- Visibility: 15 miles
- Wind: 0-5 knots North, later 15-20 West
- Sky: overcast
- Water: calm in the morning, later a 1′ chop
- Two elephant seals on Great Race today.
- Adult male and the weaner.
- They both went down to the water by evenfall.
- e-seal
- same e-seal with friend
- Hand pumped more diesel into the day tank.
- Cleaned the solar panels.
- Topped up more of the battery bank. Over half finished now!
- Only saw one eco-tour.
- A few fishing boats just outside the reserve.
- DND zodiac out and about during blasting.
- Lots of loud DND blasting today.
- There were blasts at the following times:
- 10:48, 10:50, 11:10, 11:25, 13:36, 13:38, 13:56, 14:19, 14:34, and 14:51.