Had the guys working on the project by the student house here today
Kyle came by with a student as well to show him around a bit
Had an ecotour and a couple fishing boats and a sailboat cruise by today as well
Both pups still around this morning, the younger pup found a safe spot away from the males near the helicopter pad, so she did a bit of rock climbing to get there
Some boats were cruising by today, fishing and ecotour
The oldest pup is nowhere to be found today, she was near the boat shed last night and I have walked around the island a couple times today but I have not seen her anywhere
there is a fourth male elephant seal swimming around, he looks pretty young and I think he has been here before
The youngest pup has been trying to fend off the other males today
Bernard, the dominant male elephant seal, continues to protect the two pups by scaring off the other males from trying to mate with the pups or kill them. It is surprising and unusual behaviour for a male elephant seal but I am grateful for his protection!
The elephant seal pups enjoyed a splash in their first puddle today. They should be ready to head into the ocean sometime in the next few weeks.
Bernard was keeping an eye out for the pups today, looking up from his sleep every time one of them would cry out, which is less frequent and high pitched now too as they continue to grow. Having a father elephant seal protect it’s pups like this after the mother has left is not ordinary behaviour so this has been very interesting to watch.
Lots of Canada Geese landed on the island today, around 6-10 pairs that are very territorial with each other. I assume they’re getting ready for nesting season as that generally starts around March.
Still a decent number of cormorants, black oyster catchers and black turnstones around too.
DND blasting has started up again with several loud explosions going off each day for the past few days.
Still trying to figure out what Bernard, the dominant male elephant seal, is up to with the pups. Some days he protects them against other males and will sleep close to them throughout the day, and other days he is either just gone or will sleep away from them while other males attack them and fight over them with each other. Today he decided to defend them against a smaller but very persistent male that has been harassing them the most. Nonetheless the pups are doing well and seem unharmed.