Phalacrocorax pelagicus: Review of Research on Nesting and Populations

rmpelagic1We have seen a marked decline in nesting of one of the four species of seabirds which has nested traditionally at Race Rocks, Pelagic Cormorants (Phalacrocorax pelagicus). By 2007, the nesting population had been reduced to one or two nests, and from 2008 to the last season (2009 ) there were no nests at all. This population crash has been common across the Gulf Islands., and the lower end of Vancouver Island and Strait of Juan de Fuca. According to the Canadian Wildlife Service, the population of this species is estimated to be at 9000 individuals, and the pelagicus subspecies is red-listed by BC – other subspecies are stable.

In this file, I have summarized the results of several papers on research on Cormorant populations in the southern Gulf Islands and Georgia Strait. Vermeer and Rankin, 1984, did their research when the populations were on the incline, however since the 1900s, this trend has not persisted as has been reflected in the paper by Chatwin et al. The summary of their paper and the possible reasons for decline are listed near the end of this review.

The British Columbia Coastal Waterbird Survey by Badzinski et al, 2005 indicated a possible upturn in the population trend in BC.

See images of Pelagic Cormorants on Ryan Murphy’s Flickr site

The Christmas bird count records from Race Rocks reflect some of the low population numbers at that time of year, but do show an increase in the last two years, so we hope this may signify a turn in the welfare of this species. It will be interesting to track whether or not this species returns to nesting.

Population Trends in Nesting Double-Crested and Pelagic Cormorants in Canada

  • Author(s): Kees Vermeer and Leo Rankin Source: The Murrelet, Vol. 65, No. 1 (Spring, 1984), pp. 1-9 Published by: Society for Northwestern Vertebrate Biology Stable URL: (partial listing only)
  • ABSTRACT- Breeding populations of Double-crested (Phalacrocorax auritus) and Pelagic Cormorants (P. pelagicus) were surveyed in the Strait of Georgia, British Colum-bia, in 1983. Double-crested Cormorant numbers have increased 2.4-fold and Pelagic Cormorant numbers 1.1-fold since 1975. Double-crested Cormorant populations are presently not only increasing in British Columbia but all across Canada and in the northeastern United States. These increases are thought to be the result of decreased disturbance and persecution by man.
  • The following table is presented in partial form only:
Double-crested and Pelagic Cormorant Inventory in the Strait of Georgia in 2000

  • (see complete report)
    Trudy A. Chatwin, Monica H. Mather, Tanya Giesbrecht May 2001
    Abstract Since the early 1990’s Double-crested and Pelagic Cormorant have shown alarming declines in nesting populations in the Strait of Georgia. This study was initiated in 2000 to provide a complete count of nesting colonies in the Strait and compare population estimate from counts completed in various years since the mid 1950’s. A complete survey of all colonies was done in 1987. Before that, counts were done in many colonies, though not annually. We surveyed 34 Pelagic Cormorant and 17 Double-crested Cormorant historic and current colonies during the 2000 breeding season. Where possible we examined nest population trends at colonies with multiple years of data. Our analyses showed that overall counts of Pelagic Cormorants were down by half and Double-crested Cormorants had declined by two-thirds since 1987. Pelagic Cormorants showed a significant decline in total nests between 1959 and 2000; although during that period, an increase in the population at Mitlenatch Island was noted. At Double-crested Cormorant colonies, two significant increasing trends were noted. Since 1983 the population at Shoal Islands has slowly increased from zero to 104 nests in 2000. Likewise the population at Mitlenatch has also increased from zero to 70 nests. However these increases do not offset the very dramatic declines in overall population size. The most profound decreases were seen at Mandarte and Great Chain Islands where most of the Double-crested Cormorants were nesting in the late 1980’s. At Mandarte Island, 1100 nests were observed in 1983, while only to 215 were counted in 2000. We suggest that the causes of declines are possibly related to a combination of Bald Eagle disturbance, change in prey availability and human disturbance. Recommendations for management and conservation are discussed.
  • The following table is presented in partial form only:

The authors express their concern for the decline in recent years with the following summation:

  • “Based on nest counts, the nesting populations of Pelagic and Double-crested Cormorants in the Strait of Georgia have shown alarming declines in the last few years. Concern is especially warranted when one compares the complete counts that were made in 1987 and 2000. The number of nests observed has decreased by 54% for Pelagic and 70% for Double-crested Cormorants. “
The reasons for the decline were summarized in the paper as follows:

  • “The populations of both cormorant species have fluctuated considerably over the 40 years of surveys. This could be due to changes in prey availability in the Strait. Cormorants feed on Pacific Herring, Gunnells, Shiner Perch and Salmon. It has been suggested that herring schools have moved north in the Strait of Georgia (Jane Watson, Pers. Comm.), which could account for the increase in both species of cormorants at Mitlenatch. However, this does not account for the loss of the Hornby Island Colony as there is a major herring spawn in that area. As well, it is difficult to explain the increase in the Shoal Islands Double-crested Cormorant colony, by shifts in herring populations.
    Other concerns for nesting cormorants are predation by Bald Eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) and disturbance from boat traffic. Eagle populations have increased on the east side of Vancouver Island (Karen Morrison, Pers. Comm.). Giesbrecht (2001) showed that Eagles were the main source of disturbance to nesting Double-crested Cormorant ’s in the Strait. She observed eagles flushing birds from their nests as well as direct predation on adults/juveniles. Recreational boating and kayaking have also increased in the Strait of Georgia. Although Giesbrecht (2001) did not observe flushing by boaters in her study, anecdotal information (Moul 2001) indicates that human disturbance either by landing at a colony or flushing birds by approaching too closely exposes chicks and eggs to predation by Northwestern Crows (Corvus caurinus), Glaucous-winged Gulls (Larus glaucescens) and Bald Eagles. “
British Columbia Coastal Waterbird Survey An Evaluation of Survey Power and Species Trends after Five Years of Monitoring March 2005

Authors: Shannon S. Badzinski 1, Richard J. Cannings 2, Tasha Smith 2, & Jason Komaromi 3

  • Data for two of three species of cormorants show increasing trends (Double-crested
    Cormorant, Pelagic Cormorant). Both these species have shown significant declines in numbers
    at breeding colonies on the British Columbia coast between 1980 and 2000, so the results from
    this survey may indicate a stabilizing trend but further monitoring is clearly needed. Brandt’s
    Cormorants, which occur primarily as a non breeding species, show no clear population trend
    over the past 5 years.
Also from the website of the Canadain WildlifeService, Information is presented on the decline of seabirds along the Pacific Coast of Canada. So we will continue to update our population observations of this species .Garry Fletcher, February, 2010

Animal Populations and Behaviors

BACKGROUND: In the populations of animals which we encounter at Race Rocks, we see a good representation of the biodiversity of the area. For years we have wanted to get a better idea of the levels of the bird and mammal populations throughout the year and also from one year to another. We have had scientists record the Christmas Bird Count in recent years, but we also need to have an idea of the population levels throughout the year. Scientists can determine the health of an ecosystem by knowing the trends of the populations through time. You have an opportunity here to contribute to the body of knowledge about the changes in populations through time.
Objectives: After doing this assignment, students will be able to:

a) Gather census data on populations of animals at Race Rocks using the remote cameras.

b) Use a simple dichotomous key for the identification of species.

c) Analyze the seasonal trends in populations of birds and mammals from Race Rocks

d) Describe the correlations between population trends on a particular day, and climatic conditions.

(If you are on sight at RR) you can document populations of species closeup such as in the surge channel or tidepool areas. Also physical factors such as ph, Salimnity and temperature, along with stratification can be recorded. These change through the seasonsd. If there is no reference file set up for one of the areas , feel free to start one and contribute it here. )


1. Census of Population: We will be estimating the numbers of a particular species in the areas visible from the remote control camera 1 or camera 5 of Choose a bird or mammal species while viewing the area through camera .Verify the identification of a species observed by using the Dichotomous key for birds and mammals of Race Rocks.

2. Estimate the numbers of individuals of this species in the various sectors of the island visible from camera 5 and or camera 1. Record these in your data book.The ecosystems of Race Rocks are identified below in Table 1.

( You do not need to cover all sectors, however, if you choose a few and monitor them several times, you will get some figures that can be used to establish correlations with time of year, time of day, weather conditions or whatever you define as a possible physical factor that determines population distribution.)

3.Record the location of the population on the Sector maps of Race Rocks. Click on the appropriate image below for the sector designation. Where possible, capture a photo and include it with your data report..

4. Record the weather conditions from the weather page, and indicate weather you think that they have any effect on the population levels and locations.

Note: In the table below other sectors not visible from the cameras such as the tidepools have been numbered. If you are doing research on the island you can link to thespecific tidepool file with the number referred to in the list below.
Great Race Sectors from Cam 1 Great Race Sectors Race Rocks Reserve Sectors
Great Race Sector Image Map for Camera 1 views
Click on the pink-outlined polygons to identify the extra views from camera 1 not visible from cam 5.
Great Race Sector Image Map for Camera 5 viewsClick on the red-outlined polygons to identify the views from camera 5. Race Rocks and Race Passage Sector Image MapClick on the red-outlined polygons to identify the outer islands views from camera 5
TABLE 1: Race Rocks Sector Designations: Race Rocks Shore and Rock Rise North East of Jetty East Rock rise East of House and Bay East shore Water to East within 1 km underwater Winch House and grass plain North lawn to dock Shore North of Jetty Tidepool#14 Tidepool#15 Tidepool#16 Tidepool #17 Tidepool#18 Tidepool#19 Tidepool #20 Crevasse underwater Jetty and Jetty Bays underwater North Perch by cam 5 West Perch and cliff face underwater Rain Pools and close foreground -cam5 Heli pad and near camera 5 West shore and tide pool area .1 Tidepool#1 .2 Tidepool#2 .3 Tidepool#3 .4 Tidepool#4 .5 Tidepool#5 .6 Tidepool#6 .7 Tidepool#7 .8 Tidepool#8 .9 Tidepool#9 .10 Tidepool#10 .11 Tidepool#11 .12 Tidepool #12 .13 Tidepool#13 artificial tp .14 underwater SW corner by surge channel rock Surge Channel South East Rise South shore to Engine Room Outfall surge channel Shoreline Underwater Science House and lawn areas Tower and Base area Shore South and East of tower South Rock Islands Beyond South Rocks to Strait underwater underwater Rosedale reef South-east rock beach bay North side of the Keeper’s House Water channel off docks underwater Middle Island East islet of middles Main middle underwater Turbine Channel underwater North Rock underwater North to Pedder Bay and Victoria Race passage to Bentinck Island ocean view area West Race Rocks underwater Strait of Juan de Fuca West and South 1 km Beyond 1 km

Lesson 2: Animal Behavior.Go to this file for the Animal Behavior lab.
Link to the Reference File for the Census Lab:

Directory of OceanQuest Assignment Resources:

Collage for OceanQuestOverview: Are you prepared to take on the challenge of OceanQuest? You are expected to be an active participant in helping to build a valuable resource database for a unique sensitive environment.

The basic starting resources you will use come from www. but our vision for the future is that you may actively develop a set of internet resources for your own unique ecological area.

Link to The OceanQuest GIS With Curriculum Guide
NOTE: The link to the GIS which ran on an outside server arranged by the Open School has been discontinued.. The other curruculum materials are still valid however on this site.

Topic 1 :

Some of the folllowing files from www. were used in the building of the OCEANQUEST website.
Lesson:Intertidal Race Rocks 1. Structure and Function of Ecosystems :
How can we model ecosystems in order to understand how they work ?
Student Activities: Objectives:
Procedure :
1. Introduction
2. Horizontal distribution

  • Objectives:

    • 1. Use the remote camera.
    • 2. Use the dichotomous key for identification.
    • 3. Determine the sector from aerial view of horizontal distribution.
    • 4. Field techniques to quantify distribution.
    • 5. Describe the Role of organisms in determining horizontal distribution.
    • 6. Design your own horizontal structure analysis.
    • 7. How do Anthropogenic Impacts affect Biodiversity.
      • Objectives:
3. Vertical Distribution

  • Objectives:

    • 1. Use the remote camera.
    • 2. Use the Dichotomous key for identification.
    • 3. Vertical Stratification of Tide Pools
    • 4. Subtidal vertical stratification with seaweed canopy.
    • 5. Vertical Stratification in the water column.
    • 6. Vertical Stratification in Soil
    • 7. Design your own vertical structure analysis.
4. Biotic Components
List of birds and mammals most frequently observed from the remote camera 5.
5. Rare and Endangered Species
6. Coastal Classification System

  • Objectives
  • Procedure:
7. Abiotic Components (Topic 2 below)
8. Ecosystem Function

  • Objectives:
  • Procedure:
9. Biogeochemical cycles

  • Objectives:
  • Procedure:
10. Extension..Other ecosystems– structure and function.


2. Why not Adopt an Ecosystem?
pond Use the internet as a means to get groups to collaborate to provide an educational resource while ensuring the stewardship of their own local ecological resources.
1. Identify the area
2. Establish goals and time lines
3. Establish a baseline inventory
4. Class project to provide a taxonomy
5. Use technology to document the area
6. Monitor for Structure and Function: (See topic 1.)
7. Submit site for inclusion in GIS
8. Obtain tiff-referenced aerial photography
9. Assemble a web-site to carry the information.
10. Create a list of the Ecosystem Services and Natural Capital of the area.

  • Objectives:
  • Procedure

11. Set up a weather monitoring Station


Lessons:Link to Abiotic Factors Assignment 1. Selected Abiotic Factors (such as Barometric Pressure) :

The effects of physical factors on the life of an ecosystem is often taken for granted. Here we give you the chance to investigate some of the unique ways that organisms have evolved in order to adapt to the physical conditions of their environments.

2. Wind Speed and Direction
3. Barometric Pressure
4. Lightning
5. Change through time: Salinity and Temperature.

  • Objectives:
  • Procedure:
Lessons: bell curve 2. Limiting Factors and the Ecological Niche
1. Introduction
2. GIS activity
3. and 4and 5. Contrast limiting factors in two closely related species.
6. Natural Selection
7. The Ecological Niche as determined by limiting factors
8. Adaptation: A classic study of limiting factors: The Bumpus sparrows.
9. Extension: Central Tendency and Variability.
1. Population Monitoring:
An activity which allows you to contribute to a scientific database for the census of animals
1. Census of the populations, and the use of the dichotomous key.
2. Race Rocks population numbers and sector designations.
3. Weather correlation to population levels.


2. The Ethology Assignment:
Lessons:Ethology An activity that may allow you to look at the behaviours of animals in a new way
1. Preliminary Observation.
2. Collecting Data.. The ethogram and the time budget.
3. Using the dichotomous key for identification.
4. Compiling the Ethogram
5. Preparing the Time Budget
6. Doing a report and submitting results to the GIS
7. Extension material

Higher Level Biology field trip to Race Rocks-April 1999

The Higher Level Biology students traditionally have done several field trips each year to Race Rocks. On this trip in April of 1999, each of the groups in the class were documenting the profile and the populations of organisms along transects they had chosen in the Intertidal Zone.

Transects on the west side of Race Rocks-3




A0 refers to the first site to be added to this website
05 refers to the peg location ( we have 15 such locations permanently identified at the Race Rocks Ecological Reserve.)
03 refers to the third transect entered from this location.
01 refers to the first quadrat picture that you can access on this photographic strip.

Transect A00503

Elevation 3.7 metres

See Transect A0050101
See Transect A0050102
See Transect A0050103