Kyle came by with some food and a new cart for wheeling fuel around. New batteries for the generator and energy system are getting installed tomorrow which will greatly reduce the amount of time we will need to run the generator! Very exciting.
Haven’t seen the young tagged C887 seal again
The elephant seal pups are getting so big, can’t believe how fast they grow. The weaner is so noisy, especially at night.
Lots of eagles and black oyster catchers out again today.
Had a few ecotours and divers go by today, no visitors
There has been a consistent number of bald eagles, cormorants and black oyster catchers the past few days.
Elephant seal pups and mother are doing well. Still hanging around very close to the main house.
A younger male started to approach the female today but Bernard (the dominant male elephant seal) was quick to assert his presence and drive the young bull off.
Been able to see Mount Baker very well the last few days with the sunshine and clear skies.
The elephant seal family have been hanging around very close to the house lately, right in front of the door! They don’t seem to mind me coming and going and taking the odd picture too much though.
Stellar Sea Lions – 97
California Sea Lions – 100
Harbour Seals – 12
Elephant Seals – 6 (3 males, 1 female and 2 pups)
Cormorants – 74
Gulls – 165
Bald Eagles – 11
Black Turnstones – 15
Black Oystercatchers – 7
Canada Geese – 2
Had gale force winds all day today, at least the sun was out though!
a couple ecotours went by this morning when it was more calm
The first pup who’s mother has left started exploring today, I was a bit worried when I didn’t see her in front of the house this morning but she was just on the other side of the lighthouse
I will be heading out tomorrow morning, Mikey will be filling in for me and I will be back on Feb 28th