Low tides

Ecological Notes: Very low tides today which was awesome for checking out invertebrate.
 Elephant seal pups: 4
Visitor: 1
Facility Work. Cleaning buildings today. Back stairs on the main house have been taken down. Ready for new build.
Vessel Traffic. 3 Eco-tour boats

Female elephant seal

Another female elephant seal arrived and we now have three molting on the island..
Elephant seal pups: The four pups are getting closer to the water.
Canada geese. The geese are nesting. Some have laid eggs already. The river otter is trying to find the nests as are the gulls. The geese are getting aggressive to anything that gets close to the nests.
Pearson College students over to study shoreline invertebrates. With the moon getting fuller the tides are very high and very low. This makes for perfect beach walking and shoreline classes for the students.
Facility Work With the help of a couple students, the cleaning continues on the sides of building today.
Vessel Traffic Three Eco-tour boats doing respectful viewing.
Weather Events:Flat water and light wind

DND blasting

Ecological Notes: There are lots of Daffodils flowering all over the island.

Visitors: The fresh water tank is topped up and ready for visitors.

Facility Work: The PC students arrive Monday.  We have been busy cleaning the buildings and preparing for their arrival.

Vessel Traffic: Eco tour boats, three DND ribs and marine mammal observer boat and two sport boats.


Weather– Current: http://www.victoriaweather.ca/current.php?id=72

Weather–Past:  http://www.victoriaweather.ca/station.php?id=72



DND blasting

Ecological Notes: There are lots of Daffodils flowering all over the island.

Visitors: The fresh water tank is topped up and ready for visitors.

Facility Work: The PC students arrive next week.  We have been busy cleaning the buildings and preparing for their arrival.

Vessel Traffic: Eco tour boats, three DND ribs and marine mammal observer boat


Weather– Current: http://www.victoriaweather.ca/current.php?id=72

Weather–Past:  http://www.victoriaweather.ca/station.php?id=72




Ecological Notes:

Late in the afternoon today two Dunlin landed on the island.

Check out this link for more info on the Dunlin. https://racerocks.ca/calidris-alpina-dunlin-the-race-rocks-taxonomy/


Vessel traffic: Most of the day was quiet in the park. Two Eco-tour boats two private boats passed by. Water and supplies brought to the island today.

Weather– Current: http://www.victoriaweather.ca/current.php?id=72

Weather–Past: http://www.victoriaweather.ca/station.php?id=72

Elephant seal active after 4 day nap


Ecological Notes:

Lots of eagles today. Elephant seal still very active and moving around the island.

Vessel Traffic: One Eco Tour boat one private boat in the reserve.

Facility Work: Fuel and supplies brought to island today.

Weather Events: Warm in the sun with a light west wind.

Weather–Current: http://www.victoriaweather.ca/current.php?id=72

Weather–Past: http://www.victoriaweather.ca/station.php?id=72



Animal Tracking and Injuries: California sea lion with ring around neck.
Elephant seal pups:4
Pearson College topped up water tank today.
Facility Work replace stairs on keepers house spray off green from house.
Vessel Traffic 5 pleasure boats Second Nature crew boat water transport 4 Eco tour boats.
Weather Events:Flat water light wind


Today’s Weather:

  • Sky blue, obstructed by very thick fog
  • Visibility 200-500 m
  • Wind 5-10 knots SW
  • Sea state: calm

Visitors/Marine Traffic:

  • Today Greg visited to do some maintenance
  • One whale watching boat in the reserve yesterday
  • The occasional pleasure craft outside of the reserve or passing through

Ecological Observations: 

  • No seagull chicks yet, although most nests have 2-3 eggs now.
  • The oystercatcher chicks have grown incredibly fast, and are now approximately half of the size of their parents
  • One male goose who was injured by another goose during a fight earlier in the year is still limping. It seems like the damage to his leg will be permanent and while he is able to move around the island, he sits to eat and is too slow to keep up with the other geese. He spends a lot of time alone.


Coast Guard Visit, The Entangled Sea Lion Is Still Here


  • Sky partly cloudy, intermittent fog
  • Visibility varying between 0-15 miles
  • Wind 20-30 knots W
  • Water rough, waves to half a metre with some whitecaps


  • No visitors today
  • The whale watching boats continue to decrease in volume, this month looks to be a turning point in their season.


  • We spotted the sea lion with plastic around its neck on the jetty last night, and today it was hauled out onto land between the helicopter pad and the guest house. We contacted DFO, and the entanglement response team will assess if it’s a job that they can do.
  • This afternoon we saw a blue heron, which we haven’t seen before out here.


  • The Coast Guard visited briefly a few days ago. They stayed on RR for about an hour and did some maintenance on the fog horn system. Two people came on to land, and a third stayed in the Coast Guard zodiac.