- Bald eagle adult 4
- Bald eagle juvenile 3
- Gulls, Glaucous and Western, Adult 97
- Gulls, chicks …. many, but unable to count without being disruptive
- Cormorants 8
- Pigeon Guillemots 53
- Oyster catcher 28
- Canadian goose 8 (including possible goslings, they are big and hard to tell from a distance)
- Sparrows 4
- Surf Birds 14 (on outer rocks, hard to tell specifics)
- Turkey Vulture 2
- Northern Elephant Seal Male 1
- Northern Elephant Seal 6 month old pup 1
- Harbour seal 143
- Harbour Seal pup 13
- California sea lion 2
- Steller Sea lion 8
- Sea Otter 1