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Visibility: 0 Miles at some points and 15 Miles at other points during the day
Wind: 0-15 W
Sky: overcast all day, with some fog banks rolling in
Water: calm
a few ecotours came by today
the neck banded sea lion was by the guest house, pictures included
having a difficult time keeping the sea lions away from the generator room
Visibility: 15 Miles
Wind: 5-15 SE
Sky: clear today
Water: calm
quite a few ecotours, saillboats and fishing boats around
sea lions seem to want to be more on the main rock, trying to keep them away from the house and the generator room
the three female elephant seals are still here
the neck banded sea lion is by the guest house today, pictures at the end of the gallery
Visibility: 15 Miles
Wind: 20-30 W
Sky: cloudy throughout the day
Water: a bit choppy, no more than a metre
Some ecotours braved the winds and came by
plenty of sea lions around they are coming up more to the middle island, which can be a problem, the elephant seals are up here too
Ran the generator for a few hours today, had a little power outage last night and can’t have that happen again
Everything else is going alright here, hopefully have the new generator up and running next week
Visibility: 10 Miles
Wind: 20-30 NW
Sky: cloudy and rainy
Water: choppy no more than a 1 metre tall waves
some ecotours braved the wind and rain and came by
saw and eagle today for the first time in a while
So happy it is finally raining, makes it easier to pressure wash and clean the solar panels
Visibility: 15 Miles
Wind: 10-20 NE
Sky: clear all day
Water: calm
Had some visitors come by from Eagle Wing Tours
The 3 female elephant seals are still here
Spotted some California Gulls today too
There was another sea lion with a band stuck around his neck, will alert DFO so they can come out here and help out the sea lion, the last pictures are of this sea lion
It was pointed out to me that I have not been including the sea otter in my census, I admit I have a hard time spotting him from here so I often forget about him
stellar sea lions – 42
california sea lions – 286
gulls – 324
oyster catchers – 8
black turnstones – 18
sparrows – 32
harbour seals – 87
sea otter – 1
Posted in Animal census , Bird Notes , Ecoguardians Log , Island Visitors , Mammal Notes , Marine Vessels , Species , weather notes
Tagged blackturnstone , california , census , ecotours , elephantseal , gulls , harbourseal , neckbanded , pup , sealions , seaotter , sparrows , stellar , whalewatchers
Visibility: 15 Miles
Wind: 0-5 SE
Sky: clear all day
Water: calm
the 3 elephant seals are still around
I have been getting beautiful sunsets every night but I am wishing for rain
Visibility: 15 Miles
Wind: 0-5 NE
Sky: clear all day today
Water: calm
Had some visitors come by from Eagle Wing Whale Watching Charters today with Kyle which was really nice
3 female elephant seals on island and one of them is baby which I am very excited about
Posted in Ecoguardians Log , Island Visitors , Mammal Notes , Marine Vessels , weather notes
Tagged ecotours , elephantseal , pup , sealion , tour , visitors , whalewatchers
Visibility: 15 Miles
Wind: 10-15 SW
Sky: cloudy this morning, cleared up in the afternoon
Water: calm
plenty of sea lions around and we now have 2 female elephant seals
Sunny again today, was hoping for more rain but maybe sometime soon
Visibility: 15 Miles
Wind: 10-15 SW
Sky: cloudy this morning had a bit of fog then cleared up in the afternoon
Water: calm
Had a few ecotours and personal vessels cruise by today
plenty of stubborn sea lions along with one female elephant seal mixed in with them
It was nice to see an elephant seal around, I walked around taking a few pictures today
The sea lions were very stubborn today, I couldn’t fix the fence by the student house because they would charge me whenever I got close
Visibility: 15 Miles
Wind: 5-15 W
Sky: cloudy all day with little breaks of sunshine
Water: calm
Had quite a few ecotours cruise by today
nothing new, approximately 300 sea lions on island, maybe more
Finally now that it has rained a bit more I can start pressure washing pathways and buildings, clean things up a bit
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