Sky: Partly Cloudy to dense fog in the late afternoon
Water: Calm
a few ecotours went by today
Guy, came by with a few guys to start moving out the old batteries so the new batteries will hopefully be lifted off the concrete soon and we won’t have to run the generator as much
Still a dozen elephants, one young male among all the females
An adult female elephant seal showed up today and she had a pretty wornout orange tag on her that so she was definitely the one here last week, it is an orange tag reading T563, she was here on March 21st as well when I took the picture of it
the pups are doing fine and were right beside each other this morning but now are a bit seperated on either side of the adult females
also there were about 6 ravens flying around, I don’t see them around too often, I’ve seen crows around but not many ravens
a few boats went by today, along with a couple visitors on the island
The pups are inseperable, its adorable, then an older female that is pretty large showed up today and got right in between them, the youngest pup was pretty upset about it but the three of them are napping together now
a few ecotours went by today, had some visitors on the island today
the past few days the two pups have been inseperable, they were playing together in the water this morning and are sleeping by the flag pole now, strange they havent seem to really connected with each other until the past few days