the storm never came


Looking at the forecast we were expecting a gust (to 40knots)on the 17th but it stayed pretty calm .Just a big swell came from East. When we had a look on the website Windyty the wind was on the West coast outside and on Victoria and the North of Vancouver Island. The sky has been very cloudy with a dark sea  and rain never far.The air temperature was a higher and the water too( around 7 degrees Celsius.) In the morning of the 18th in a gloomy atmosphere the flag was hanging like a stick for a while and like the day before keeps changing its direction all the time . The tides are really high. never saw them like that before


Everything is fine in the nursery .The big male spend his days closed to the females and babies ,waiting for his turn and sometimes trying to get one or the other but to now without success. We got the visit of a few eagles and some geese .


More wood split and stacked. The desalinator and generator are on almost everyday . Guy hauled up with the crane a very long log around 30feet. The last 200 liters of gas oil have been transfered to the yellow tank.We have now 7 barrels empty ready to be filled up and 2 Propane bottles. The barrels bottoms have been got rid of rust  and repainted.


One watching boat almost everyday


Boat shed roof repaired


Very nice weather 15 to 20 knots East wind . calm day


Now every 2 hours  the baby got fed and everything looked fine. the baby was not moving easily  and was crying a lot maybe from frustration or to get attention. It was really nice to see everything from the window .


Kyle came with his wife and helped Guy on the boat shed roof. it badly needed repairs and patches of shingles before the heavy rainy days expected next week.

Marine activity

One whale watcher boats with freezing people ! and a plane above in the afternoon


The new one and mum get settled





Wind:11knots,North East

Sky:Clear to cloudy

Visibility:Over 15miles


Everything was going smoothly for the the new one.We missed the birth for one minute looking for our camera. It was so quickly done . What was very nice to watch and listen were the fist interactions between the 2. The male coming from sea one hour letter was also pretty dramatic : the female trying to protect the young one but she couldn’t help a full inspection. After that he went away observing closely the situation from a distance. The placenta went out 6hours later for the delight of a gull keeping the others out of the way.The baby was already looking for the tits and the mother tried to help him but no feeding for that day.


Visitors :Kyle brought James . and he put a camera up ready for the next coming birth in a few days.

2 new female Elephant Seals


Wind:at 8:00 12km/h North East

Sea : calm,no waves

Visibility :over 15 miles


At low tide I discovered 3 couples of oystercatchers. Many hunting and watching eagles around ,some very big and immature ones. At night the big male Elephant Seal and one of the female came closed to the house ,lying against each other and she was complaining at times.

Census and calm day


Wind :went down around 10:00AM to 13knots

Sky: Nice and sunny and cold day




Elephant Seals:2 (1 female in the evening + the boss)

Sea lions:65

Harbour seals:34


Harlequin Ducks:14

Black turn Stones:10


Eagles :4


Camera 5 cleaned,battery in the crane house put in charge,desalinator and generator on


1whale Watcher vessel


changeover postponed day 4

Weather: Wind NE 30-40 in the morning decreasing to below 20 knots in the afternoon. Forecast looks good for a planned shift changeover tomorrow morning.

Boats: 3 ecotour vessels


  • collected several shingles that had blown off of the boat house overnight
  • another round of clean-up/pack-up for shift change
  • repaired 2 damaged extension cord plugs
  • raised a new flag on the flag pole
  • installed fresh chain on chainsaw

Shift changeover postponed day 2

Weather: The NE wind has continued over 30 knots and up to 50 over night and throughout the day.  Forecast says it will keep up a few more days.  Temperature at or below freezing.


  • The door to the fresh water cistern was blown off its hinges overnight, I did a rough, temporary fix with new set of hinges.
  • Several shingles have blown off or are flapping, some more soffit blown off
  • cut and chopped firewood