
visibility greater then 15 kms.

sky clear

wind 6 knots from the northeast

sea calm


Sea Lions 1072 (including the islets)

Gulls 1660

Cormorants 180

Canada Geese 21

Seals 36

Eagles 2

black turnstones difficult to count because they are so camouflaged (see picture below) but more then 50

Many humpback whales


4 distinct groups of whales this morning. Because they were so entertaining I watched them both from the lighthouse and the back porch for several hours. I also saw what I believe was a dolphin, it just broke the surface and it’s spout was much smaller then the whales. It’s spout was straight. I saw it blow several times about 5 minutes apart but I didn’t see it’s body.  it was only about 100 mtres from the lighthouse nowhere near the whales.

harlequin ducks were seen yesterday 2 males and one female


one group of about 200 sandpipers flying south today

I saw 5 groups on October 25 during gale force winds but none were as large as this group.Those were  between 10 and 100 individuals.