Weather: 10 knot N wind
- Due to cold temperature and frozen ground/puddles birds that scavenge in the mud (turnstones) and depend on fresh water (geese) have been absent lately. Today temperature is above freezing and ground is mostly thawed.
- Census:
- Peregrine Falcon: 1
- Harlequin ducks: 8
- Bald Eagles: 7
- Cormorants: 82 (see photos, poor lighting for distinguishing pelagic vs double crested)
- California sea lion: 84
- Northern sea lion: 33
- Black Turnstone: 1
- Sparrow: 1
- Elephant Seals: 2 females and 1 male (Chunk) on West Rock, 1 male on Great Race
- Gulls: see photos (Gulls NE and Gulls West Rock)
- harbour seals: 25
- pelagic cormorant, harlequin ducks, and double crested cormorant (wings spread)
- Pelagic and Double Crested Cormorants
- Pelagic Cormorant and Harlequins
- Gulls NE
- Gulls West Rock
- Peregrine
- Sealions
- Sparrow
- 1 dive boat
- 2 sailboats passed by the outside of the reserve
- replaced in line water filter in basement of keepers house
- continued clean up in basement, built firewood storage rack for better circulation.