Wind: 5-10 N/NE, picked up to 25-40 knots SW overnight
Sky: sunny and clear
Water: mostly calm, choppy at times
Saw two ecotour boats go by
No visitors
The pups were left alone last night and today, thankfully. Had a peaceful day of sleeping in the sun and recovering from being attacked several times over the last few days.
The male elephant seals all kept to themselves today.
Wind: 5-10 N/NE, picked up to 20-30 knots overnight
Sky: cloudy with light snowfall and fog
Water: large rolling swells throughout the day
Didn’t notice any ecotour boats or divers around today
No visitors
Woke up at 4:30 am to the sound of the elephant seal pups being attacked by a big male elephant seal. Pretty sure it was Bernard, their father, but hard to tell. Was surprised to find both pups seemingly unharmed and sleeping peacefully in the morning when I got up.
One of the younger, smaller males took the opportunity to try to mate with one pup while two of the bigger males were fighting, but luckily she got away from him after a few minutes of panic. Very difficult to watch I must say. These males are all fired up from the mating season and most don’t get a chance to mate, especially if they are smaller in size.
Saw about 10-20 Pigeon Guillemots chasing each other and diving into the water.
Had a nice visit from a veteran ecoguardian Guy Ouradou along with a pearson college alumni member for a quick visit to the island.
Some time in the night the mother elephant seal left the island to feed and let her pup become independent and eventually make it’s own way to the water.
Surprisingly Bernard (father elephant seal) has still been very close and protective to the two pups that are now side by side.
Sky: cloudy in the morning then cleared up by afternoon
Water: mostly calm
Saw a few ecotours go by today
No visitors today
The mother elephant seal is getting noticeably thinner from feeding the pup for weeks and not having eaten anything for some time now. I suspect she will be leaving her pup soon to feed and to let the pup tone up a bit before she makes her way to the water for the first time to feed herself.
Bernard (adult male elephant seal) has been doing a great job of protecting his two pups and female from the three other males on the island.
Sky: cloudy in the morning then cleared up by afternoon
Water: mostly calm
Saw a few ecotours go by today
Two workers from Environment Canada came by for a few hours to inspect the weather monitoring equipment on the top of the lighthouse.
Kyle came out to deliver fuel and brought a student from Pearson college to see the island.
There are now three other male elephant seals hanging around.
The older elephant seal pup has been sleeping away from the elephant seal family (dominant male, female and weaner) for the last few days now and the other males are starting to become interested in it. I really hope they don’t attack it!
New batteries were installed for the main energy systems. The generator will only need to be run once a week for 2-4 hours rather than 2-4 hours a day! Huge decrease in carbon footprint.
The sea lions and seals were enjoying the sun today
Lots of black turnstones running around the lawn throughout the day
An eagle flew right over me and my friend right when she arrived to say hi.