- Wind NE 15-20 increasing to 25 knots, clear sky, temperature low.
- Census. Numbers are low or zero for some species likely due to persistent cold temperature and wind which causes them to seek more shelter. Notable there is a relatively high count of Califiornia sealions, most of which were sheltered on the leeward, south side of Great Race:
- California sealions: 102
- Northern sealions: 72
- Elephants seals: 2M 1F
- Harbour seals: 53
- Bald Eagles: 2A 1J
- Cormorants: 27
- Gulls: 40
- Harlequin ducks: 4
- 2 ecotour
- Reboot of overloaded UPS in tower, communications restored.
- Wood clearing, cutting and chopping
- checking for potential freeze ups due to cold temperature