Sandpipers, Elephant Seals & Gale Force Winds


  • Visibility: 5 miles this morning, clearing up during the day
  • Wind: windy throughout the day eventually reaching gale force by night, 30-41 knots
  • Sky: overcast and rainy all day
  • Water: calm in the morning then got rough with the wind picking up


  • Didn’t notice much boat traffic today with the heavy winds and rain
  • No visitors today


  • The male elephant seals have become more territorial and the larger two are starting to push their weight around.
  • Noticed a small group of sandpipers picking at the wet grass alongside black turnstones this morning

The Battles Begin


  • Visibility: 10-15 miles throughout the day
  • Wind: light breezes throughout the day, 4-11 knots
  • Sky: overcast this morning then cleared up a bit by late afternoon
  • Water: mostly calm, a bit choppy at times


  • The usual commercial freighter and barge traffic
  • Garry and a friend came out for the annual christmas bird count


  • Two of the younger male elephant seals got into a fight/chase with the larger of the two dominating until Bernard (the biggest of the 5 males currently on the island) stepped in and sent them both on the run. With the females heading this way soon it may prove to be a bloody new year with the males fighting for dominance.
  • Large group of oyster catchers, 18-20 strong, hanging around the south west end of the island.
  • Didn’t see any canada geese today for the first time in a while.
  • Garry’s friend pointed out some harlequin ducks in the water I hadn’t noticed.
  • One of the elephant seal pups looks like an older male may have attacked it. It’s head and back are covered with lacerations and gouges.

Lone Goose & Harbour Seals


  • Visibility: clear, 15 miles throughout the day
  • Wind: light breeze all day, NE
  • Sky: overcast this morning with a bit of sun in the late afternoon
  • Water: mostly calm, a bit choppy at times


  • Didn’t notice much boat traffic today, a few eco tours/whale watchers went by
  • No visitors today


  • Group of 12-14 harbour seals on the south east rocks
  • Five male elephant seals are still here
  • Had a lone canada goose waiting diligently in the same spot from 8am until it’s mate came back around 2 or 3pm.


  • I’m hoping the weather holds for the annual bird count to happen tomorrow, though there is rain in the forecast.

Census & Five Male Elephant Seals


  • Visibility: 15 miles all day
  • Wind: Light breezes throughout the day NE mostly
  • Sky: mostly cloudy
  • Water: a bit rough, one to two foot swells


  • Boat traffic was pretty minimum today again, saw one fishing boat go by
  • No visitors today


  • There are now a total of 5 male elephant seals on the island. Two are full grown and the other three are adolescents.
  • The two elephant seal pups are still around as well.


  • California Sea Lions – 78
  • Stellar Sea Lions – 64
  • Harbour Seals – 2
  • Elephant Seals – 7
  • Gulls – 58
  • Cormorants – 16
  • Bald Eagles – 2
  • Black Turnstones – 6

Windy Day


  • Visibility: very clear throughout the day, 15 Miles
  • Wind: heavy winds all day reaching upwards of 33 knots
  • Sky: sunny with no clouds
  • Water: rough, 3 foot swells


  • Boat traffic was pretty minimum today with the rough water
  • No visitors today


  • Not much has changed in terms of wildlife on the island in the last few days. Consistent number of gulls, sea lions, eagles, black turnstones, canada geese and cormorants with one or two large male elephant seals.

A Break From the Blasts


  • Visibility: Clear throughout the day
  • Wind: Light breezes throughout the day with strong gusts up to 40 knots overnight
  • Sky: Cloudy with sunny break
  • Water: a bit choppy, one foot swells in the morning


  • Boat traffic was pretty minimum today, whale watching boat cruised by
  • No visitors today


  • Not much has changed in terms of wildlife on the island in the last few days. Consistent number of gulls, sea lions, eagles, black turnstones, canada geese and cormorants with one or large two male elephant seals.
  • Haven’t seen any whales of any kind yet unfortunately.


  • DND blasting has taken a break for the past week which has been nice.

Stellar Pups


  • Visibility: 15 miles for most of the day with the Washington coast as clear as I’ve seen it so far, until early evening when fog came in from the east covering downtown Victoria from view.
  • Wind: Little to no breeze during the day with it picking up to 14-18 knots by 7pm.
  • Sky: Mostly cloudy with some sun
  • Water: calm throughout the day, a bit choppy at times


  • Boat traffic was fairly minimum today with the usual commercial vessels in the distance and one or two whale watching boats.
  • No visitors today


  • There seems to be more stellar sea lion pups on the island, especially on the south rocks in the last few days, though I may just have not noticed them among the “piles” of bodies as they tend to lay all over each other.
  • Still lots of Black Turnstones, Cormorants, Eagles, Canada Geese and Gulls around
  • Only saw one of the male elephant seals around today


  • Chopped some bigger logs into kindling for the woodstove this afternoon and cleaned up a lot of rocks of varying sizes that have been falling from the paths and bank walls between the lighthouse and science house.
  • Pretty chilly today, had frost on the ground and frozen puddles for the first time.

Snow in the Distance


  • Visibility: 5 miles in the morning but cleared up throughout the day
  • Wind: Quite windy throughout the day with gusts reaching upwards of 32 knots, calmed down by evening.
  • Sky: Mostly cloudy with some sun
  • Water: rough throughout the day, large swells


  • Boat traffic was pretty minimum today with the rough waters
  • No visitors today


  • Saw a group of about 16 Cormorants and 8 Oyster Catchers amongst around 100 seagulls on the SW corner of the island
  • Canada geese are still around in small groups
  • Lots of Black Turnstones out on the grass the past few days


  • Didn’t get any snow on the island but could see lots of it on shore. Also had power and internet all day without interruptions.

Mystery Raptor


  • Visibility: 15 miles
  • Wind: 6-10 NE throughout day
  • Sky: sunny with cloudy periods
  • Water: mostly calm


  • had one whale watching boat cruise by
  • no visitors today


  • saw a large brown raptor of some kind. I think it was a Red-tailed Hawk
  • lots of killdeer around
  • large elephant seal male is still on the island


  • a lot of DND blasts today, very startling for the sea lions.

DND Blast and a Surprise Audience


  • Visibility: 15 Miles
  • Wind: 12-16 NE throughout the day
  • Sky: sunny, very few clouds
  • Water: mostly calm, a bit choppy


  • Had one large eco tour boat full of passengers sneak up on me and yell “Hello” as a group. That was fun (:
  • lots of large shipping vessels passing by including two huge logging barges


  • still a decent amount of sea lions around
  • there is another, smaller harbour seal pup hanging out now too
  • Bernard (the elephant seal) is back!
  • haven’t seen any canadian geese in a few days


  • had more large DND blasts go off from Rocky Point that shook the house and startled birds today.