Species List for the West Side of the Race Rocks Jetty , 2005

This list was compiled by Pam Thuringer of Archipelago Marine on May12, 2005. She examined the west side of the docks exposed at a 0.35m tide as part of the Environmental Impact assessment for the Tidal Current Project.

Invertebrates Balanus glandula many
Semibalanus cariosus many
Hemigrapsus nudis few
Mytilus californianus few
Sponge ( orange encrusting species) few
Katharina tunicata few
Littorina scutulata many
Tectura persona few
Lottia pelta few
Anthopleura elegantissima few
Lirubuccinum dirum few
General Group Species Occurence
Brn. Algae Nereocystis luetkeana sparse
Fucus sp. sparse
Leathesia difformis sparse
Hedophyllum sessile abundant
Alaria marginata abundant
Costaria costata few
Red Algae Mazzaella splendans few
Mastocarpus pappilatus sparse
Halosaccion glandiforme few
Lithothamnion sp. few
Odonthalia floccosa sparse
Polysiphonia sp. sparse
Coralline algae. several species sparse
Porphyra perforata sparse
Endocladia muricata sparse
Green Algae Ulva sp. sparse
Acrosiphonia sp. few

Bangia fuscopurpurea : Race Rocks Taxonomy

combover3Description: This common red alga is especially noticeable on the surfaces of smooth boulders.  It grows as thin filaments of a rusty, purplish brown, or blackish colour.

As the tide ebbs, the filaments spread out over the rock in a way reminiscent of a few hairs artfully plastered down on a nearly bald head.
Habitat: On rocks in the upper and middle intertidal zones.
Pacific Coast Distribution:           Alaska to California.
…..Eugene Kozloff, 1996
Phylum: Rhodophyta
Class: Bangiophycidae
Order: Bangiales
Family: Bangiaceae
Bangia fuscopurpurea (Dillw.) Lyngbye

See other members of the Phylum Rhodophyta

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and Image File
pearsonlogo2_f2The Race Rocks taxonomy is a collaborative venture originally started with the Biology and Environmental Systems students of Lester Pearson College UWC. It now also has contributions added by Faculty, Staff, Volunteers and Observers on the remote control webcams.
Ryan Murphy 2005

Thalassiothrix sp.

mixture of Thallasiothrix and several other diaton species from a plankton tow.


Thallasiothrix microscopic view



From Phyto’pedia Length (apical axis): 10 – 110 μm
Width (transapical axis): 2 – 4 μm
Height (pervalvar axis): 3 – 8 μm
Marginal areolae: 10 – 12 in 10 μm
(Cupp 1943, Kraberg et al. 2010)

Commonly found in nutrient-rich upwelling regions (Abrantes 1988, cited in Kobayashi and Takahashi 2002). Its presence indicates conditions of high productivity (Schrader and Sorknes 1990, cited in Kobayashi and Takahashi 2002). Optimal temperature ∼15 °C (Resende 2007). Salinity range from ∼12 – 33 (Demir 2007, Burns 1977).


Domain Eukarya
Kingdom Chromista
Subkingdom Chromobiota
Infrakingdom Heterokonta
Phylum Bacillariophyta
Class Bacillariophyceae
Subclass Bacillariophycidae
Order Thalassionematales
Family Thalassionemataceae
Genus Thallasiothrix
Species sp.?  possibly T fraunfeldi var. nitzschioides
Common Name: Diatom

Other members of the Phylum Bacillariophyta

taxonomy iconReturn to the Race Rocks Taxonomy
and Image File
pearsonlogo2_f2The Race Rocks taxonomy is a collaborative venture originally started with the Biology and Environmental Systems students of Lester Pearson College UWC. It now also has contributions added by Faculty, Staff, Volunteers and Observers on the remote control webcams.

 name –year (PC)

Macroalgae at Race Rocks.

There is great biodiversity in the Macroalgal species at Race Rocks . A herbarium of the species which have been found growing in the reserve is kept in the Biology and Marine Environmental Systems lab at Lester B. Pearson College. These students are floating a filamentous algal form onto a herbarium sheet in a tank of seawater. The algae are then dried between blotters in a drier with heat and circulating air.

Suggestion:Perhaps a student can digitize the herbarium sheets so we can see them posted here?


Refer to this file for archived video of Algae at Race Rocks




For a complete list of many of the species of  algae at Race Rocks scroll down to Chlorophyta, Rhodophyta and Phaeophyta in the Race Rocks taxonomy


Refer to this extended essay on Halosaccion glandiforme with a focus on position on the shore considering height and slope as factors in intertidal zonation



Ryan Murphy, former LBPC student returned to Race Rocks to do research for Mt.Allison University on the macroalgal community. He constructed this Digital Herbarium using photographs he took while at the reserve.



Prasiola meridionalis: short sea lettuce–The Race Rocks Taxonomy

A good example of the highest marine algae in the intertidal zone, Praseola, sp. and the vertical zonation of the upper intertidal.

A good example of the highest marine algae in the intertidal zone, <i>Praseola, sp.</i> and the vertical zonation of the upper intertidal (photo near peg5A) . Photo G. Fletcher

Prasiola  meridionalis, short sea lettuce.

 There are five Prasiola species found in the world. They consist of very small blades (at most a few centimetres in length) usually one cell thick. At Race Rocks it is found as a green fuzz in the spray zone, above the upper  intertidal zone.It is also found along thePacific coast  from Alaska to Chile.

  • prasiolaInteresting local ecology: Tufts of these blades resemble little cabbages growing on wood or rock above the high level or along freshwater streams. Prasiola  can tolerate and exploit high-nitrogen conditions that most plants would find toxic. Therefore a unique aspect of their distribution is their association with guano of marine birds.

Domain: Eukarya
Kingdom: Protoctista
Division: Chlorophyta
Class: Chlorophyceae
Order: Prasiolales
Family: Prasiolaceae
Genus: Prasiola
Species: meridionalis
Common Name: short sea lettuce

taxonomyiconReturn to the Race Rocks Taxonomy and Image File
pearsonlogo2_f2The Race Rocks taxonomy is a collaborative venture originally started with the Biology and Environmental Systems students of Lester Pearson College UWC. It now also has contributions added by Faculty, Staff, Volunteers and Observers on the remote control webcams.OCT  2003–Gladys Michelle Reyes–PC  Year 30


Pterygophora californica -brown algae- The Race Rocks Taxonomy

“The number of living creatures of all orders whose existence intimately depends on kelp is wonderful…I can only compare those great aquatic forests…with terrestrial ones in the intertropical regions. Yet if in any country a forest was destroyed, I do not believe nearly so many species would perish as would here from the destruction of kelp”

Thus commented Charles Darwin on kelp. Pterygophora californica commonly known as stalked kelp) which is part of the great kelp family that act as the trees of the oceans. This species is present, amongst other places, at Race Rocks.

BIOTIC ASSOCIATIONS: Ryan Murphy, (PC yr 26) obtained a grant from Mount Allison University in June of 2002 to help him do a project on macroalgae at Race Rocks. In this video below , he captures some of the many epiphytes growing on the perennial Pterygophora californica, a brown algae which grows sub-tidally to a depth of 12 meters at Race Rocks. It is a valuable habitat for the many invertebrates in the subtidal and serves as a buffer to storm surges. From June 2-14 a group of students from Pearson College stayed at Race Rocks for the Johan Ashuvud project. Meet the webcrew here


Like other kelp species, this one can mostly be found in subtidal zones. It occurs in subtidal zones mostly up to 12 meters of depth. It is mostly found therefore in subsurface canopies of kelp forests. For this reason it is able to live well around the islands of Race Rocks. The Stalked Kelp grows up to 2 meters in length. It has a straight or gnarled, woody undivided stalk and smooth , strap-like blades extending on opposite sides from the top half of the stalk . The end of the stalk results in a terminal blade with midrib and the stalk develops rings as the years go by similar to those of a tree. Pterygophora is an excellent example of a long -lived perennial seaweed. The blades usually degenerate or wear away in winter and new ones are produced each spring. Often, violent winter storms tear up some of the anchored kelp and deposit it on beaches as in the photo above.

Stalked kelp can reach an age over 17 years. It is possible to find out the exact age of a stalked kelp plant by cutting it down (best to use drift ones that are already detached) and counting the rings in its stalk. At Race Rocks this type of kelp provides habitat for a number of fish and invertebrates and a large community of epiphytic algae.

Domain: Eukarya
Kingdom: Protoctista
Phylum: Phaeophyta
Class: Phaeophyceae
Order: Laminariales
Family: Alariaceae
Genus: Pterygophora
Species: californica (Ruprecht)
Common Name: Stalked Kelp

Description:  This plant has a large stout holdfast of branched root-like structures, and a woody stipe up to 2 m. long and 2 cm. in diameter.  The stipe is terete below and flattened at the apex.  A terminal flat, smooth blade arises from the apex of the stipe; it is linear, 6-10 cm. wide, 60-90 cm. long, and tapers in the attachment region.  Sporophylls are pinnately arranged along the two sides of the flattened portion of the stipe.  The sporophylls are linear, approximately the same shape and size as the terminal blade; up to 20 occur on each side.

Habitat:  On rocks in the upper subtidal zone and down to a depth of about 5 fathoms.

Pacific Coast Distribution:  British Columbia to Mexico.

Guide to Common Seaweeds of British Columbia, by R.F Scagel, Printed by K.M Macdonald,1972


In the winter storms the woody Pterygophora stipes or stems often end up in drifts on the rocky beach. This photo was taken by G.Fletcher in February 2007.


The stars on the stipe of Pterygophora were made by a sea urchin grazing. . Photo by Ryan Murphy


Annual rings in a cross-section of the stipe of Pterygophora : G Fletcher photo

taxonomyiconReturn to the Race Rocks Taxonomy and Image File
pearsonlogo2_f2The Race Rocks taxonomy is a collaborative venture originally started with the Biology and Environmental Systems students of Lester Pearson College UWC. It now also has contributions added by Faculty, Staff, Volunteers and Observers on the remote control webcams. -Ryan Murphy  PC yr 26


Ralfsia pacifica- brown algae

Phylum: Phaeophyta
Class: Phaeophyceae
Order: Chordariales
Family: Ralfsiaceae
Ralfsia pacifica (Hollenberg)

Description: This plant forms a flat encrusting layer, firmly attached to the substrate; it is irregularly circular in outline, often lobed at the margin, 2-12 cm. in diameter, 0.5-1.0 cm. thick, and olive brown to black in colour; surface with radial or concentric rings.

Habitat:  On rocks and shells in the middle and lower intertidal zones.

Pacific Coast Distribution:  Alaska to Mexico.

Robert Scagel, 1972

R. pacifica with several rhodophytes in a tide pool

R. pacifica with several rhodophytes in a tide pool

Rhodomelia larix- red algae

Phylum: Rhodophyta
Class: Rhodophyceae
Order: Ceramiales
Family: Rhodmelaceae
Rhodomela larix (Turner) C. Agardh

Description:  This plant is erect, up to 30 cm. high, brownish black in colour, in clusters, attached to the substrate by a discoid holdfast.  The plant is branched, usually with one or more major cylindrical axes.  The major axes have a profusion of radially arranged cylindrical branchlets, all approximately the same length and unbranched.  At the apices of the branches, evanescent trichoblasts are apparent.

Habitat: On rocks in the intertidal zone.Pacific Coast Distribution: Bering Sea to California
Adapted from Robert Scagel, 1972

Prionitis lanceolata- red algae

Phylum: Rhodophyta

Class: Rhodophyceae

Order: Cryptonemiales

Family: Cryptonemiaceae

Prionitis lanceolata (Harvey)

Description: This plant is erect, up to 30 cm. tall, reddish brown in colour, growing in clusters, and attached to the substrate by small discoid holdfast.  The erect portion is narrowly stipitate below, tapering above to a flattened lanceolate portion.  The apices of the branches taper gradually to a point.  Numerous proliferous flattened short pinnately arranged branchlets occur along the margins of the main axes
Habitat:  On rocks in the lower intertidal and upper subtidal zones.

Pacific Coast Distribution:  Alaska to Mexico

Adapted from: Robert Scagel, 1972

Research suggestion: Look for galls on this algae: Reference.

Ulva lactuca-sea lettuce

Kingdom Protista
Phylum Chlorophyta
Order Chlorophyceae
Family Ulvaceae
Class Ulvales
Genus Ulva
Species lactuca

Description: At Race Rocks, Ulva lactuca occurs in some areas at the .2 m level in the intertiidal zone. This plant is light to dark green, erect, lanceolate to broadly ovate, often ruffled along the margins, 18-60 cm. high; at times irregularly split into broad lobes, tapering abruptly near the base to a short stipitate region and a small discoid holdfast of rhizoidal cells.

Habitat:  On rocks and epiphytic on other algae in the upper intertidal zone; often floating on mud flats in the lower intertidal zone in quiet bays and lagoons.

Pacific Coast Distribution:  Bering Sea to Chile.

Adapted from:Robert Scagel, 1978

Photos by Ryan Murphy