It derives its name from its ieather-like texture. If you smell it (no not underwater) it has a gunpowder/garlic smell.

Beach star – Pisaster ochraceus
Yellow or purple, generally intertidal, but also found subtidally at some locations .

Painted star – Orthasterias khoeleri
Orange pink and purple, a very attractive sea star that occurs subtidally on rocky bottoms.

Blood star – Henticia spp.
This bright red, star is very common on both rocky and soft-bottomed areas.

Basket star – Gorganocephalus eucnemis
This species usually occurs in deep water, but Race Rocks is unique in having this species in shallow subtidal water.

Phylum Mollusca
Abalone Haliotois kamtschatkana
The pinto abalone occurs from the lower intertidal to depths of about 10m. We will count, measure and tag all of the abalone we encounter. When tagged abalone are re-encountered they will be re-measured to follow growth in abalone.

Red turban snail – Astraea gibbersoa
A medium-sized snail that is very common on coralline algae. It has a hard operculum, and a shell that becomes covered with coralline algae.

Gumboot chiton – Cryptochiton stelleri
‘Ite largest chiton on our coast. You cannot see the 8 shell or plates that make up the gumboot chiton’s shell, they are hidden beneath the pinky brown tissue on the dorsal surface.

Plumose anenome
Metridum senile
A very abundant bright white anenome, that does particularly well in high current areas. We will count anemones as we encounter them.

There will be other invertebrates added to this list once we determine which species are representative of the areas we are sampling.
Brown Algae
brownalgaeKelps – Laminariales
Bull kelp – Nereocystis luetkeana

Bull kelp is an annual species, it grows rapidly in areas that are highly disturbed. Bull kelp forms a floating canopy, it is very common at Race Rocks.

Tree kelpPtrerygophora californica
Tree kelp looks very much like a tree. It is a perennial species that lives in excess of 17 years. Pterygophora can be aged by cutting it down and counting the rings in its stalk or stipe. We will be tagging tree kelp on one of the transects at Race Rocks this will allow us to look at the persistence of tree kelp

Eisenia arborea
Eisenia looks
very much Pterygophora, except that it has blades which are serrated at the edges, and the blades grow in two “bunches” at the top of the plant.
Laminafia setcheIlii
Laminaria groenlandica
These two species do not have a common name. Laminaria setchellii found in similar areas to Pterygophora, except that Laminaria setchellii is generally found in slightly more exposed areas.
Laminaria groenlandica is found in more sheltered areas. It looks quite different than Laminaria setchellii, since the two species are found in different areas you should have no trouble sorting them out.

Costaria costata
Costaria is really distinctive, it has three ribs on one side and two ribs on the other. It is generally an annual species but frequently manages to overwinter.

Acid weed Desmarestia spp.
Acid weed is an annual species, which has a very “weedy” life history, it grows in highly disturbed areas, and is one of the first species to grow in areas that have been disturbed. It is very hard to count, because it forms a blanket over the sea floor, to count it you have to go down to the holdfast.

Pleurophycus gardneri
This species is generally found in very shallow areas in wave-washed areas. It is very distinctive.

There will be other species of algae that we add to our list.




To sample the invertebrates at each of the permanently marked sites we will be using quadrats. Most of you will have done quadrat sampling before.
We will be using a random – sampling method, in which quadrats are placed randomly along / or near the transect line, and the selected invertebrates and algae in each quadrat will be counted. From these data we will calculate the mean (average) abundance as well as the variation in abundance that occurs at each site. These data will plotted in graphs which compare the abundance of each species over time, and with respect to changes in temperature.
We will go over the sampling methods prior to starting the project. All data will be recorded on data sheets pre-printed on underwater paper. An example of the type of data sheet we will be using is attached.

Long-term sampling, a review

Long-term sampling programmes are often used to follow changes in the abundance of plants and animals over time. We will be looking at changes in the abundance of algae and invertebrates at Race Rocks. These changes will be examined with respect to changes in water temperature. The sampling method we will be using is called a stratified-random sample.

What is stratified random sampling?

In a stratified random sample we will sample the sea floor in a random manner, that is there will be no predetermined pattern to the sampling programme. The samples will be stratified because we will make sure that three depths are represented equally in our random samples.

What will we need?
Each dive pair will need
– a 30m tape measure
– a 0.7m X 0.7m quadrat (0.5m squared)
– a clip board and data sheet (with pencil)
– a slate (with pencil)
– a pair of vernier calipers
– pre-mixed epoxy, and petersen discs
– a set of 20 random number

How will we sample?
We have established 6 permanent transects around Race Rocks. Each transect is 30 metres long and runs from the shallow subtidal to about 10m depth. Once a dive pair has located the transect they will be working on, a tape measure will be tied to the shallowest pin (the 0 metre pin) and laid out down to the last pin (30 metre pin).

Before the dive, each dive pair will determine a set of 20 random numbers from a random number table (attached to these pages). There will be two numbers, both between 0 and 9. The first number will refer to the distance along the tape measure, let us say 6.9 metres (it will be the first two numbers, where-ever you start on the table, ie:69). The second number, let us say 7, will refer to the number of flipper kicks right or left of the line. The dive pair will swim along the tape locate the 6.9 mark, then left 7 kicks to the right or left of the 6.9 metre mark. After 7 kicks the diver drops the quadrat and starts to count all the invertebrates and seaweed in the quadrat.

While one diver does the counting and recording, the second diver will measure all of the sea urchins in the quadrat, recording the test diameter of each sea urchin to the nearest cm. Likewise the length of any abalone in the quadrat should also be measured, the abalone should also be tagged, using epoxy and a Petersen disc tag. The tag number should be recorded along with the length of the ablaone. Any abalone you see outside of the quadrat can also be measured and tagged.

Once the quadrat count and the measuring is completed, the dive pair returns to the tape measure, and repeats the process, using the next set of random numbers. In total divers will sample 20 quadrats between 0-10m (10 quadrats on the right side of the line, 10 quadrats on the left side), 20 quadrats between 10-20m and 20 quadrats between the 20-30m, for a total of 60 quadrats per transect. The transects will be sampled twice a year.

 Once the dive pair has sampled 20 quadrats from between the 0-10 pins, they move down to the 10-20 metre pins and repeat the process, as time and air supply allow. If it is easier, three dive pairs can work on each transect line, one dive pair working in the 0-10m area, the next pair in the 10-20m area and the third pair in the 20-30m area. Dividing the transect into three areas is the stratified part of the sampling design, using the random number table is the random part of the sampling design.

Back at the College

Wash all the sampling gear you used with fresh water, and return to its appropriate place. Back in the lab you will need to wash the salt off your data sheet, and copy the sea urchin measurements and abalone tag/measurements onto the back of the data sheet for the section of the transect line you and your partner sampled. You will also need to make sure that all of your numbers are readable, and that you have filled in all of the blanks on the data sheet.

During later lab periods you will be entering this data, and calculating the average (mean) density of the animals and seaweed you counted along each transect line. Subsequent years of Pearson College students will continue this sampling programme to generate a long-term view of how invertebrate and algae abundance changes over time.

Following is a page of random numbers, you should make sure that you are comfortable using this table. Likewise there is a data sheet, please make sure that you are familiar with the species listed on the data sheet, and that you will be able to identify them underwater.

Random number table — 10,000 random numbers

ab4random27791 82504 33523

33147 46058 92388

67243 10545 40269

78176 70368 95523

70199 70547 94331

The first ten numbers in the last line are interpreted as: 7.0 m 1 kick, 9.9 m 7 kicks, 0.5 m 4 kicks, 7.9 m 4 kicks


ab5rrmapSample of one of the underwater recording projects. The numbers on the island represent pegs that are permanently imbedded in the rock. Transect lines go out from the pegs on designated bearings and belt transects are located at intervals indicated in meters. The records for these surveys are kept at Pearson College.

T = 1994-1995 permanent transects


brownalgaeThere will be other species of algae that we add to our list.





To sample the invertebrates at each of the permanently marked sites we will be using quadrats. Most of you will have done quadrat sampling before.

We will be using a random – sampling method, in which quadrats are placed randomly along / or near the transect line, and the selected invertebrates and algae in each quadrat will be counted. From these data we will calculate the mean (average) abundance as well as the variation in abundance that occurs at each site. These data will plotted in graphs which compare the abundance of each species over time, and with respect to changes in temperature.

We will go over the sampling methods prior to starting the project. Data will be recorded on data sheets pre-printed on underwater paper.

Long-term sampling, a review

Long-term sampling programmes are often used to follow changes in the abundance of plants and animals over time. We will be looking at changes in the abundance of algae and invertebrates at Race Rocks. These changes will be examined with respect to changes in water temperature. The sampling method we will be using is called a stratified-random sample.

What is stratified random sampling?

In a stratified random sample we will sample the sea floor in a random manner, that is there will be no predetermined pattern to the sampling programme. The samples will be stratified because we will make sure that three depths are represented equally in our random samples.

What will we need?

Each dive pair will need

– a 30m tape measure

– a 0.7m X 0.7m quadrat (0.5m squared)

– a clip board and data sheet (with pencil)

– a slate (with pencil)

– a pair of vernier calipers

– pre-mixed epoxy, and petersen discs

– a set of 20 random number

ab5rrmapHow will we sample?

We have established 6 permanent transects around Race Rocks. Each transect is 30 metres long and runs from the shallow subtidal to about 10m depth. Once a dive pair has located the transect they will be working on, a tape measure will be tied to the shallowest pin (the 0 metre pin) and laid out down to the last pin (30 metre pin).

Before the dive, each dive pair will determine a set of 20 random numbers from a random number table (attached to these pages). There will be two numbers, both between 0 and 9. The first number will refer to the distance along the tape measure, let us say 6.9 metres (it will be the first two numbers, where-ever you start on the table, ie:69). The second number, let us say 7, will refer to the number of flipper kicks right or left of the line. The dive pair will swim along the tape locate the 6.9 mark, then left 7 kicks to the right or left of the 6.9 metre mark. After 7 kicks the diver drops the quadrat and starts to count all the invertebrates and seaweed in the quadrat.

While one diver does the counting and recording, the second diver will measure all of the sea urchins in the quadrat, recording the test diameter of each sea urchin to the nearest cm. Likewise the length of any abalone in the quadrat should also be measured, the abalone should also be tagged, using epoxy and a Petersen disc tag. The tag number should be recorded along with the length of the ablaone. Any abalone you see outside of the quadrat can also be measured and tagged.

Once the quadrat count and the measuring is completed, the dive pair returns to the tape measure, and repeats the process, using the next set of random numbers. In total divers will sample 20 quadrats between 0-10m (10 quadrats on the right side of the line, 10 quadrats on the left side), 20 quadrats between 10-20m and 20 quadrats between the 20-30m, for a total of 60 quadrats per transect. The transects will be sampled twice a year.


Once the dive pair has sampled 20 quadrats from between the 0-10 pins, they move down to the 10-20 metre pins and repeat the process, as time and air supply allow. If it is easier, three dive pairs can work on each transect line, one dive pair working in the 0-10m area, the next pair in the 10-20m area and the third pair in the 20-30m area. Dividing the transect into three areas is the stratified part of the sampling design, using the random number table is the random part of the sampling design.

Back at the College

Wash all the sampling gear you used with fresh water, and return to its appropriate place. Back in the lab you will need to wash the salt off your data sheet, and copy the sea urchin measurements and abalone tag/measurements onto the back of the data sheet for the section of the transect line you and your partner sampled. You will also need to make sure that all of your numbers are readable, and that you have filled in all of the blanks on the data sheet.

During later lab periods you will be entering this data, and calculating the average (mean) density of the animals and seaweed you counted along each transect line. Subsequent years of Pearson College students will continue this sampling programme to generate a long-term view of how invertebrate and algae abundance changes over time.

Insert Random number table and data sheet.

Following is a page of random numbers, you should make sure that you are comfortable using this table. Likewise there is a data sheet, please make sure that you are familiar with the species listed on the data sheet, and that you will be able to identify them underwater.


click to enlarge

Random number table — 10,000 random numbers

27791 82504 33523

33147 46058 92388

67243 10545 40269

78176 70368 95523

70199 70547 94331



The first ten numbers in the last line are interpreted as: 7.0 m 1 kick, 9.9 m 7 kicks, 0.5 m 4 kicks, 7.9 m 4 kicks


Sample of one of the underwater recording projects. The numbers on the island represent pegs that are permanently imbedded in the rock. Transect lines go out from the pegs on designated bearings and belt transects are located at intervals indicated in meters. The records for these surveys are kept at Pearson College.

T = 1994-1995 permanent transects

There will be other species of algae that we add to our list.


To sample the invertebrates at each of the permanently marked sites we will be using quadrats. Most of you will have done quadrat sampling before.

We will be using a random – sampling method, in which quadrats are placed randomly along / or near the transect line, and the selected invertebrates and algae in each quadrat will be counted. From these data we will calculate the mean (average) abundance as well as the variation in abundance that occurs at each site. These data will plotted in graphs which compare the abundance of each species over time, and with respect to changes in temperature.

We will go over the sampling methods prior to starting the project. Data will be recorded on data sheets pre-printed on underwater paper. An example of the type of data sheet we will be using is attached.

Jane Watson

Faculty of Science &Technology

900 fifth Street, Nanaimo,

British Columbia, Canada V9R 5S5

Tel (250) 741-2300 – Fox (250) 755-8749 http:llwww.mala.bc.cal